When are you going to have another one?



  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    So we're in that middle stage - no birth control anymore, not actively trying to have another baby, but no effort to avoid pregnancy at this point either. Devon is now 4 1/2 months old. Call me crazy, but I'm ready for the next one (last one, since we only want two)!!
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    my last one born August 2012 was a c-section, that blew it for me.:(
    btw, i have six.i'm done.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    So we're in that middle stage - no birth control anymore, not actively trying to have another baby, but no effort to avoid pregnancy at this point either. Devon is now 4 1/2 months old. Call me crazy, but I'm ready for the next one (last one, since we only want two)!!

    Oh my word- that's exciting! I can't even imagine having another one right now, but I have a crazy 2 1/2 year old as well...there's definitely something to be said about having 2 close together and being done. Good luck!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    So we're in that middle stage - no birth control anymore, not actively trying to have another baby, but no effort to avoid pregnancy at this point either. Devon is now 4 1/2 months old. Call me crazy, but I'm ready for the next one (last one, since we only want two)!!

    That's super exciting!! Can't wait to hear your next pregnancy announcement :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Not sure! LO is 2 months old and I just got on BC last week so not ATM. I had such a fantastic pregnancy and labor that I wouldn't mind having another but who knows, I am perfectly happy with just having Jax :)
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I have 4 kids right now. My son is 5, daughter 3.5, daughter 2 and daughter 10 months (all roughly 18 months apart) We wanted it that way, and that's the way it happened. We said "it will be a little crazy during the young years" what we didn't realize is HOW crazy it would be!!

    As for having another one - we're both on the fence about it, but I'm leaning on yes, with a possibility of no, and hubby is vice versa... BUT we have for sure said that NOTHING happens til every last pound is gone!! I'm not having another overweight pregnancy,a nd I WILL be in shape the summer - all summer! So we've agreed not to make any decision til the end of the summer/early fall, which would make the last two babies roughly 2 years apart...

    I am a LABOUR and breastfeeding JUNKIE!! lol call me crazy, that's almost one of the big reasons I'd do it again is to have just one more birth. I'm not one of those that doesn't feel any pain - it's for sure painful, I just get a charge out of doing something SO intense and awesome!! Plus, I adore breastfeeding even though 3/4 babies have been tounge tied and cause a lot of pain and damage to me until we got them clipped (obviously, my first was the worst, we couldn't get it figured out for over a month, and I was in pretty bad shape - the other ones, it was the first thing I looked for after birth so I knew if I needed to get in to have it cut right away!)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I have two right with a very large age gap my son is 9 and I just had my daughter 2 months ago. We always said we wanted 3 but it took me so long to get pregnant with #2. We wanted a 3-4 year age gap between the first 2 and we tried for 3 years before giving up and we accepted that we would only have 1 and then 1.5 years later I am pregnant and we were excited, but right now we are content we have no room for another one anyways plus my husband turns 40 this year and he doesn't want to be an old dad. Like I always say never say never because thats when you make a liar out of yourself. This last pregnancy took a toll on me and it was hard I was in a lot of pain towards the end. My hubby and I joke that if we did it again I would give birth at home because of how fast all my deliveries were with my son labor was 6hrs from start to finish with an epidural and my daughter was 4hours start to finish w/o epidural (dilated too fast). After doing it w/o the epidural really do not want to do that again and I know if I did my labor would only be 2hours. As it is I practically had my daughter in the car which traumatized my husband. If I did have another one I want to lose a lot more weight first I didn't with my daughter and I think that is why I had so much pain.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I want to get down to about 140 first. I am 175 right now and just had a baby. She is 6 months. My first is almost 3 so i like a couple years in between them. I know we are definitely having more kids but probably not for 2 years or so. :)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Just reading this thread makes me want another one! My LO is 14 weeks and just a doll! She's not the best sleeper or eater but a good baby. I would love another but I just remember how paranoid I was with my last pregnancy (it was my first also). Constantly worried, is baby moving too much, not enough, am I hurting the baby, etc. I'm guessing the second one will be better but who knows!

    I would love my kids to be close in age because I can see the connections between my siblings and my husband and his siblings. He's closest with his sister who is 22 months younger and I'm closest with my brother who's 20 months older. I think just typing this out helped me make a decision when I want to start trying again! Haha! It's a nice little gap and I'll be hoping for a boy- just to even things out!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Oh and that time frame would allow me to get my body back and enjoy it for a few months! :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm thinking I would want them to be around 3 years apart...I don't want 2 in diapers! I don't want to think about being pregnant anytime soon though, and next time I have to go straight to a c-section, so no labor. So maybe we will start trying when he is around 2. At this point I can't imagine having another one, but I always wanted 2. I'm sure when he starts getting bigger...I will be more ready!
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    My daughter will be 3 in April and my son just turned 3 months on Tuesday. We are done. While I was blessed with two pretty quick natural births the pregnancy this last time was hard on me (coupled with working full-time and taking care of a toddler and house). Also the cost of daycare for two is just about as much as we can handle.
    I did think about a 3rd, maybe in 4 our 5 years, but I think at that point I'd like to use that money that would go towards another kid to do fun trips as a family since the kids will be at an age where they can appreciate it.
  • GinE73
    GinE73 Posts: 68
    Hopefully sooner rather than later. =) We TTC for 7 years (yes, 7 years!) before we were blessed with our son who is now 5 months. We had a hell of a time conceiving and then I had super bad nausea throughout the whole pregnancy and a 22 hour labor. I think that seeing my son has erased alot of the pain memories so I am willing/hopeful to be able to do it one more time. We are hoping that we can conceive naturally this time around *fingers crossed* but if it doesn't happen by next summer, we will def go back to fertility treatments. I only have a few more years before I fall into the "high risk" pregnancy age so we are hoping it happens before then.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    We have a 8 week year old and a 19 month old right now. I really would like a third but I want to finish school, go back to work, and get in better shape. I am giving myself a year or two before we have our last child.