Starting Insanity

Hello everyone. I am starting Insanity next week. I am planning on doing the fit test on Sunday. If there is anyone else starting around that time, I would love to share our progress. I think that would be a motivating thing for me. I am a 5'11" male that weighs around 245 lbs: I have a wedding in November and I would love to be down near 200 at that time if it is possible.

I am looking forward to hearing from everyone


  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    Love insanity...taking a break from it to do some Combat workouts...but have done the workout twice through and loved it...

    Best of luck to you :)
  • Hello, I started the Insanity Workout in the last Monday, Jan 21.
    I'll love follow your progress, and share my results with you.
    Stay strong. Good luck for us!
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    I just started (or rather, recommited myself) today :) All of my results will be on my blog, including my horrible before pictures and measurements :sad: And, once I have them, my after pictures. If you want to add me as a friend, we can motivate each other
  • Cupcakebettiejo
    Cupcakebettiejo Posts: 125 Member
    I to started on Monday 21st, feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other. 2 sessions in, it's hard but going to be oh so worth it in the end.

    Good luck.
  • I just started week2 of Insanity but am taking a couple of days off due to a small calf muscle strain. Planning to restart on Monday, so feel free to add me if you want. I'm 258lbs right now so we're roughly in the same place

    Word of warning from someone a week in front of you: Pure!
  • I am just finishing week #1. You can definetly reach your goal, but remember that Nutrition is 80% Insanity can only deliver 20% of your goal...
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Good news! You're starting off early enough to hit your goal in November. Alot of people expect to lose tons of weight in a very short time. While it can be done it usually takes a longer period and when you work at it for long periods you are much more able to keep it off. I've been through a Insanity 2x, a P90x/Insanity hybrid 1x, and now I'm onto Insanity Asylum. I have been at it 6-7 days a week since June 2012 and I am extremely happy with the results so far. Fact is I have been keeping it off and still slowly moving down.
  • alwheat86
    alwheat86 Posts: 1 Member
    I am re-starting today! I have started several times before, make it through the first 3 weeks, then quickly lose motivation and gain back my laziness :( Extra support would be greatly appreciated!
  • So I started yesterday and I made it through the fit test( barely). Here are my results, I don't think they are that great though

    Switch Kicks 50
    Power Jacks 40
    Power Knees 63
    Power Jumps 20
    Globe Jumps 7
    Suicide Jumps 5
    Push Up Jacks 5
    Low Plank Oblique 40

    Pretty sore today but looking forward to seeing what's in store tonight
  • Cupcakebettiejo
    Cupcakebettiejo Posts: 125 Member
    Hey, don't see anything wrong with those results. It will only get better so i wouldn't worry.

    To make you feel better here were mine:

    Switch Kicks (2 kicks =1 rep):37
    Power Jacks: 38
    Power Knees: 70
    Power Jumps: 13
    Globe Jumps (4 jumps count as 1): 7
    Suicide Jumps: 8
    Push-Up Jacks: 5
    Low Plank Oblique: 20
  • hi am on day 9 and looking for motivation. its eating that i always struggle with. i find it hard to resist unhealthy food :(

    if anyone would like to add me i would like the encouragement and motivation :)
  • Days 3 and 4 completed
  • My second week was done! I feel so good and pretty much strong to keep going!
    My thighs and arms are really thankful for this!
  • Hi I did the fit test today and was better than I thought. Looked at the pylometric cardio tomorrow and that scares me. I'm quite fit for my age - 53, but need to lose at least 20 pounds. I weigh 164 pounds and I'm 5 foot 5 inches. I'm trying to do alternate day fasting as well but on my fasting days going to increase from 500 to 800 calories whilst doing Insanity and have 2000 calories on my non fasting days.

    Fit test results

    switch kick 110 counting them individualy
    power jacks 45
    power kneeds 66
    power jumps 24
    globe jumps 28 (7)
    suicide jumps 9 - these were the worse thing for me!!
    push up jacks 17
    low plank obliques 50

    I just completed Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, do body attack once a week, spinning class once a week and circuits once a week. I will just be doing the circuits and body attack in place of 2 days of insanity as can't give these up, so will take me nearly 3 months to complete insanity!! We can do it!!!!!!
  • I will be doing the fit test today! I have a lot to lose but I am not in a tight schedule either so we shall see!
  • f1tforever
    f1tforever Posts: 39 Member
    Today is day 3 of month 1 -- so just starting out here!

    It is soo tough! But after it is over, it feels so goood! :D
  • cathyproteau
    cathyproteau Posts: 18 Member
    Hello I just finished day 3 of month one, it's a very tough workout but after you make it you feel SOOO good :). I've just gotten back into working out and this is the most intense exercise I've EVER done but only because I've never been very athletic since I was in my early teens, so that's why I feel I'm finding it tough.... I'd give the advice that try not compare your ability to do the exercises with the people on the DVD but do what you can, take breaks when you need but always come back to it and modify exercises if needed!! I struggle with feeling I'm not doing well compared to the others on the DVD so I really need to work on that myself... Good luck and keep in touch with your progress, you can do it !!!!