
I had a moment over the weekend where I started feeling like i'm not seeing even a hint of progress. I've been lifting heavy since the summer...I will be transparent and say that my eating is not always clean, but overall, I have stayed between TDEE and BMR. I love my dance and kickboxing, so I haven't quit cardio. What's a girl to do? Over the summer when I was starting to look my best, I was doing an hour cardio at least 3 times a week and lifting about 3-4 days a week. That's when I had the best definition! I don't know what the heck is wrong. I just feel fluffy...I'm really trying not to cut my calories because I know that it will be counterproductive. Any suggestions?? ~Crystal


  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I know that there are a lot of different approaches to fitness, but I can tell you what has worked best for me....

    I have seen the best results with a combination of both. I usually lift 3 x per week and run on the off days 2-3 x per week. I really feel like the running has leaned me out a little more, and it's after I'd started running that people have commented on the changes my body has made.

    I started the C25K program at the end of June, and now I will either run an easy 5km or a little bit more, 1 or 2 times per week and a shorter 20 minute run for speed work. I switch it up and it depends on my available time or mood. :) I like to get out there and run mainly for the mental benefits that it gives me now! :)