Week 4

mznortiz Posts: 88 Member
I have been really happy with my progress. I can't believe I am still doing this program. I really enjoy lifting. I love that I am getting stronger. I just finished my first day of Week #4 workouts. I have not lost a single pound. But my clothes are fitting loser. So I don't plan to revisit the scale until I am done the program. It messes with my head. I took a sneak peek at Phase 2 (Week 5)...oye...I'm intimidated already! But that's so next week...let keep focused on this week.

How's everyone doing so far? Anyone else on Week 4? How's your eating plan going? I'm not as strict...especially on the weekends. But I am eating cleaner than I was 4 weeks ago.


  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I did the first leg day of week 4 today and I am also loving it! I am going to push myself more to increase weights which I did today! My eating plan isn't too bad! I'm not following it 100% but I don't think I'm doing bad! This is what today will look lilke

    Breakfast- 5 egg whites
    After workout- protein shake and bannana
    Lunch- tuna w/ olive oil mayo & green beans
    Afternoon snack- pumpkin protein bars, greek yogurt w/ pomegranate, and cocoa covered almonds (blue diamond)
    Dinner- spaghetti w/ whole wheat noodles & green beans
    Evening Snack- carrots and snap peas w/ hummus
  • Week 4 here also! I've been sticking to the meal plan as much as I can except on the weekends...I also end up having coffee with cream, and picking on more food than usual. I set up all my food today, including Jamie's Monster meatloaf and 3 bean chili so no excuses here! I love lifting so far also and noticed a difference in my biceps the other day (yay!). The only thing is that I've been doing cardio. I know some people are against this but I personally love cardio and as long as I'm getting toned I don't think it'll hinder my progress. Cheers to week 4!!
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Sorry for asking a stupid question, but what plan are you referring to? I'd ditch the scale as well, if your clothes fit better that is a Victory. Have a good week!
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I just weighed myself this morning, and was happy to see I was FINALLY down some weight. I'm just trying to eat clean and follow the workouts. I'm also eating every three hours, which is keeping me energized (which I'm loving!).

    Has anyone been doing cardio? I have a little bit here and there, but I definitely prefer lifting to cardio. Looking forward to starting phase 2 and seeing what kind of changes my body makes there. Right now, I can see my arms getting "muscle bumps" (ie, looking more toned in my upper arms/shoulders), and a more pronounced collar bone, but that's about it.
  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm not as cool as you all, ee hee, I'm on week 3 though, so I will be there soon! This gives me hope and helps to reassure that I'm not going crazy by the scale not moving down yet! Whew. I am noticing some strength, but no real definition/change in measurements yet, so we'll see how it all changes from here on out!

    Thanks for the inspiration ladies!! YOU ALL ROCK!
  • MrsH2132012
    MrsH2132012 Posts: 67 Member
    I've read so many reviews of LiveFit and the 2 things that are mentioned the most are 1. they wish they would have eaten more! aka build more muscle and 2. not done cardio until week 5 (eats your muscle!)

    Cardio is coming, stay away from it til week 5...if you can ;)
  • MrsH2132012
    MrsH2132012 Posts: 67 Member
    Is anyone else in here following Lacey Marks? There is a huge group on FB just for LiveFit via Lacey

    Not everyone is on the same page, so I was glad to find this group :)
  • MrsH2132012
    MrsH2132012 Posts: 67 Member
    sorry guess I'm having posting issues :|
  • kaci_g
    kaci_g Posts: 4
    Hello Ladies, I'm starting week 3 of the diet plan but week 2 of the workout plan. I must say I have been doing a little cardio here and there and I'm down 5 lbs. I have been following the diet pretty good with the exclusion of one cheat meal on the weekend. I have found that preparing my snacks on Sunday's has helped me stick to the plan. I've been making the carrot cake protein bars, chocolate protein bars, turkey muffins, and packed almonds as snacks.
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    I am in week 4 and I've been doing cardio since week one. This is the second time I've started this program (sadly I didn't finish last time). The first time followed it exactly like it's written, this time throwing I'm throwing in 3 or 4 days of cardio. Honestly I'm seeing just as great of results this time around as last time. I'm training for a half marathon and not doing cardio just isn't an option.

    Who else is nervous about next weeks work outs? HOLY COW! That is going to be a lot bigger time commitment in the gym but I know it's going to be worth it!
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I am in week 4 and I've been doing cardio since week one. This is the second time I've started this program (sadly I didn't finish last time). The first time followed it exactly like it's written, this time throwing I'm throwing in 3 or 4 days of cardio. Honestly I'm seeing just as great of results this time around as last time. I'm training for a half marathon and not doing cardio just isn't an option.

    Who else is nervous about next weeks work outs? HOLY COW! That is going to be a lot bigger time commitment in the gym but I know it's going to be worth it!

    I am excited for next week! I like that every 2 weeks there is a change! I am hoping to SEE change in my body once cardio is added. I think my hips have gotten smaller but I can't tell since ya know, I see myself every day!
  • amhwh
    amhwh Posts: 25 Member
    I'm on Week 4. So far I've seen some strength gains and what looks like a little more definition in my arms and legs, but haven't weighed myself and I've been having bloating issues (related to a health condition). I'm hoping when I measure at the end of the week that the bloating is gone and I can see some improvements. :)

    Week 3 was rough for workouts and eating due to being sick so I probably lost a little momentum but my motivation is still strong. I've also enjoyed reading and posting here more than I thought since I tend to be very shy online, but it's been a great motivator to see everyone else's progress. Thanks everyone :)
  • I'm on week 4 also. It's been a fun ride so far!:) I've been taking progress pics each week (and trying to wear the same outfit) so I can look at progress from week 1 to week 12. Scale is not an accurate count of progress for me as I don't really have much to lose so a pound here or a pound there won't really tell me much. I'm not following her meal plan because I have a lot of food issues (chicken, oatmeal, make me sick...), but I do eat clean. I can't survive on chicken breasts and oatmeal for the rest of my life, so I decided to go the route of food that I could stick to and be creative with cooking cleanly.