Natural Mama Looking for like minded friends :)

Hi All, Im a mom of 4 on a journey to all over better family health. We are constantly transitioning to a cleaner diet & more natural life style. My family has various food allergies & so I have to consider multiple restrictions along the way which is why I take it slow, or it would totally overwhelm me! :) I can get carried away w various natural living topics though & my extended family thinks I'm quite amusing at times.. Hahaha! But I absolutely love the way God created things so figure why not live as close to that as possible!? anyways... It would be awesome to add some more like minded people along this journey. So send me a friend request if you would as well! ~Thanks!


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    anyone can add me! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • LadyMud17
    LadyMud17 Posts: 193 Member
    I am a SAHM of two loving littles, and we have had to deal with our fair share of food allergies,, (none right now currently, but you never know!) I have done the no wheat, dairy, soy, eggs for a while,, that was a good time while bfing! I also homeschool, and I usually refer to myself as quite hippy, crunchy :) If you would like to friend me,, please do!
  • Trishkamama5
    Trishkamama5 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks ladies! :)