dark chocolate

I've read some places where people say they are paleo but are eating dark chocolate. What are the guidelines here? I'm looking for brands, etc.


  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I usually keep a large chocolate bar or two around the house and break off a square when i need a fix. It should be at least 82% dark chocolate. They have them by %'s at Target. I had some milk chocolate over the weekend (bad me, i know) and it about sent me over the edge.. way to sweet. I used to hate dark chocolate.. but now its all i need.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    It's not Paleo, because it has added sugar. It is Primal, because... well, because Mark Sisson likes it and so it is. And, he details the health benefits of it here:

    And his top 5 brands here: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-5-best-dark-chocolate-bars-in-the-world/#axzz2IkSN6qEe

    I try to buy whatever is over 70% and on sale. Many are gluten-free, and they're labeled as such if you buy at Whole Foods or other health food store. Avoid ones with soy lecithin and too many crazy chemicals. Although I buy Chocolove which does have soy lecithin sometimes, cuz they're a local company.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I usually keep a few bars of 72% Trader Joes dark Chocolate on hand.

    This Christmas I bought a pack from Trader Joes called Take Flight- they are 70% and have interesting flavor combos - like cinnimon and chili (OMG so good), sea salt and black pepper. Each bar breaks into 3 little bars - a 1/3 of the bar is under 100 calories and the perfect little treat when you need it...

    I think it is a difference between saying to yourself - hey I'm going to have dark chocolate everyday because I can...vs it is a treat, you have it when you feel the need for a treat and something sweet. For me that is about 2x's per week. So to have a piece of chocolate 2x's a week is negliable in the big picture...IMO...
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    this is my "treat" I usually have 85% or higher...organic at least is possible, had some last night dipped in sunflower seed butter...OMG
  • Thanks! That helps a lot. I'm just finishing up week 2 of paleo and I'm down 9 lbs. :)
  • kannd86
    kannd86 Posts: 42
    I've been eating Lindt 85% dark chocolate, and I'm gonna try 90% as soon I get my hands on some!
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    I've been eating Lindt 85% dark chocolate, and I'm gonna try 90% as soon I get my hands on some!

    I've got some Lindt 90% (Target had it) now, quite tasty. Or maybe it just seems that way since I've dumped the refined carbs and sugar.

    But I've found I don't "need" chocolate like I used. So I don't have it so often.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    It's not Paleo, because it has added sugar. It is Primal, because... well, because Mark Sisson likes it and so it is. And, he details the health benefits of it here:

    And his top 5 brands here: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-5-best-dark-chocolate-bars-in-the-world/#axzz2IkSN6qEe

    I try to buy whatever is over 70% and on sale. Many are gluten-free, and they're labeled as such if you buy at Whole Foods or other health food store. Avoid ones with soy lecithin and too many crazy chemicals. Although I buy Chocolove which does have soy lecithin sometimes, cuz they're a local company.

    depending what the sugar is from, it can be considered paleo. It doesn't have dairy, soy, or grains, and those are the main things.

    what you want is high %, 85 or more, and the least amount of ingredients.

    i enjoy lindt excellent for a treat sometimes. It's got brown sugar, but not a lot else.
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    I too go the Lindt route, above 80% dark. One of the things to avoid is soy lecithin. So just check the labels.

    It's healthy, yummy, and not a lot of sugar when you get the dark stuff.

    I actually don't mind dark baker's chocolate. But I'm odd.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I'm just considering having dark chocolate as a paleo treat! Other than the percentage of dark (above 72% seems recommended and avoiding soy lecithin, correct?) ** what specific brand have you found is the most true to paleo?
  • dwest1976
    dwest1976 Posts: 41 Member
    I ordered a box of the Lindt 90% from Amazon when I started Paleo. I have 1 or 2 squares a day and it has:
    a) satisfied my sweet tooth and
    b) not had any adverse effects on my weight loss campaign
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I try I have some chocolate every day, if I can. IMO... Life's too short to not enjoy chocolate. It's not that highly. Processed "candy" out there that comes in a variety of weird colours, flavours and the like. It's delicious, dark bliss that's been around for at least a thousand years now. I freaking love it.

    I usually shoot for 80% or higher, so either Lindt's Excellence or Green&Blacks. Regardless of any controversy about either product (slavery vs soy and whatever), they taste damn good, and I'm not gonna stop enjoying a few squares now and then. I also sometimes indulge in some Whittakers Dark Ghana.
    I don't mind Flakes, either. They go fantastic in chocolate avocado mousse.

    And you'll never take my Turkish Delight away from me. Ever.