Who gained and who lost at stage 1?



  • tigertrax3
    tigertrax3 Posts: 37 Member
    I just started stage 2. I didn't really lose any weight(although i wasn't watching my food intake the way i should have been) but i lost like 7 total inches. I'll take it. lol
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    I am still in stage 1. I completed 1B3 last week and will be starting with 1A4 tomorrow. Before officially starting, I did workouts A & B twice each at home over a two week period while I continued to do 30DS and some cardio. If you include those two weeks, I've lost 6.6 pounds. If you exclude those two weeks, I've lost 4. I've also lost inches and BF%. I do have quite a bit of weight to lose. I try to really challenge myself with the lifting and keep my diet clean, with some occasional treats and snacks. I'm working on making sure I have enough protein in my diet. 150g on non-lifting days seems to be where I am settling in. I haven't done anything extra beyond a solid 10 minute warm-up on the elliptical. I am going to start walking a few days a week while my 4-year old is in preschool. I haven't started yet because the weather here has been ridiculous (cold, windy, snowy).

    ETA: I'm almost 5'9" and eat 1700 cal on non-lifting days and 2000 cals on lifting days. I currently weigh about 192.
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    I do want to add that while I know I clearly have weigh to lose, and I'm sure I will continue to along the way, I am much more focused on BF% and inches
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Weight loss is a dance. You have to find the right combination of calories in & out.

    I have not started NROL yet, I want to finish the last 2 weeks of Insanity first. When I eat less than 1900 I hold onto my weight. But when I upped my cals to 2200 I dropped 3 lbs in a week. Plus I don't have much to lose, 15, maybe 20 lbs at the very most and from what I've read in a few different places, if you work hard you need to eat more to lose the weight.

    I use the BB site to figure out my cals. For NROL I put in Chalean Extreme because it's a 3 days a week lifting program:

    I used this calculator and it told me to eat 1300 calories. Yikes - no way - that's wayyy too low!
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I've just started stage 2 and have gained 6lbs. I was almost underweight starting, but not sure what to blam this gain on. I don't mind putting on weight if it is muscle, but this is a lot of weight for a short time frame. I have been eating at or around maintenance so not sure why I'm gaining? My weight is currently 119lbs, I'm 5'5" and I'm eating around 1900 cals per day. Scooby calculates my cals at 2400 per day but that is a lot more than I'm happy to eat, especially with the gaining as it is. Anyone else struggling? I'd be less concerned but I have just redone my measurements and they are up too :-(
    It's fascinating to read the different calorie intakes that people are eating. I am not being very strict with eating to be honest and focusing more on fitness. I don't have much to lose although I'm shorter (5'4) and heavier (135 lbs) than you and my calorie goal according to the book is around 1800. I was pleased to maintain since starting this (I'm 2/3 of the way through stage 1) but didn't take measurements so am going by how my clothes fit (a bit looser I think.)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I don't follow the book's nutrition per say. I have been doing TDEE - 20% and eating around 1800 calories every day with 40/30/30 macros. Some days I eat slightly more, some slightly less. At the beginning of stage one I weighed 161 pounds, and had a BF% of 36. By the end I weighted 155 lbs, and had a BF% of 34.5.

    Keep in mind I was running 3 days a week and weight lifting 3 days a week, alternating each with one day of complete rest.

    Going into stage two (after a two week break of weight lifting) I weigh 151 and have BF% of 31.7.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Fantastic results rduhlir.

    I should have specified - my maintenance calories according the book are 1800. Weight loss are 1500.
  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    I have gained about 1.5 lbs but I hope it's just muscle. I was already at goal weight before so I am on maintenance. I need one of those body fat scales!!
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    I just completed wo 9 yesterday and I have gained 0.6 lbs since the start of the program. Meh pretty insignificant gain if u think I was eating on average 1800 per day.
    On the other hand I am down 1.2 inches and up in LBM. So really happy with the results so far and just goes to show that the scale is not the best indicator of success when strength training.

    All that being said, the reason I keep doing this program is because I honestly enjoy it !!!

    @ rduhlir --> fantastic results especially in BF %. How do you determine ur BF%?