Hey Vixens

tslose Posts: 419 Member
Hi all. My name is Tracie. There was some confusion and evidentially I was put on two teams. This one and team 11. Team 11 has fallen and now I am on or back on this one. I did not know I was on both otherwise I would of checked in. I am really trying to stay motivated . I have lost a few pounds and would like to keep losing. I know everyone has busy lives and don't want to glue themselves to social media like this one. But I was wondering if anyone wants to step up the chatter on the forum? It helps to hear what others are doing and how they are staying motivated. If no one wants to- thats fine. I just want to know what to expect because I when check the forum and hardly anyone is posting (other than our team captain I am disappointed. Thanks. And no matter what good luck to everyone on their journey to health and weight loss!


  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Welcome Tracie! We're so glad to have you on our team. If you haven't already can you please update your weigh-ins on our team spreadsheet or message me your weigh-ins so I can update it. Thanks.

    I agree our chatter on here has quickly died down compared to the first week. Any suggestions? Keep us posted on what your up to, how you're feeling or anything else you'd like to talk about. I'm also up for setting up a private facebook group if that is easier for people. Let me know.
  • tslose
    tslose Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks. I don't know that Facebook page would be any different. I think that people either want to chat and engage in the forum or don't. It will be interesting to see who else responds. Again I get how busy people are, i am not a huge participant but I do like a little chatter and know that others have the same challenges as I do and how everyone handles. Thanks. I look forward to completing this challenge with The Vixens!