Time to kick the fat on its face!

Hey all,
M Niharika. Age-20 height-5'1" current weight- 183.6 pounds starting weight-191pounds. Lost around 7 pounds n still losing doing Shaun T's HipHop Abs. Currently on my 4th week.
Now my why..
Well, I have been overweight all my teenage, the lightest I remember myself was 115 pounds when I was in my 8th grade. That is like in 2005-06! N henceforth I have only been putting on weight! People commented n made me d butt of their jokes bt I was like blah I don't care! I have been a excellent student when it came to academics, so no1 could as such say anything to me on my face! Bt yes, I have seen people mocking me behind my back. By the time I reached grade10 all that stuffs finally started affecting me, I started getting depressed, bt still I didn't allow the depression to show. I thought I was too young to join a gym n too busy with my school life to exercise. Bt yet after my 10th I joiners gym, I had a 3 month vacation n in that I was regular with my diet n exercise. Bt later when I joined my 11th grade, I had to leave gumming again, I was a science major n my college n classes gave me no time! Whatever 20pounds I dropped in those 3 months I gained them back! N by the time I came to my12th grade I had gained even more than I lost! It was horrible. I never had many friends, people used to jus keep taunting, I was rejected everywhere. I got depressedn it affected my family life, I started fighting with my parents, vented out my depression at them, blamed them for my state. (now I know what a fool I was).
I later joined a medical school. N here was where I found more welcoming people, got a good bunch of friends, became social, d dressing started to come off, bt I still hadn't started exercising, so what pushed me? Well 2 months ago, I visited my relatives, n when I saw that i was being discriminated against my other cousins who r "thin" n I was being taunted , I felt humiliated, I could see that being so academicallly brilliant wasn't enough, being good hearted wasn't enough, no1 counts u in If u don't look good! My parents slowly began to get ashamed of going around with me, though they were supportive bt it showed. Now, even i started thinking bad about myself, I refused being clicked, I refused to dress up, go out, I used to feel what's d use? M not gonna look good anyway!
Then in this December I discovered MFP. I knew it was high time I needed to change forever. I had to get health n fitness into my life. I have to show people that I can look good!
So I began, since1st of jan I began logging my food n exercise here n I can proudly say I haven't missed a single day! N I was under my calorie goal every single day! I just wanna keep pushing more n more, I want to get to 110 pounds by the end of this year, n I know it's possible.
Ok I know this post has got very long! So il jus wind up by saying- I wanna lose weight coz I know that Beneath the layers of fat lies a drop dead gorgeous girl!


  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Forgive the typos.. I just got too carried away with my emotions.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! YOu are totally gonna kick it!
  • FabnFit2013
    FabnFit2013 Posts: 80 Member
    for all those ppl you have the middle finger lol !! do the weight thing for urself :) ur awesome gal - u are gonna kick butt!!
  • shanematthews2
    shanematthews2 Posts: 40 Member
    Niharika - You are gonna do AMAZING! Just the fact you wanted to start says alot about you! I'm here and the rest of the group is here for you for anything you need!

  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you all... Those words really mean a lot!
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    You can do this your not tired you just got your second win!