Men = chicken?



  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    No, I don't think men are chicken.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Personally, I don't really like women who are "waiting for men". I don't go towards these women.

    This is one of my major red flags, actually... In a few words, for me it means the girl is going to be boring and annoying.
    With this (passive) behaviour in the early stage, I expect the girl to be very passive in the future relationship (not a very fun person, never organising something crazy) and also very demanding (as I would be the "entertainer", the girl would always turn to me and asks "what should we do now?" and "say something fun").
    I feel a woman like this would drag me down.

    Sad for you! Judging people that you have never spoken too seems like maybe someone needs a little more attention than he is willing to give.

    I disagree. All day everyday we make judgements about people we dont know or dont know very well. If in Florians experience he has found that women who dont ever approach men tend to be passive and want things planned out, then so be it...that is based on his wants and experiences. That is how we make all of our life choices, based on our needs, wants and experiences.

    So yes he is judging but we all do it in every decision we make, even those that involve complete strangers.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I mean this is truly something I don't understand. The guy who said he sees me at work and was afraid to ask me out because he thought I was too pretty.. what makes it different .. he is going to see me at work anyway .. after he has approached me online.
    Some people are shy and find it easier sending an email than approaching some in real life. What's not to understand? Also maybe he didn't realize you were single and looking until he saw you online.

    Shy or chicken ..

    So do you really want a guy that is too scared of you to come up and ask you out? Sounds like you would walk all over him. It's probably best this way.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I mean this is truly something I don't understand. The guy who said he sees me at work and was afraid to ask me out because he thought I was too pretty.. what makes it different .. he is going to see me at work anyway .. after he has approached me online.
    Some people are shy and find it easier sending an email than approaching some in real life. What's not to understand? Also maybe he didn't realize you were single and looking until he saw you online.

    Shy or chicken ..

    You seem pleasant...
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I mean this is truly something I don't understand. The guy who said he sees me at work and was afraid to ask me out because he thought I was too pretty.. what makes it different .. he is going to see me at work anyway .. after he has approached me online.
    Some people are shy and find it easier sending an email than approaching some in real life. What's not to understand? Also maybe he didn't realize you were single and looking until he saw you online.
    Shy or chicken ..
    Well I can see this thread is going nowhere. I should have known better when I saw 5th grade name calling in the first post.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member

    Well I can see this thread is going nowhere. I should have known better when I saw 5th grade name calling in the first post.

    Well it does get people talking, which is always good.

    I don't think being called a chicken is too much of an insult. I've been called much worse. :smokin:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member

    Well I can see this thread is going nowhere. I should have known better when I saw 5th grade name calling in the first post.

    Well it does get people talking, which is always good.

    I don't think being called a chicken is too much of an insult. I've been called much worse. :smokin:
    I'm most definitely not insulted, but it's beginning to feel like I'm having a conversation with a 5 year old.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    No way..

    Chicken tastes WAY better than men. Nomnomnom.

    eta: typoooo
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I don't really think it has anything to do with courage or being chicken or turkeys or whatever.

    I think that people in general rely too heavily on technology for communication. Someone said it better than I could try to sum it up... "Keyboard courage". I think that's BRILLIANT! (and I'm not even being facetious) I've noticed that some of the kids I teach are a lot more socially awkward than I remember anyone being when I was little. Why? 'Cause they all have ipods and cell phones and it's easier to talk to your friends online and text with them.

    And then it's just become easier and more convenient to check people out online. You can browse... You know for sure that they're single... Do a little window shopping. (Mike) It's just become the norm.

    Excuse my wording and sentence structure. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    I mean this is truly something I don't understand. The guy who said he sees me at work and was afraid to ask me out because he thought I was too pretty.. what makes it different .. he is going to see me at work anyway .. after he has approached me online.
    Some people are shy and find it easier sending an email than approaching some in real life. What's not to understand? Also maybe he didn't realize you were single and looking until he saw you online.
    Shy or chicken ..
    Well I can see this thread is going nowhere. I should have known better when I saw 5th grade name calling in the first post.

    Omg..are you kidding me right now?? Name calling? lololololol. Now that is funny.
  • GabeRami
    GabeRami Posts: 210 Member
    I don't know, I am much better in person then online. For some reason, I always feel like I can't write down a way to say hi. Sounds stupid, right? When I'm out, it's different. You got eye contact, you can see reactions, I guess I'm more comfortable actually talking with people than trying to introduce myself online. However, that won't stop me from sending someone I like a message. If it works out, great. If not well, there's other fish in the sea...;)