Family Support

This past Monday evening, my husband, one daughter, and myself exercised at home in a small space that has been set up as a mini gym. We collectively came up with a plan to exercise in a circuit type manner; 15 minute intervals on three seperate stations. Our little space is equipped with a treadmill, weights, WII, and Bowflex. No room for weight workout or WII if other large pieces of gym equipment are in use. So, what does the third party do for their 15 minutes? STAIRS! Our gym is on the second floor of our home so I did 3 sets of up and down the stairs (13 steps), 10 situps, 3 sets of up and down the stairs, lunges from one end of the upstairs hall to the other end, and back, 3 sets of up and down stairs, 10 crunches, and a very sad attempt at a push up. My 15 minutes was up. Much later in the evening, after getting ready to call it a night, I realized; I must climb those stairs! My legs quivered from the ground floor to the upper landing! I must admit though I smiled quite often during our 45 minute work out because of the family support on our individual "healthier us" journeys.