


  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    WEEK 3 CHECK IN = 183 lbs. Net change from start = 3 lb lose. What did I learn this makes a difference to do some 40 minute workouts during the week instead of the 20 minute workouts I originally planned to do. Basically increase calorie burn so I'm trying to do April's suggestion of 3500 calorie burn per week (500 per day).
    Another thing I did several weeks ago when I was not getting results is reduce my calorie goal by 200 calories.
  • cpmetz
    cpmetz Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on my 1st week of TJ. I'm doing 3 x per week TJ Cardio & 2x per week TJ 20 min & TJ Abs. At the end of week 1, I lost 1.5 lbs. I'm pretty satisfied with that, hope it will keep going.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    WEEK 3 CHECK IN = 183 lbs. Net change from start = 3 lb lose. What did I learn this makes a difference to do some 40 minute workouts during the week instead of the 20 minute workouts I originally planned to do. Basically increase calorie burn so I'm trying to do April's suggestion of 3500 calorie burn per week (500 per day).
    Another thing I did several weeks ago when I was not getting results is reduce my calorie goal by 200 calories.

    Awesome job! Unfortunately, I stayed the same this week...forgot to check in sorry! It's all good. I am going to shoot for 3500. Not sure I will make it this week. I am really not feeling too all this week. Ugh.
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    April, Thanks for the update. I was wondering when you didn't check-in Wednesday. Not feeling it is going to happen to all of us. Don't give up though. Just doing any type of activity is better than nothing at all. Only 3 more weeks left in this 6 week TJ challenge. And no weight change is not necessarily a bad things either....your muscles and body would have improved. So don't give up! Jab, jab, hook, kick, keep it going! :smile:
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    Good work cpmetz. 1.5 lbs is very good for one week. Will be looking for your progress after your week 2.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    April, Thanks for the update. I was wondering when you didn't check-in Wednesday. Not feeling it is going to happen to all of us. Don't give up though. Just doing any type of activity is better than nothing at all. Only 3 more weeks left in this 6 week TJ challenge. And no weight change is not necessarily a bad things either....your muscles and body would have improved. So don't give up! Jab, jab, hook, kick, keep it going! :smile:

    Yep, thank you! Chalene is engrained in my brain. Just bought Turbo Fire but, am not ready for it yet and will probably keep doing TJ until I feel ready for the Fire. It may be awhile but, it's incentive to continue and build endurance and strength and to look forward to something . Onward! :)
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Okay , I am determined next week will be better for me. Gained 1.8. Not giving up or getting upset about it, though. I am still coming here every day and refuse to let any set back keep my from my ultimate goal. :)
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    That's the right attitude! Very good.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Frustrating to see a gain but, I wasn't on point this week either. How'd you do?
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    WEEK 4 Check-in = 185 lbs. Net change from last weight = +2 lbs. Net change from start of TJ challenge = - 1 lb.

    Lesson this week.... monitoring weight is a roller coster...up down... but I do believe that I am on the right downward track. I'm trying and know my endurance is better than it was 4 weeks ago. So will keep marching on.
    Starting to think about what to do after Week 6 when this TJ challenge is over. Probably will join another group to stay motivate to lose weight and get more fit.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I may possibly try Turbo Fire. Just got it today. Don't know if I will be ready for that... I have also been doing 3500 calories a week burn (but you can do less or more than this...I can't do 3500 yet). There are people that do 7500 and up...which I just have know idea how one gets the time. I am shooting for 2500 this week. The other challenge I am in is lose 40-50 lbs in 2013. There Every week we weigh in on Wed. There are so many different challenges out there. It's a good variety. Keep up the great work! The scale isn't everything.
  • cpmetz
    cpmetz Posts: 12 Member
    Week 2 I lost .8 lbs. I didn't do any TJ this week because I've been sick in bed w/ flu. I hope to start TJ back up again tomorrow (-: I'm looking forward to it because I've missed the exercise!!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    So this week I am down 1 lb. I am happy, it's something instead of what scale was doing. Yay! Hope everyone is good.
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    WEEK 5 Check-in = 184 lbs. Lost 1 lb since last week. Lost 2 lbs since starting TJ. Looking for more lose next week.
  • cpmetz
    cpmetz Posts: 12 Member
    Week 3 / Lost 1.8 lbs. Total lost since starting TJ = 4.1 lbs. Also following the Shred diet which is basically 4 small meals plus 2-3 snacks per day. I feel like I'm eating constantly, but when I actually log the food it's about a 1200 calorie diet.
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    very good.
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    WEEK 6 Check-in = 181 lbs. This is my lowest recorded weight in 5 years!
    Net change from start of TJ = 5 lb lose.
    Net change from last week = 3 lb lose.
    Lbs away from goal weight = 6 lbs.
    Thanks dtban for starting this TJ challenge group and thanks to the members who offered words of support.
    Now trying BeFitin90 group.
  • cpmetz
    cpmetz Posts: 12 Member
    Week 4 / Lost 2.3 lbs. Total lost since starting TJ = 6.4. Total inches lost = 2.5
    I'm finding TJ to be a bit easy for me now. I'm looking into TJ Fire. Have any of you tired that one?
  • cpmetz
    cpmetz Posts: 12 Member
    Week 5 / Lost 2.5 lbs. Total lost since TJ = 8.9
  • bscales1
    bscales1 Posts: 33 Member
    How was week 6 cpmetz?