1/24/13 Weigh-In

Well, after an incredible weight loss last week, I gained 2 pounds back this week. :sad: I am soooooooo sick and tired of yo-yo'ing!!! :frown: I really thought I would at least maintain this week, so I was pretty bummed when I stepped on the scale. I did not work out much this past week, though, so that must have made the difference. I also need to get consistent with logging my food every day. It really helped me last week. Hope the rest of you did well! PLEASE POST both your victories and your setbacks! We are here to support each other in good times and bad! It's been quiet around here lately................ :indifferent:


  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    keep going you'll find your answer.

    Very disappointing when weight goes up and down. Keep your attitude positive. Definitely track your food daily, it gives you the best chance of success. We like to fool ourselves how well we are doing, logging keeps us honest and informed (sometimes the fooling isn't intentional). Keep tracking what does work and what doesn't work. Eventually you will find the right combo for you.
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    Out of town on business, Can't weight until Feb 4.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    aubsgg: Thanks for the encouragement!!! :smile: