Phase 2

Hey ladies! Today is my first day on phase 2. It will last for 2 weeks (I think) and will include all of the food from phase 1 plus meat. I find it very EASY to follow. However, I feel like Im getting bored with the DVD lol. But I promised myself I would at least do it 4-5x/wk for 4 weeks and incorporate my other dvds or go to the gym as well. I get bored VERY easily with doing the same thing over and over again lol.


  • gainess
    gainess Posts: 80 Member
    Lol, I know what u mean by getting bored easily. I haven't experienced that yet. I'm on wk1 day 4 but I can tell that this will be a problem for me as well. Good luck!
  • Dyamond08
    Dyamond08 Posts: 1 Member
    ive just started this dvd and it is very hard for me!...... For some reason i cant make it through the entire dvd but i am definently Ashey by using this dvd is that what helped you lose your first 30 lbs.?
  • mswatchmemelt
    mswatchmemelt Posts: 37 Member
    No the last 7lbs have been from following the plan, doing the DVD at least 4-5x/wk & incorporating other cardio as well
  • thehairfairi
    thehairfairi Posts: 7 Member
    I haven't gotten bored yet, but im concerned what will happen when i do
  • cyremarie
    cyremarie Posts: 3
    Honestly doing the same workout constantly can not only be boring but it can actually make it easier to hit a plateau. My original weight lost journey started at over 250 lbs and honestly if I hadnt changed my workout I wouldnt have lost so much weight thus far. Currently at 165lb with a goal of 125lbs or so. DON'T LET YOUR BODY GET USED TO THE WORKOUT.

    Switch it up! Perhaps by adding biking, hiking or walking prior to your workout. I personally do the gym in the mornings and the dvd in the evenings. In additon to that I do 2 out of 3 of the activities I listed previously.

    Good Luck!