Season 5

Anyone watch the new season 5 episode on facebook? Love the new cast! Who are you favorites so far? I really like Jinx and Roxie Andrews so far!


    I have been for a while, actually. As soon as I watched her Meet the Queen video, I knew I liked her. I mean, she's a theatre gal. And so am I! And she played Angel in a production of RENT! RENT IS MY FAVOURITE MUSICAL OF ALL TIME, OKAY. And then I ended up watching basically every video of her that exists on the internet and I know that she's my favourite.

    If you haven't watched her Monsoon Season videos on, DO IT. IMMEDIATELY. Also, the "Drag Becomes Him" videos on Youtube. Amazing.

    But I also love Alaska, Detox, Lineysha, and Ivy. I already knew Alaska and Detox, so they were instant favourites. When I saw Lineysha, I figured I would like her because she's very pretty and I usually tend to love the PR girls. Plus, both she and Ivy are costume designers, and I ALWAYS love the designing queens because a. I'm an aspiring costume designer and b. they always make amazing outfits.

    I'm so excited to watch them all in action!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I just watched the Drag Becomes him... I'm hooked on Jinkx already... Now I'm stuck on watching the makeup tutorials. :smile:
  • It might be too early to say, but I'm gonna predict that if Jinkx does not win (or make top 3), she'll be named Miss Congeniality. Because, uh, she's perfect and adorable and wonderful. I could honestly sit and watch videos of her all day long (oh wait, I have done that....)

    Here's a HILARIOUS one:
  • I would also just like to say that it is my mission to get Jinkx to cast me as her daughter in her Monsoon Season videos. Because, I mean....

    There's a total family resemblance there, am I right or am I right?

    (Also, in that picture, I am wearing Jinkx Monsoon lipstick! She has makeup for sale on her website! My roommate got me the lipstick for my birthday and I love it! The eyeshadow palette is going to be my reward when I lose another...ten pounds, I think it is.)
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I can totally see the resemblence. Your really pretty. You could totally pass for her daughter. If you need any votes or help with that, just let us know. :smile:
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    i love jinx but i also love winters...DAMN YOU RUE PAUL WHY DO YOU MAKE SO HARD lol
  • I am definitely liking Ivy. I am really looking forward to this outfit that they showed in the trailer!



    I don't know what that challenge is, BUT SHE'S WINNING IT. Girl is sickening when it comes to her costumes. I love it.

    Also, can we talk about these earrings she wore to the LA premiere?!

    I LIVE.
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    i love the ear rings! original=sexy to me
  • FIRST FULL EPISODE + UNTUCKED, HUNTIES. What were all of your thoughts?!

    My favourite part of the whole thing was in Untucked when Penny was saying that the others were mediocre and Jinkx came running in and yelled "WHO JU CALLIN' MEDIOCRE?!" I laughed so hard omg, I rewound it like 5 times to watch that part over and over again.

    Also, does anybody else watch Michelle Visage's elimination lunches on Tuesdays? I got hooked on them during All Stars (I literally left class early once JUST to watch the chat with Yara and Alexis. It paid off though, because I got to go on webcam with them and talk to Yara. And Michelle told me I was pretty (later on Twitter) so THAT was a pretty great day!) I'm so happy that she's continuing with them this season! I just watched the first one and it was great!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    The new season started off with a bang,....I am loving Detox! She reminds me of Raven. I also think Jinkx is adorable. The little Cha Cha gal (I cannot remember her name which is a bad sign)...needs to go. She looked a hot mess and she is annoying! I loved Alaska's plastic dress....I think th PR girl should have won though. She is soooo pretty and her wallpaper dress was so pretty.
  • I agree with all of that! Serena ChaCha was definitely the worst of the night outfit-wise, but man, Penny Tration was so not good during that lip sync. Serena wasn't much better, but at least she knew the words!

    My roommate and I have started making review videos for each episode. We just did our first one last night! If you wanna hear us talk about the episode, it's right here!
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    It's a bit early to really get on board with anyone, but I'm liking Detox so far. Until/unless Alaska does something ridiculous, I'll ride-or-die with her because I was (am) IN LOVE w Sharon Needles!!!!!!
  • AGREED about Alaska. Sharon is perfect and I'm pretty sure Alaska is just as perfect.

    Although, I'm already tired of people comparing them (not just on the show, but other people around the internet.) Because they're so different! Just because they're together doesn't mean that they aren't separate people/artists. And it's upsetting me! When Jade called Alaska a "Bad Sharon" I wanted to like...jump into the television and yell at her or something idk. I'm sure the first episode will not be the last episode of Alaska's fellow contestants comparing her to Sharon, either. I'm prepared for it, but it'll still upset me.
  • Thoughts about last night episodes?

    You can hear mine here:

    Or if you don't feel like listening to me jab for 16 minutes, I'll just make a quick list of my thoughts.

    What a silly mini-challenge! I loved it!
    Alyssa is weirdly beginning to grow on me.
    Jinkx getting upset made me extremely upset (there may have been actual tears, but I will neither confirm nor deny that.)
    Alyssa's Shangela was spot-on (but that's not surprising, since Alyssa is Shangela's drag mother!)
    Jinkx's Mimi was HILARIOUS.
    Roxxxy's Mariah looked PERFECT.
    Jade's Delta was...not great.
    Serena's Raja was a MESS.
    Ivy's Morgan was good.
    Honey's Mystique was fantastic.
    Vivienne's Tatiana was PER-FECT.
    Lineysha's Tyra was BEYOND PERFECT. She looked better than Tyra and had all of her mannerisms and it was GREAT. CLEAR WINNER.
    Coco's Lashaun was also completely perfect.
    Monica's Jiggly was lacking.
    Alaska's PhiPhi was funny, mostly with the makeup.
    Detox's Sharon had me crying with laughter, especially when she started spitting out blood, oh my god.
    They all looked relatively decent on the runway (except for a few.)
    Monica's confession was emotional and that was so brave of her and I think she's really strong and I hope that we'll get to see her turn it next episode now that she has that weight lifted off of her.
    Winner was obvious.
    Bottom two was obvious.
    Monica was giving me Rihanna realness.
    It was obvious who was going to get to stay.

    Yep. So! What were all your thoughts?!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I have been talking about it all morning with my co-worker......Our favorite lines from last night are......No She Better Don’t!........ “Sit yo’ *kitten* down and shut the h3ll up” indeed....... “You need to pucker up and impress me with the power of your pie hole!” Bahahhaha!

    So glad little miss Cha Cha and her granny panties are gone although her line about everyone needing to stop the ghettolexican language cracked me up!

    I am loving Ivy Wiiiiiinters and Jinkx. When Jinkx said she tried to tease her hair but just pissed it off I almost spit out my water. She is so funny and quirky which are my favorite combos in a queen.....Sharon was also quirky and quick like that.

    I was not feeling all warm and fuzzy about Monica and her "confession". I hate to think she was just playing it up for the show but it feels like it to me at this point. She did win the lip sync fair and square though....I might give her a second chance as long as the water works aren't a regular thing. Also, if she can be a queen, why can't I? Hmmm....just a thought, lol!

    As for Lineysha.....She rocked it as Tyra but she seems to be a bad can tell that she knows she is the *kitten* and looks very pissy when she doesn’t win (I do think she got robbed on the first episode). I think she was acting crazy as Tyra bobbing her head up and down before the actual filming to get the other girls off of their game...she is a cunning little queen IMO! Watch out for her....she is coming for them all.
  • herrhitman
    After watching Untucked I felt bad for Serena ChaCha. Everyone was seriously ganging up on her (well, except Jinkx) and it just seemed so sad. Sure she's not as polished as everyone else, and did deserve to go home, but I thought they were overly harsh.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    OK. I watched on Monday night. And I'm loving Ivy Winters. :heart: I really loved the red runway dress she wore. Very nicely made. And her hair and makeup. I guess they wanted more glizt or flashy for the red carpet runway contest. I got to watch a few episodes last Monday. I'm mad thou because I was all excited to hear Julliet Lewis's comments, but I fell asleep just a minute or two, right before she was on the show. :ohwell:
  • Guys, apparently two of the queens on this season fall in love~ and my friend and I have been going crazy since finding that out a couple weeks ago, trying to figure out who it might be! Who do you think it will be?!

    My friend and I have finally decided that we think it might be Detox and Roxxxy, pretty much only because they've been spending A LOT of time together. Detox has been coming to Florida quite a bit (and I haven't seen her at all because she comes to Orlando and that's far and things keep getting in the way UGH) and has even gone to some of Roxxxy's shows out of drag (my friend actually sat next to Detox at the bar at one.) But, I mean, I know that Detox and Roxxxy are good friends so I might be reading into it too much but I JUST WANT TO KNOW.

    (Part of me kind of wishes that it would be Jinkx and Ivy because OH MY GOD CUTE but Ivy has a boyfriend so it's not, boooo.)

    Anyways... thoughts? (Am I just being super creepy thinking about this too much? I probably am. But I can't help it!)
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Yeah!!! One good thing about Mondays..... Monday nights Rupaul Show... Makes the day less crappy.. One thing to look forward too.:happy:

    I hope its Jinx and Ivy too.
  • Yaaaay episode 3!

    Here are my thoughts in video form:

    Here are my thoughts in word form:

    This was like, one of my favourite mini-challenges EVER. SO MUCH FUN. A Lil Pound Cake is my favourite thing that has ever happened. Lil Pound Cake should win the whole show. I love Lil Pound Cake. I even got bored today and made my own Lil Pound Cake:


    Awww I love her.


    What a fun challenge! I am really enjoying the challenges so far this season.

    I honestly didn't think that Alaska's boy-drag was THAT big of a deal. She was still dressed up, had make-up on, was portraying a character... she just wasn't portraying a female character. But whatever. Detox had me laughing a lot. Vivienne was boring (but pretty!), Roxxxy was hilarious, Alyssa did a really good job, and Monica was a disaster. I mean, COME ON, GIRL. YOUR LINES ARE IN FRONT OF YOU IN A BOOK AND YOU'RE WEARING SUNGLASSES. Ergh.

    Jinkx was ADORABLE AND PERFECT (I am so biased but I can't help it!) and the rest of that team was... uh.... okay. It was disappointing that Lineysha just...translated the stuff into Spanish. Ivy looked so cute (and her Snuffalufagus outfit! Made of cassette tape! To die!) I didn't really understand Jade's makeup. The bit with Honey and Coco could have been REALLY REALLY funny but it was just a big ol' dud.

    I'm ready for the Coco and Alyssa drama to be done with. Like, seriously.

    Detox deserved the win (although I was kind of hoping that Jinkx would take it) and I honestly thought that Vivienne would have been in the bottom two. But since her and Coco's performances were about the same level, but Vivienne looked WAAAAY better on the runway (did. not. like. Coco's outfit. AT ALL) I guess it makes sense.

    But I think we all know the real winner of this episode...



    (Also, Michelle Visage promised me and my friend (via Twitter) that she would hang out and sing showtunes with us on the cruise. Eeeee!)
    But it isn't until November 30 and I have no idea how I'm going to wait that long aaaaaahhhhhhhh!