Season 5



  • herrhitman
    I'm ready for the Coco and Alyssa drama to be done with. Like, seriously.

    Me too. Although I'm sure the producers specifically picked the two in order to have the drama and they want to milk it as long as possible.

    Jinkx should've won, IMHO. Detox's runway outfit was terrible.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Heee love those graphics!!

    Did I see Jinx win last night????? Or was I imagining it??
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    Oh wow, we haven't done any discussing in a while, have we?



    I have seriously convinced myself that Jinkx is winning. I think the reason that they're showing Michelle's not-so-great critiques so much is because without that, then it would be too obvious that Jinkx is flawless and that there is nothing wrong with her. That said, I see what Michelle is doing, trying to break Jinkxy out of her comfort zone and have her really bring the glam just once. But Jinkx has been performing so well. I knew beforehand that she would win Snatch Game because there was no way that she couldn't. I'd seen videos of her Little Edie before. It was a given. There was no way she wasn't taking that. And I thought she could have won the singing challenge, too, but I agree with Ivy's win as well because not only did she perform well, but her runway was great too.

    At this point, my Dream Top 3 would be Jinkx, Ivy, and Alaska (which has actually changed my original Dream Top 3 from before the season started! I wanted Detox there but now, even though I still love her a lot, I'd rather have flawless perfect Ivy there.)

    I'm tired of Coco and I'm tired of Roxxxy. But I love everyone else!

    What are all of your feelings now that we've had quite a few episodes pass?!
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    Anyone have any thoughts about last night's episode?

    I'm a little bit annoyed that Coco won the challenge. Maybe it's just because I am not her biggest fan, but I didn't really...I don't know, I didn't really think she was that funny. In fact, her act reminded me way too much of Shangela's act in season 3's comedy challenge. For a second, I truly thought that I was going to hear "And I said WHAT" come out of Coco's mouth. I'm not saying that she was unfunny or anything! I just don't quite understand the win. I really thought that this would be Alaska's challenge to win. And Alaska did great! And so did Jinkx! And for a few seconds, I thought that maybe Jinkx would win, since Michelle finally loved the runway! But...nope.

    However, can I just say how HAPPY it made me that the other contestants are finally realizing that Jinkx is a huge threat to them? And I think they're scared and so they're picking on her insecurities and the fact that she's pretty humble and that's sad.

    When it came down to the lip sync, I knew that Roxxxy wouldn't go (based only on the fact that she's been shown in more outfits on the Untucked trailer) and I DID NOT WANT to see Alyssa go home because I adore her, so I was SO UPSET because I thought it would be Alyssa, but after that cryfest and the dramatic music started playing, I was like YES, THEY'RE BOTH STAYING.

    Untucked made me sad. I just wanted to hug Jinkx (again, because, y'know, I've totally actually hugged her a couple times in real life) when she was sad, and then when everyone was talking about her I was just like... I don't know, I guess if you're not used to people actually being nice all the time, then maybe you would see Jinkx as not being genuine, especially in a competition like that, but I really just think that Jinkx is a NICE PERSON and she's not trying to trick anybody. Of course, she is my favourite so I'm going to defend her, but STILL.

    Anyways, the real highlight of the episode....



    PRECIOUS. The whole narcolepsy things sucks, but at least Jinkx is an adorable sleeper.

    Kind of remind me of this...

  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Aaaargh... I missed it last night!! Darn it. I got stuck on watching this show called "Bar Rehab"

    Favorites are still............... Miss Ivy, and Jinkx

    Very nice new avatar pic there Kaylaandthest. :smile:
  • herrhitman
    herrhitman Posts: 111
    The last episode really made me dislike Roxxxy, so I was sad she wasn't sent home. I'm so glad Alaska put a stop to Rolaskatox, though.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    Guys, apparently two of the queens on this season fall in love~ and my friend and I have been going crazy since finding that out a couple weeks ago, trying to figure out who it might be! Who do you think it will be?!

    (Part of me kind of wishes that it would be Jinkx and Ivy because OH MY GOD CUTE but Ivy has a boyfriend so it's not, boooo.)

    My little Jivy-shipping heart is not okay right now.

    I'll write more when my emotions have returned to normal.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    What the heck??? Is Jinkx leaving??? Dang it! This sucks. Darn it...... :brokenheart:
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    No, no, no, no!!! Not Jinkxy! Jinkx is here to stay, don't you worry. But Ivy is now gone, right after Jinkx admitted that she had a crush on her :(
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Dang it... I loved Ivy.... That was my favorite! I'm butt-hurt. :brokenheart:
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I have nothing important to say so I'm just going to post pictures of Jinkx and Ivy.





    They're so cute I'm just gonna go curl up and cry over them now.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    and one of Jinkx and Alaska because it's perfect

  • kaylaandthestarcatcher

    Aww, I feel a little bad hating on Coco so much, but she made it so difficult to not dislike what I saw of her on the show. Sorry girl. I know she's a big fan of blaming editing for making her seem like the villain, but they can only edit what you give them, right? Either way, it's about time. I'm still bitter about Alyssa being sent home last week instead of her. But! It's all okay now because she is gone!!!

    I didn't feel like anybody was extremely awful this week. Which is weird because the makeover challenge usually has some serious awfulness, but I felt like they all did pretty well.

    Even though Roxxxy got annoying with her constant complaining about the guy, she really did a great job and definitely deserved the win. I wish I could like her more. I saw her perform on Saturday (for the first time ever, which is odd considering that I live so close to her) and she was pretty fantastic. Was it something I'd never seen before? No. Is it something that I've seen other queens do just as well? Yeah. Was she great? Of course! Next Drag Superstar, though? Mehhhh. Although, I will say that she is gorgeous in person and THAT BODY. It is nice.

    I barely got a chance to talk to Roxxxy, though, but in my very few seconds of interaction, she seemed nice. But Jinkx and Alaska were at the same show and all of my time at the meet and greet was basically spent with Jinkx. The girl was DRUUUUNK and she kept talking to me and holding onto my hand and even though I didn't get to say much to Alaska or Roxxxy because of it, I'm completely 110% absolutely okay with it.

    (Also, knowing that Jinkx and Roxxxy are actually good friends does make their television quarrels slightly easier to handle.)

    I was worried about Jinkx in this challenge but it ended up fine. And that moment after she learned that her vet has AIDS, when she was just sitting there, it felt so genuine and it was so touching and just... my love for her is unhealthy. But she has been my favourite since before the season even started and I remember SO MANY PEOPLE kept saying that she was going to be "The Next Pandora Boxx" or "The Next Tammie Brown"... quirky and campy and great, but underappreciated and sent home too soon. And every week, she continues to prove those people wrong and this is, what, 8 weeks in the top now? I can't help but feel proud, despite the fact that...y'know, I literally have nothing to do with it, but still. I'm excited that my favourite from before the season began IS going to end up winning this whole thing.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    and one of Jinkx and Alaska because it's perfect

    LOVE :wink:
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member

    LOVE! :smile:
  • herrhitman
    herrhitman Posts: 111
    So glad Coco's finally gone! Hopefully Detox is next.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I think she will be the next one gone.

    I have to say, Detox has really been kind of a disappointment to me. I was a fan of her pre-Drag Race so when I found out that she was going to be on, I was so excited and actually kind of thought that she might win the whole thing. But she's just been so lackluster and just like...whatever. I still like her! But...yeah.
  • herrhitman
    herrhitman Posts: 111
    Yay! Detox is gone! Now Roxxxy needs to be next.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    A queen is crowned TOMORROW. OH MY GOSH.

    I'M so nervous. I can't even imagine what Jinkx, Alaska, and Roxxxy must be feeling (since they don't know the winner either! Multiple endings filmed, only one will be shown, and that's the winner!)

    I'm way too emotionally invested in this show.

    I hope Jinkx wins. I want her to win so badly. I'll be okay with Alaska winning, too, though. But I want it to be Jinkx.
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    My friend who moved to Seattle and ditched me has actually hung out with Jinkx, so if I wasn't already team Jinkx I am now. I LOVE Alaska though too, so I would be okay with her winning.