Are you using a daily calorie goal or net calories?

mbastuk Posts: 34 Member
Curious on how everyone approaches their daily calories....are you using a set amount (i.e. eat 1800 calories a day no matter what), using the MFP net calorie theory (if I burn the calories then I eat them back)???

In the past, even when I used MFP, I kept the same daily target but used MFP for it's easy tracking...Been experimenting with the net calorie theory for the first couple of weeks. Also, set a low net calorie target to "shock" my system after eating way too many calories over the past few months. Slowly bumping my calories back up to a reasonable level.

I also got a fitbit and have been using that in conjunction with MFP...a little skeptical of how much it adjusts the calories burned - typically 500 - 700 cal per day. The other day I ran for 1/2 hr and moved around alot and the FITBIT adjustment said I needed to eat another 900 cal!