Have you ever seen or met any of the queens?



  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    Well, I guess I can share my seeing-Jinkx-again story from last night. I'm still a little emotional so it's going to be long. It's usually better when I wait a few days before posting it so I can get all of my feelings and stuff under control, but oh well.

    I have no idea why Jinkx keeps visiting Florida. This is seriously her fourth time in a little more than two months but I am so okay with it.

    But she performed at Hamburger Mary's last night. The place was packed. Luckily, my friends and I made two reservations for the two showtimes so that we would have spots no matter what, and it's a good thing we did! Our seats weren't very good, but that was okay.

    Jinkx performed Poor Unfortunate Souls and I DIED. I DIED. And then she performed Cabaret and it was lovely. I tried to get up close to tip her but it didn't work out to well, but I guess that's okay. I mean, when I stop and think about how much money I have given to her in the past, whether it's tips or buying her merch, like... it's a lot.

    But like, since the staff didn't want people crowding the stage and stuff, they had like, a bucket to put your tips in which was weird, but when Jinkx finished performing, one of the local queens handed her the bucket and. Well. She put it on her head.


    Because she's perfect.

    After the first show, she did a meet and greet and I wanted to get in line for it, but we had to switch tables (for our second reservation) so I was just like oh, whatever, I'll talk to her at the next one. BUT SHE LOOKED SO CUTE at the first meet and greet. I'm stealing this photo that my friend took because just


    PRECIOUS LITTLE MAJESTIC MERMAID BABY. I love her in pink hair. My only regret about not going to this meet and greet is not getting to take a picture with her in that outfit because it's just SO ADORABLE.

    Anyways, her second performance, she did some Chicago, a slow song that I didn't know (but it was beautiful), and Maybe This Time from Cabaret. It was perfect.

    Then we got in line for that meet and greet, and when we got closer to her, as soon as she saw me and my friend, she waved to us. And then two of our friends who were with us (who we actually met in a meet and greet line for the last time we saw Jinkx!!) talked to Jinkx first and they were like "Yeah, we're here with Whitney" (Whitney being my bff/roommate) and Jinkx was like "Oh yes, I know Whitney!" and it was so dang cute oh man.

    And then Whitney talked to her and I couldn't hear anything, I just took the picture, but then Jinkx turned to me and stretched her arms open and I like, ran into her arms and we hugged and it was a beautiful moment and she squeezed me so tight and was like "It's so good to see you again!!" and I was like "OMG YOU TOO I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE" (I may have been drunk........) And then she was like "You guys are coming to see the Vaudevillians in July?!" Because I guess Whitney told her that when she was talking to her and I was like "YES!" and then we paused our conversation to take a picture. And then I babbled something about how the timing with the Vaudevillians show worked out well because we needed to go to New York to go apartment hunting because we're moving there and Jinkx was like "Oh my gosh, really?!" and I was like "Yeah, I got accepted to school up there to study theatre and costume design!" and she was like "YAAAAAAAAASSSSS!" like omg she got so excited for me!!!! It was so cute! But then I had to move on so she could talk to other people, so we hugged again and said bye and I was like "Okay, I'll see you in July!" and she was like "Yes, I can't wait. You're going to love the show!" and yeah.



    I don't even know what face Jinkx is making hahah but I'm really in love with this picture because like, if you go back and look at the first picture Jinkx and I ever took together when we met for the first time, it's just a normal nice picture with a respectable distance between us, but now it's like, our faces are just smooshed together and like, WE'RE BASICALLY BEST FRIENDS NOW, RIGHT?! (No? Oh. Okay....)

    And then my friend, Brianna wanted to buy a Jinkx t-shirt so we went to the merch table where Kenny was selling the stuff (Kenny being Jinkx's SUPER ADORABLE best friend/assistant) and Brianna asked for a size medium shirt and I was like "WAIT WHAT NO, GIRL, GET A SMALL. I wear a small and you're smaller than me" and Brianna was like "What? No. You're smaller than me." And I was like "NO, YOU'RE smaller than ME" and Kenny laughed at us because we went back and forth for a little bit until I was finally like "JUST GIVE HER THE SMALL" to Kenny. But I am quite proud of the fact that WE MADE KENNY LAUGH. Because um, Kenny's kind of intimidating? Like, he's FREAKING ADORABLE but he's also got this like "don't mess with me" vibe to him idk but WE MADE KENNY LAUGH and that was awesome.

    Anyways, it was a lovely evening. Waiting for July to see The Vaudevillians is going to be quite difficult. But I'm excited for it. I have VIP tickets for two nights in a row to see the show and it's going to be great!

    Next week, Alaska, Alyssa, Roxxxy, and Coco will be at Hamburger Mary's. I'm THE MOST excited for Alyssa because she's the only one I haven't seen yet. But I'm also very excited to see Alaska again!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Yay!! Love the pink hair..And your pics, and your story. Love how you booked both performances. Yes, your besties now. Heee! Niice. :smile:
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    Story time story time!

    I saw Alaska on Friday. I had a bad seat and couldn't see much at all. I met her but didn't really know what to say. My picture is extremely unflattering and I don't like it so I'm not going to post it anywhere ever. That's about it.

    I saw Alyssa on Saturday! And I had a GREAT spot. I drank margaritas and tequila gets to me pretty fast so I was definitely drunk. She performed the Glee version of Don't Stop Believing. I was like "R U KIDDING ME" but like, it was so perfect for Alyssa. If any other queen ever tried to perform to that song, I would be like "Nope, go home" but for some reason, since it was Alyssa, IT WORKED.

    Anyways, I tipped her and she kissed my cheek and said "thank you" in my ear in her adorable southern accent, and alcohol + PMS + being so totally overwhelmed = me CRYING. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BUT I STARTED CRYING. Like, not sobbing or anything, just tearing up and I was like WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW. I've never cried actual tears while seeing any other queen ever. It was weird.

    Anyways, I'm obsessed with Alyssa's legs.



    Yeah, she's basically flawless. And um, even prettier in person, which I didn't think was possible. I just. Wow.

    Anyways, my friend and I got in line for the meet and greet and when it was my turn, I ran up to Alyssa and hugged her and she was like "I love your outfit!" and so my drunken response was "Thank you! I love...YOU!" And she laughed. We took a picture, hugged, I told her I'd see her again the next day, and then I left.


    Her eyes are closed in the picture, but it's still super cute!!!

    When I got home, I posted it on Twitter with the caption: "I didn't cry while seeing @AlyssaEdwards_1. Nope. Not at all. (I'm lying.) AHHH." (This isn't an important detail now, but it will be later. Storytelling, y'know)

    The next morning/afternoon, Alyssa was performing at brunch at Hamburger Mary's, so of COURSE I went. And um, $5 unlimited mimosas! I had like, 37 or something I don't even know. But Coco was also there out of drag. A little bit before the show was about to start, Alyssa's voice came over the PA thing and she was like "Coco Montrese to the dressing room, Alyssa needs to be dressed." And it was funny.

    Her performance was awesome, of course. I didn't have the best spot so there are no photos. But when she came over towards us to collect tips, I gave her a tip, and she recognized me and like, screamed and was like "OH MY GOD HI THANK YOU YOU'RE SO SWEET!!!!" and she pulled me up from my chair to hug me and I just about died (but I didn't cry that time!) There was no meet and greet or photos at that show though.

    SO THEN WE WENT BACK THAT NIGHT (oh my god, like, I don't even remember the last time I had food that WASN'T from Hamburger Mary's. I mean, my friend and I were already considered "regulars" there but now it's like, we basically live there or something.) At least we had other friends with us this time, though, haha.

    Didn't have the best spot for seeing, but it wasn't the worst. Coco performed, she was great. Roxxxy performed. I have developed some intense fond feelings for Roxxxy, which is strange considering her attitude on the show, but she is A REALLY GOOD PERFORMER AND SHE IS REALLY PRETTY AND HER BODY IS REALLY NICE AND LIKE, I've sort of met her but haven't had like, a conversation with her or anything so I know nothing about her personality, but she is a gorgeous, fierce queen and I like her.

    Alyssa performed last (funny how out of the three Drag Race queens performing, Alyssa was the first one eliminated, and yet she was the one that everybody was there to see....) and GOOOOOOODDDDDDD. She's flawless. Like, I don't even know what else to say. SHE EVEN DID THE JUMP-INTO-A-SPLIT THING. I screamed and was like "TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY!!" It was amazing. AND THEN she was basically forced to perform the "Drop Dead Gorgeous" remix song (if you're not familiar -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7drlrSFeMs It's pretty much the best song ever.) And it was so great. And she walked around the restaurant to take tips, and she was like "HI!!!!" when she saw me and my friend again and she pulled me into a hug again and it was awesome. People were going CRAZY for her oh my gosh, they had to reply the Drop Dead Gorgeous song like, 3 times just for her to get all the way around the restaurant. I didn't mind. I love that song.

    They all performed again and it was fantastic.

    When we went to the meet and greet, it was pretty crazy, so one of the local queens, Jocelyn (who I LOVE) was like, controlling it and telling people to "take pictures and go" and stuff. And at one point, Alyssa grabbed the microphone from Jocelyn and was like "Hey, can somebody get me a hamburger?" Hahah.

    So, Alyssa saw me and my friend and was like "You girls have been here for like, every show!" And then she pulled me towards her and hugged me and then we chatted and while we were talking, she was PLAYING WITH MY HAIR. Like, we were facing each other, and she was just reaching out with both hands and messing with my hair omg and then she was like "I saw your tweet! Where you said you almost cried. Or did cry?" and I was like "Oh my god, yeah, I totally cried!" And she laughed and told me I was so sweet and then hugged me again and MY FRIEND TOOK A PICTURE OF HER HUGGING ME AND IT'S FANTASTIC.


    We also took a normal picture but I don't love it because it's a bad angle so I'm not gonna post it.

    And then we briefly talked about the cruise. My friend told Alyssa we were going on it and she was like "Oh, book with me!" and we were like "We already booked! And uh...." and she was like "Oh, who did you book with then?!" and we were like "Jinkx..." and Alyssa said "Oh, well that's okay, then, I like her, she's my good girlfriend, you can book with her."

    And it was all just very lovely. I love Alyssa so much. She's SO WONDERFUL.

    K, that's all, that was a long story, sorry, but it was a full weekend of drag queens so, y'know.