
wfte Posts: 195 Member
Ok, I need to rant. We have a charity shop next door to where I work and whilst taking a cigarette break today I noticed a book in the window, The Low-Carb Bible. Priced at £3 I thought even if there was only a few worthwhile recipes in it it wouldn't be a huge loss of money so I bought it.

There's recipes in there using cups of flour, bread, pasta in soup. All the dairy listed is listed as fat free or low fat.
The two bits that really made me laugh was a soup using fat-free sodium reduced broth and a tortilla toastie using low fat flour tortillas!

Seriously wondering if they've got their diets mixed up!!

The science of low carb was like taking one step fowards and two steps back also.
Claiming saturated fat is responsible for clogging up arteries, the best being that any diets restricting certain aspects can be harmful and that forgoing whole grains may increase your chances of developing diabetes and heart disease!!!

I mean, REALLY?! REALLY??!!!!

Should have called the book How To Sabotage A Low Carb Lifestyle!

Sorry, that's me done. Just had to get that out of my system.


  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Maybe it was wearing the wrong cover.

    I have seen lots of things purported to be low carb that I could never eat and stay low carb.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    I hope whoever produced that book didn't sell many!!! I've seen misleading ones too.