Dainty Beginning - Part One

Everyone wants to lose weight and it isn't that difficult to do. However if you just wait for something to change by doing nothing then expect a slow progression. Before you do anything first set your goal weight. Find out how much you want to weigh. Keep in mind that it's technically impossible to be a 70-80 lbs when you're already full grown and/or developing. Unless you want to be anorexic, consider a reasonable and realistic weight. I suggest planning for a 15-20 lb loss from your original weigh in and work your way down. ^-^ Also ask yourself whether or not you will be committed to the new living style. Don't stick to the healthy plan if it's only going to last less than 2 weeks because you'll soon gain back what you lost. What's more important, feeling happy and good that you are progressing or depressed and sad that nothing has changed? -to be continued- ( ´・ω・`)