How many rest days do you need?

I'm in the middle of stage 1 (I know not very far, but I quit and started a couple times before I really got into it). I heard your muscles need 48 hours to recover, so you should be able to go 3X per week (that's what the book recommends, too). However, if I lift on Wednesday evening, I'm really sore Thursday and still so sore Friday evening I don't feel like I've recovered enough. So then if I get up Saturday morning I'm only a little bit sore, so I do it again, and am sore for another 3+ days. At what point in your recovery can you lift again?

I do drink protein shakes after working out, as the program suggests...also I get usually 100 g of protein from my regular diet. Also, I do running/HIIT treadmill workouts throughout the week too. I'm sure these could affect recovery for my legs, but my back and arms are still sore.


  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    There's nothing wrong with lifting when you're sore. There's also nothing wrong with only lifting twice a week if you're doing something else on other days.

    Take one or two rest days in between your workouts, but don't let DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) be an excuse to not work out.

    I have found that 30 minutes of yoga on the mornings after I lift really help with DOMS. I also take really hot baths with epsom salts almost every night, which helps a lot, too.

    If you stick with the program, you will likely find that your DOMS will be the worst after the first time you do a workout in each stage, but as you repeat workouts, they lessen to a great extent.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    That's good... I don't want to take an extra day off because I really do want to do the 3X per week, I was just nervous that if I didn't wait until I was completely not sore I would injure myself, or not give my muscles enough time to repair and not get the full benefit of the workout.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I feel like I'm in a continual state of soreness. Always worst after the first workout of a new stage, and never really goes away except for the rest week in between stages, if I take the full week off. I work out three times a week. And do other stuff 2 days a week too, I have two rest days every week.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Making sure you have the amino acids you need for muscle repair can help. I add glutamine to my morning protein shakes, and drink BCAAs during my lifting workouts, I really think the BCAAs help.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have been thinking about adding BCAAs and creatine to my pre- and post- workout meals/shakes.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    That's good... I don't want to take an extra day off because I really do want to do the 3X per week, I was just nervous that if I didn't wait until I was completely not sore I would injure myself, or not give my muscles enough time to repair and not get the full benefit of the workout.
    Just because you're sore doesn't mean your muscles haven't recovered and you can skip a workout. Follow the program and lift 3x per week. You can avoid injury by doing a general warm-up and the exercise specific warm-ups. Plus, NEVER skip a proper cool-down/stretch session after each lifting workout. Stretch each muscle for 30-60 seconds, no bouncing.

    If needed, ease up on the extra stuff (HIIT...) you're doing. Opt for less intense cardio work instead.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I agree that, if you can handle it, get your lifting in 3 x per week. Because you are new at this (sounds like, anyway), there MAY be much more muscle soreness right at the beginning. So, if you end up doing weight-training only 2 x per week for the first couple of weeks (due to soreness), don't freak out about it! Do what you can.

    And, as soon as you can get your 3 x week lifting in-and-done, do that.