No progress...please help!

AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
1) What's your current intake of calories, on average? This is TOTAL CALORIES EATEN so this would include anything you eat for exercise calories. In other words, how much are you eating?

1600 - 1700

2) What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams?

Approx: 130g protein, 150g carb, 60g fat

3) Do you use a food scale and measure everything?

food scale or measuring spoons/cups

4) Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?)

Yes, however I usually do a 200 calorie 'quick add' as a buffer

5) Do you take cheat days or days off?

Not really, and if I do have a cheat meal, I make it fit into my day.

6) How much weight have you lost so far?

none at all

7) What is your activity like, both exercise and non-exercise? (big difference between a construction worker and a desk job) and did you change that activity withing the last couple of months. If so, what changed.

I currently do Turbo Fire 6 days a week as well as 30-45 minutes of brisk walking on an incline on treadmill 2x a week. I work a fairly active job in a bakery 40 hours a week. I am always on my feet moving, lifting items, walking. According to my Body Media, I take 20,000 steps per day.

8) How long have you eaten at your previous amount and what happened in that time frame?

I have been on 1600-1700 for about a month, since starting Turbo Fire. Before this, I was eating 1200 or less, and only getting on the treadmill 4x a week.

9) What's your height, current weight and if you know it, bodyfat%?

5'4, 140 and 30%. I am 27 years old.

10) If you're stalled, for how long and is it a complete stall (zero change in weight)?

No change in weight for about 5 months. No change on 1200 or less, and although I have not weighed since I started Turbo Fire a month ago, my clothes are fitting no differently, so I assume no loss, however I feel like I am looking 'tighter'.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I think you are really under eating. Based on your stats, beachbody would recommend 2100 calories, and it could be more since you have a really active job. TF alone requires a lot of calories and considering you are not overweight (you are within a normal weight), eating more will probably be beneficial. Why don't you try upping your calories by 200 calories a week until you hit 2100 calories. I will say, your macro's look good though.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You say no weight change on 1,200 for 5 months and no weight change on 1,600 - 1.700 - correct?

    What were you on before the 1,200 and how long for? How much weight did you lose during this time?
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I was on 1200 for a long time....several years, with the occasional high calorie day. On 1200 calories, I lost 2 pounds initially, but then stalled for 2 years. I tried 1500 calories last summer with minimal loss (maybe 1 lb in 6 weeks), then went to the Virgin Islands to an All Inclusive resort, and came back 6 pounds heavier, and started to restrict again.

    It wasn't until January 7th that I upped calories to 1600-1700, since I did start Turbo Fire, and knew I would need more than the 1200 that I was eating at this point.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you been to see a doctor about medical issues such as PCOS and thyroid problems?
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I have, thyroid test came back normal. Doctor automatically discounted PCOS without testing me.
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    I agree with psulemon It seems you have been undereating for so long that your metabolism has adapted to what you've been giving it. You may want to consider a full reset which involves eating at TDEE for 8 weeks or more (I would recommend more for you since you've been undereating for so long). This is not a quick fix and will take an understanding of what you've been doing, why it isn't working and why you would want to repair it. Layne Norton has a good video blog on YT explaining this.

    Or, you could continue to restrict, exercise like crazy and get nowhere. If you only lost two lbs. eating at 1200 cal. and then stalled for two years that should tell you something important!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Do you actually eat the calories you have as a quick add or is that just so you don't over eat? Because if you don't eat the quick add, you are potentially tell me, you average 1400-1500 calories?
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    That's why I finally upped to 1600 after joining Eat More to Weigh Less. Although it seems like it still isn't enough, but based on how my clothes fit, I don't think I have gained anything in the past month of doing this. I'll up to 1800 starting today and see where I get! I am prepared for a long recovery, as long as I eventually reach my goals. I'm in no hurry anymore. I'd rather be healthy and reach my goals slow than doing it unhealthily and getting nowhere.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Bump for my previous question on the quick adds. Also, if you are doing turbofire, I would recommend dropping the trendmill. TF is already heavy cardio/HIIT centric, allowing your legs to rest a bit more may be beneficial. Remember, it's not all about exercise, rest is just as important to recovery and fitness improvements.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I definitely eat the quick adds... it is in case measurements are off, or I work a job where I have to 'taste' items on occasion to see if it is coming out right. I write down on a paper how many calories are in the bites, then quick add them all when I get home.
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    That's why I finally upped to 1600 after joining Eat More to Weigh Less. Although it seems like it still isn't enough, but based on how my clothes fit, I don't think I have gained anything in the past month of doing this. I'll up to 1800 starting today and see where I get! I am prepared for a long recovery, as long as I eventually reach my goals. I'm in no hurry anymore. I'd rather be healthy and reach my goals slow than doing it unhealthily and getting nowhere.

    I'm so glad to hear this! And yes, 1600 is totally not enough for you. I'm 5'3" (shorter than you), 47 years old (way older) and not as active and I'm slowly losing weight on that! (Actually my true daily average is more like 1750.)

    Now, another question: Have you ever to your knowledge eaten at your recommended TDEE and maintained a weight that pleased you? I say "to your knowledge" because many times when we feel and look our best what we're eating is the last thing on our minds! lol Just trying to get a sense if you've always restricted calories or used exercise to maintain your desired weight.

    If this has been a lifelong pattern of under-eating then you'll most definitely want to reset, taking as long as is necessary to get things moving along again.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Did your doctor tell you why s/he automatically rejected the possibility of PCOS?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am going to go against the grain here.

    On checking your diary, there are an awful lot of missing and incomplete days and quick adds. Without accurate logging there is no way to tell what your intake really is. Plus, the fact that you did not lose any weight when you dropped down to 1,200, before any adaptive thermogenics can kick in, an absent of any medical issues indicating an issue, indicates that logging accuracy may be the culprit here.

    So, I am suggesting that you eat to 1,400 calories, and log absolutely everything for 4 weeks so we have a good amount of accurate data from which to give advice. As always, when we suggest dropping calories, if you are having adherence problems or your gym performance and energy levels decline, get back to us.

    Macros should be set at:

    Protein: 100g = 30% (rounded to nearest 5%)
    Fats: 49g = 30% (rounded to nearest 5%)
    Balance, wherever suits you.

    After 4 weeks, get back to us with the results so we can see if a different approach is appropriate.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Sarauk2sf: The past month, I have been extremely consistent in logging. I have 200 in quick adds every day mainly because I have read that when tracking, to do this, for the sake in measuring wrong, or nibbles of stuff throughout the day that you may forget about. I don't do much of this, but I still do the 200 calorie quick add to be safe.

    sarahz5: She discounted PCOS because at the time, I was 136 pounds and not losing a thing at 1200 calories. I was concerned that I could not drop weight, and she said "You are fine. Your body doesnt want to drop, so it isn't" At this point, I did the Dukan Diet, and did lose 10 pounds ( at 900 calories a day) in a month, then stalled, so I dropped carbs lower yet, but raised calories to 1500, lost nothing at all, then gained 20 pounds when I added carbs back in.

    amanda_gent: I do have a long history of calorie restriction. In high school, I lost 55 pounds over the course of 10 months by eating 600 calories a day. I am roughly 20 pounds heavier now than my lowest point.

    Not really sure of my true TDEE. I've never tested it. I have a Body Media though. On days that I work and exercise, I burn about 3000 calories a day. On days that I don't work, but to Turbo Fire, it is closer to 2400.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I am going to go against the grain here.

    On checking your diary, there are an awful lot of missing and incomplete days and quick adds. Without accurate logging there is no way to tell what your intake really is. Plus, the fact that you did not lose any weight when you dropped down to 1,200, before any adaptive thermogenics can kick in, an absent of any medical issues indicating an issue, indicates that logging accuracy may be the culprit here.

    So, I am suggesting that you eat to 1,400 calories, and log absolutely everything for 4 weeks so we have a good amount of accurate data from which to give advice. As always, when we suggest dropping calories, if you are having adherence problems or your gym performance and energy levels decline, get back to us.

    Macros should be set at:

    Protein: 100g = 30% (rounded to nearest 5%)
    Fats: 49g = 30% (rounded to nearest 5%)
    Balance, wherever suits you.

    After 4 weeks, get back to us with the results so we can see if a different approach is appropriate.

    ^ I agree with this assessment.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Should I be NETTING 1400, or eating 1400 period? When I exercise, my NET would be 1000 or under possibly. Is this ok?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Should I be NETTING 1400, or eating 1400 period? When I exercise, my NET would be 1000 or under possibly. Is this ok?

    Eat 1400 flat and focus on intake accuracy per Sara's recommendation.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    To add a bit of color. Keep to the 1,400 and track really accurately so we have a base line and can make suggestions at the end of the 4 weeks based on your results. In the mean time, I would also strongly recommend getting another appointment with your doctor to check for hyperthyroidism - print your diary off and take to him.

    I would not change anything now as it would mess up the base line, but I also think you need to include strength training after the 4 week period is up. Do you have access to a gym?
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I belong to an Urban Active, but I get intimidated easily in the weight section since I am not quite sure what I am doing and get the sense of being in the way. My membership also expires sometime in March, and it's not really in the finances to renew at this time. I have New Rules of LIfting for Women, and have read it twice since getting it.

    Are there any weight lifting programs that I can do from home?

    I would love to add strength training. I just need a good base on where to start with it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I belong to an Urban Active, but I get intimidated easily in the weight section since I am not quite sure what I am doing and get the sense of being in the way. My membership also expires sometime in March, and it's not really in the finances to renew at this time. I have New Rules of LIfting for Women, and have read it twice since getting it.

    Are there any weight lifting programs that I can do from home?

    I would love to add strength training. I just need a good base on where to start with it.

    What equipment do you have at home?