


  • mandarilla86
    mandarilla86 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone. I did 30ds last summer and got great results then kind of fell off the wagon... ready to shred and tone up again. Its rough the first cpl days and I hate level 2 but if you keep it up, you'll all look AWESOME! =D
    Feel free to add me if you want. =)
  • bethFromDayton
    bethFromDayton Posts: 112 Member
    I bought the DVD today. I know it's on YouTube but I'm one of those copyright-type people. Practically speaking, I'll also need it for travel--I won't always have wifi since some hotels don't provide it.

    I bought a pair of workout pants. I TRIED to buy a sports bra but they just didn't provide enough support. I'm better off wearing a regular bra, I think--but the girls NEED support.
  • Cilla001
    Cilla001 Posts: 18 Member
    On board, can't wait! :happy:
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    Haha so funny I too last ought watched the entire level be to see what I am up for. Very excited.
  • stina412
    Ready for Friday to get here! :happy:
  • leanneakaliz
    leanneakaliz Posts: 229 Member
    This will be my second time doing it so upping my weights to 3kg :D can't wait to see everyone's results :)
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Morning! Tried Day 1 Level 1 today. It was good but I did not have hand weights so I need to get those. That will increase the difficulty no doubt. I was lifting heavy until last fall so buying little weights seems odd but I'm alright with giving it a try. I've become quite out of shape so this is a good place to start and I don't have a gym membership to lift heavy now.

    This level seems okay for me but I'm very afraid of Level 2 :) But by then we'll all be that much stronger!
    I have 4 inches to lose from both my waist and hips to get me to my happy place again.
  • justmerach
    I've never done 30 DS! I'm SCURRED! lol
  • kncvl
    kncvl Posts: 41 Member
    Hey everyone! Good luck tomorrow! I'm doing 30DS as part of my commitment to what I've dubbed F*** You February. Not sure if I mean F myself, or Jillian, or the month in general, but I bought new shoes and 3lb weights and plan on waking up and doing this at 5:30 every day before work. Yikes!
  • annalisa5525
    Hi all, i am really excited to start 30 DS in the morning, i have had a dabble with it last year but never stuck to it properly, im hoping we can all motivate each other and hopefully i can keep on track this time round. Good luck everybody i have a feeling we may need it :)
  • DianaSkinnyBy30
    :smile: Hi all! I'm starting the 30 day shred on Saturday when I grab the DVD from Wal-Mart. I also have a personal challenge that I'm doing with my aunt and friend. We're swearing off alcohol or soda for Feb. As well as doing a 2 minute plank, 25 push-ups, and 100 sit-ups. None of which is really much other than strengenthing your core, ab and arm muscles. My other goal was do to the shred for the month of Feb. I'm not one to measure, I know I should, but I will be keeping track of my weight. I weigh in every day on my WiiFit. So wish me luck!! And good luck to everyone else!!! :smile:
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Hello all :)
    i started 30DS once before got a few days in then huge huge dental problems left me out of sorts that was 3 months ago... so after a couple days discussing it with a friend whose now on level 2 I'm going to give it a real go this time
    will be great to have some others starting same time too :D
    good luck everyone ;)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    I just finished the 30DS yesterday and was looking for a new group to join for February.

    I hope y'all don't mind but for those of you who haven't done it before - the results are very much real. Check out mine from Jan:

  • EliseLives
    EliseLives Posts: 50 Member
    Holy crap, I am going to do this! The idea of working out 30 days in a row is totally scary but it is all mental, just like Jillian says.

    I did pilates everyday for a month once. I think this is going to be a bit different and/or more difficult than pilates, but I HAVE worked out for 30 days in a row before so it is very possible! I also did Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones about two to three days a week previously so I am somewhat familiar with the love/hate relationship you establish with her, haha. Excited!!
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    Hello! So I've had some complications the past few weeks that kept me from really starting this program. I was training for a half marathon and ran into some shin/foot problems. But finally I think they may be resolved, so I can start back up with running again. Anyhow, I always wanted to do this program because I do better with a schedule type of workout. Not workout whenever I want type. I am around 135 lbs and while I don't really have a goal to lose weight, I just want to tone up! So I figured I should start with this program while running and then when I complete it, move on to something a little more challenging. I will be starting this today, but after work. I really don't have a lot of energy in the mornings so my evenings will be spent with Jillian :)

    I don't mind new friends, so feel free to add me :)