General chit-chat

GC2B Posts: 168 Member
Hi all, anything and everything can be chatted about here.


  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Not doing much but fighting off a cold today, my body aches and my head is throbbing.
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Hiya, so i had a sneaky weigh in before my WW tonight. looks like ive only put on 3/4lb rather than the 2lb i thought the other day, which is good in once but really p.o about it in another! i shouldnt let myself get in this position!
    am hoping someone looks down on me tonight at my meeting and goes in my favour as the WW official scales only weigh in 1/2lbs... so am hoping it rounds down!
    We shall see if i deserve it or not!
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Good luck for your weigh in later.
    Keep focused xx
  • joelleh26
    joelleh26 Posts: 74 Member
    good luck fir your weigh in xx
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks ladies.
    have spent the last hour cleaning & just downed a drink....
    checking up on ukb for a bit then will hit the bike!!

    only advantage to weigh in later, i get a nice treat tonight - mcds & creme brulee then all go from tomorrow!

    Think with all this will defo help me!! Thanks GC2B for setting it up! xx
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    No problem Lou xx
    I hadnt thought of logging housework or the walk to school, does anyone think I should? Its not something out of the daily routine for me so dont know what to do
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Well the weather sucks today but I'm staying in anyway. Going to do some Xbox Your shape soon when baby has a nap.
    Anyone up to anything exciting?
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    I don't always log housework as normally just flick Hoover round & dust etc or OH reluctantly does it!
    If I've worked up a sweat etc i will! As it counts if you raised your heart rate etc!
    Depends what mood I'm in! Proper cleaning OCD mode or just take my time etc.

    I'm off to hairdressers shortly which hopefully will include another hair trial! My moh is also coming for a snip plus trial so this should be fun! Then the dreaded lunch! Woo.

    As you know i put on 1/2lb last night at fat club! But I'm not focusing on the negatives as I am trying to snap out of that as does me no good & doesn't help with my 'progress' so lets just say that's due to extra exercising! Which in all honesty it could be as has actually happened before!! First wk of swimming i put on 1.5lb but had been sooooo good on food side! I didn't keep swimming up for long!
    Obviously I haven't been so good with food this wk but had worse so am assuming its cause of bike! Well that's what I'm telling myself anyway!
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Hope I dont get in trouble but in case any of you are interested this is the first episode of the USA Biggest Loser 2013
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    1st of February.
    I pledge to lose 4lb this month xx
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Hi all.
    so yesterday i didnt do too bad in my choices so thats a good thing. I wasnt going to have any sneaky weigh ins this week but like to do it on a thurs morn to set myself up for the wk. I got sidetracked yesterday and did it today. says 1/4lb lighter than weds night so thats all good with me. now trying to go forth & have a good wk therefore no sneaky WI's at all!
    I pledge to be somewhat lighter & somewhat closer to my goal by the 1st march.
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    You will do great Lou, you are powering those bike sessions!!
    Keep focused over the weekend :)
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Hope everyone is ok, killed today's calories with a greggs sausage roll!! But after standing out watching kids football for 5hrs I needed something!!
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Got my cross trainer :)
    I'm sure my happy dance burned a few cals lol
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Monday again, weighed myself 2 mornings running, bad I know, and both times its been -3lb but i've not recorded it yet. I am not sure what day I really weigh in. Maybe a Tuesday, that's when my family go to their sw meetings.
    Getting onto the elliptical today, minimum of 15 minutes maybe when real housewives is on. Or i'll stick a music channel on when I get in from school run.
    Hope everyone is ok.
    Getting nervous about trying my dress on again now.
    Wedding is 3months today!!
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    aw well done for the loss hun! i know your saying your not recording it yet but still wont vary that much by weigh in! so well done you!
    I don't know whats happened to me. i lost my motivation AGAIN! How?!!

    I ended up going for a night out on Sat with the girls. I'd had a mcdonalds in the day but that was only 820kcal. which wasn't TOO bad. And had quite a bit to drink but no other food. then yesterday all I had was breakfast and went for a chinese buffet to make us feel better hahaha. Yes ok, not good food but nowhere near major calories! is it?!

    I had a sneaky weigh in this morn, even though I said I wouldnt. It's saying +3lb. Actually GUTTED. Even more so than last week. there is no way I'll lose all that before Weds and then go to my ww meeting for it to say a STS.
    How am I meant to go the right way when all I'm doing is the wrong things? So annoyed at myself.
    Meant to go and see dress tomorrow and depending how feel try it on, but theres no way im going to be doing that now. no chance.

  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    See that Lou^
    That's the line you can draw, then you can put anything behind it and move on, fitter and stronger and focused for the week ahead.
    You are doing so well with your exercise so don't get down, be strong!!
    You've come so far, do not beat yourself up now.
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks hun.

    U know something you are a really good motivator!! a real support to me, so thank you! and I love that we have this now. I know its not as busy as UKB but it does help!

    I've just done 70 minutes on the bike!! whilst watching great british bake off mind you! haha. but still, 595kcal gone!

  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    We'll have to let all ukb girls watching the weight to come and join us regardless of what plans they are on
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Oh definitely!
    Big source of support both here and on the UKB weight forum x