Hey Everyone!

Hi Everyone!

So.. I've never started a group like this before so if anyone else wants to be an admin, let me know! I am not sure I "know" everyone here so I guess we should introduce ourselves!

I am Stephanie North- I workout in Andover. And go..

Also- I think I have my food diary as public. I do that so that I can hold myself accountable. When I over indulge in chocolate (happens a lot), I at least know others know :-P. If you don't want yours public- no worries!!


  • I'm Laura DeNomme - I'm at the Andover location but have been wanting to venture out to the Danvers studio to try a few more classes during the weekend when I have time. I've tried so many workout programs - some that last months some that lasted minutes (p90x anyone??). Barre has been great and I can't say enough about the instructors. Love them all. This is definitely something I see myself stick with for many many many years.

    I'm very thankful for the 60 Day challenger community. What a supportive group of ladies. We truly are there for each other to motivate and push through our peaks and valleys. Love it! Thanks Steph for putting this group together. Looking forward to creating some great topics around food/fitness and life!
  • I totally agree. This program has revolutionized my approach to health- and I've heard so many others say this too! I think it is a combination of the workout, the amazing instructors and this awesome community!
  • roroshells
    roroshells Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Rochelle Cooper and I also echo the thoughts of Steph and Laura--I really love b9 and it is has been a godsend over the past 6 months. It has totally changed me physically and mentally and it has really made me a happier person overall. I was at an all time low (or high, depending on how you look at it) about a year after the birth of my second son. I had really resigned myself to the fact that I would look and feel that way forever because I was in a rut and could no get myself out. I often used the excuse that I was a busy mom and could "not find the time" or "felt too guilty" leaving my kids. One day last July, I ran into a high school/college friend at Endicott Park. She looked absolutely incredible after having 3 children --including twins -- and she told me all about b9. The next day I signed up for the August challenge and have never looked back. So, I am forever in debt to Erica Brown for introducing me to b9 and this amazing lifestyle.

    I can usually be found studio hopping at either Andover or Danvers--depending on when I can squander an hour between butt changes, tantrums (theirs, not mine) and fort-building. I like to go early and just "sit" -so you might find me lurking in a waiting room somewhere just enjoying the time to myself.

    The b9 community is truly terrific--I have really met some amazing, funny, intelligent, powerful women in the past six month. Glad to be part of this group. Please don't judge me on the calories I devote to wine :)
  • Hi everyone!
    I am Amanda and love every second of b9. It has helped me get into better shape than before pregnancy and I feel awesome. There is nothing better than waking up knowing that you are truly trying to be the best YOU possible. I had to cut back on the 60 day challenge after a yr due to my husbands work hours changing so I now do 2 classes a week and run 3 times a week. I love cardio at b9 so I take that in Danvers on Wednesdays and Sundays. If you ever told me a few years ago that I would be running I would tell you that you're CRAZY!!!!!!!!!

    I love the lifestyle of having the foods you want but being accountable for it is key. I have learned so much about real food and foods that makes me feel good. I love eating fruits and vegetables that don't make me feel like a gross pig after I eat them. I've also learned to not feed my emotions with food because I just end up feeling worse after. I have learned to fuel my body with the right foods.

    I started this challenge in August 2011 and now look at it as a lifestyle. I now have the tools to teach my 2 year old son about healthy living. I can honestly say I didn't have that before Barre N9ne. That to me is truly priceless not to mention the wonderful woman I have met over the last 18 months. Awesomely, inspiring, beautiful woman that are genuine. I don't think you will find that at any other gym. I love having this and am not sure if I am public but I will check the settings now because I have no shame in my FOOD LOG GAME.