
This is probably a dumb question, but since I don't know the answer, I will ask anyway. If I drink coffee or green tea does that count toward the eight glasses of water I am supposed to drink?


  • This is probably a dumb question, but since I don't know the answer, I will ask anyway. If I drink coffee or green tea does that count toward the eight glasses of water I am supposed to drink?

    Coffee: definitely not. Caffeine actually dehydrates you and counteracts the water. My doctor explained to me that I should have 8 glasses of water plus one extra for every cup of coffee or diet soda I drink (I don't drink diet soda anymore, or any kind of soda). I'm not sure about green tea. Anyone else know about that one?
  • Green tea yes! It's very good for you also
  • redwingsfan6712
    redwingsfan6712 Posts: 81 Member
    Yes, green tea counts :) I drink two cups daily and coffee just on weekends
  • Thanks, everyone!
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    Tea counts, coffee doesn't.
    TIP: I drink AT LEAST a cup of tea per day- being a "sweet girl," I used to put brown sugar/ touch of agave in my tea every time... I finally got used to drink it with nothing in it, so now every time I feel like having my additional cup of flavored water (i.e. delicious green tea), I don't also get an additional amount of sugar :tongue:
  • I have found that a small pinch of baking soda helps to take away the bitter taste that tea can have, and it has greatly reduced my "need" for highly sugared tea... before i would never have dreamed of even thinking of trying to wean myself off of sweet tea, now I am slowly aiming for just that... right now i am down to 2 tsp of sugar exactly in a cup of hot tea (that a huge deal, trust me!) its great to know that the water in my tea is helping my body as long as I dont load it down with sugar
  • I've been drinking Lipton Diet Green Tea Citrus and it's awesome! I gotta admit, though, sometimes I miss pop, even diet pop.