New and happy to join!

wbandel Posts: 530 Member
Hi everyone! I'm new to the group, but not new to MFP or eating 1200-1300. I'm glad there is a group like this as I was starting to feel really guilty about eating so "low". I basically set MFP to "lose 2 lbs a week" and go from there. At my highest it was over 1300 cals, but as I've lost weight it's gone down to 1200. As I'm not exercising, since it's too snowy outside, I just try to get at least 1200 so I'm not under 1200 in a day. Otherwise I eat my calories back when I bike/jog.

So far I've lost 57lbs without plateauing. Well, I did over Christmas, but that was when I bumped up to 1400-1500 for a while. I'm not hungry all the time or tired. Or I should say any more tired than I would be anyways being a grad student.

I've tried at other various points, to lower my cals to 1600-1800, and it never seemed to make a difference. Even when I was eating healthy and running around all day student teaching. I think 1200-1300 works best for me, and I haven't had any issues. I'd really like to make some friends on here with similar experiences or goals.

Edit to say, I'm 5'11 and currently 190. Started at 247.


  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm **new** after taking an MFP break for 4-5 months- just came back about a week ago. I officially joined Jan 2012 and got down to 150 lbs by March and then ..... nothing. So, I took a break from the scale and the food logging since it was making me crazy. I put 7 pounds on thru the holidays and have lost 2 pounds this month (yay). I'm at 1270 calories and exercising 5 days a week for 30-60 minutes).

    I wish I could say it's 'baby weight' but my babies are 22,19, and 14.... So, I have to blame a sedentary lifestyle, caloric overload, extra helpings, binge eating, and the fabulousness of being in my 40's!

    If I can just get out of the 150's, I might feel more motivated. I would love support and enthusiasm! So add me as a friend!

    Currently, I am 5' 2", 155 pounds. I work full time, have a God sent husband, three kids ( plus 3 step, one in-law, and one grandbaby- so i guess that makes 8!), three dogs, and two cats. I like to run even though I average a 12 minute mile- I really like it a lot and NEVER would have thought to say that in my LIFE!

    If I can just lose 6 pounds I would feel GREAT! Then I would be able to tackle the other 20 with a better vengeance!

    God Bless!
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Anyone have recipes for food that total around 130 to 200 calories a piece ? I eat most veggies except broccoli and brussel sprouts, everything else is fine and most fruit. Im having a hard time finding different things to make up a meal since most meals equal almost half my calorie intake for the day .That doesnt work it will cause me to want to snack late at night while my youngest is up.She will be 11 months on feb 9th my bday. She just started sleeping 5 hrs a night after almost a year of 3 to 4 hr spurts.I have a soon to be 2 1/2yr old daughter too never a dull moment.

    Im not a big meat eater im not a vegeatarian though . I love seafood,sweets so on.
  • sandydiane
    sandydiane Posts: 19 Member
    I've been experimenting with different calorie levels but I've decided to keep it simple. I'm accepting the 1200 that MFP assigns me and eating back my exercise calories. I'm glad I found this group. Now if only there were a group with smaller calorie meal ideas!