Tell me about your BEST date.........

Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
Everyone always wants to hear the worst dates, because they are usually funny, but with V-Day looming and "love" in the air, describe your best date---doesn't have to be best with current interest/sign. other either.

My best date: was with a guy named Alex from online....we connected through online dating, and he wanted to set up meeting time right away--usually this too quick approach scares me away, but he had no free time for almost 2 weeks so I agreed. We decided to meet at the beach. All my friends said I was crazy---the first time you meet him you will be in a bathing suit. My feeling was.......why not? No makeup and a suit to start---he will eventually see, right? Anyway, we met at the beach and we went for a walk and he asked it if was ok to hold my hand, and then we walked to the "island" and it was just a great day-we connected immediately and all was good. It ended up not working out after about a month, but we are still friendly and I still think he is a great guy. He is getting married in July and his fiancee is a lucky lady :)


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    ^ love it! I think it's not a bad idea to lay your "cards" on the table in the beginning.

    Best date ever. We saw Hunger Games at the theatre and he picked me up at my door and bought my ticket and posted the cutest FB status ever afterwards. If you didn't have to be sexually attracted to someone to date them and you could just be best friends, he would be it but I couldn't ever picture myself kissing him and liking it.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    The best date is the currently unscheduled future date I will have.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    The best date is the currently unscheduled future date I will have.

    I like the positive attitude DM!! I second this statement.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    The best date is the currently unscheduled future date I will have.

    Love this!

    It’s hard to pick a “best” because most of my dates with BB were awesome (the only blight being the LOTR marathon at my friends house. Total fail). That’s part of what set him apart from other men. Our first date is the one that most makes me go “awwww” when I think about it because it started off crummy. I was late, we couldn’t find each other, and it was raining so I was stressing about my hair.

    I almost canceled at the last minute but went ahead because not only had the poor man had already waited a month to meet me in person. Plus I had convinced him to come to a church singles game night I was helping a friend with instead of a “real date” because it was the only free weekend I had for awhile and he lived an hour away. Then, when we got there, a group of my friends showed up and gave him the 3rd degree. Insult to injury, no one wanted to play the game he wanted to play and, since it required 4 players, we ended up playing pool instead.

    This sounds like the worst date ever, right??? It was for the first half hour!

    But the next 8 hours were amazing: We had an amazing night of pool. Followed by an amazing dinner at one of his favorite places. Followed by an amazing walk along the boardwalk. Followed by an amazing round of wings and dessert at BWWs bc that was the only place other than IHOP still open. Followed by him immediately setting up the next date (something he still did, even now that we’re exclusive, right up until I left).

    Those of you who have been following my story know that the awesome date wasn’t enough to cause me to stop dating others at first, but because he was so much fun, and because he never failed to plan for the next date before saying goodnight, I totally gave him priority.

    If this doesn’t work out (I’ll be getting orders soon), the next guy will have some pretty big shoes to fill.
  • oualum26
    oualum26 Posts: 128 Member
    The best date I had was in high school (sad I know). My boyfriend told me to dress up cause we were going to a fancy dinner. But then when we got into the car, he blindfolded me because he said it was a surprise. He took all these back roads so I couldn't figure out where we were going.

    He ended up getting his mom's boyfriends house to ourselves that night, and he (along with help from his brother) cooked me dinner. Candles lit, a picture of us on the table from football (he was the football player, I was the cheerleader). And we had a romantic dinner and movie night.

    It was the sweetest thing any guy has ever done for me. Which is sad that it happened when I was 16 and I'm now 31 and no man has been able to do what he did.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Best date I ever had....

    Last January/February I'd gone out with this guy a few times, and his dates were always super awesome. He was really cute and really nice. Our first date was dinner and then we went to a comedy club. Second date we went to look at ice sculptures and drink hot chocolate. Third date I went to his house and we made sushi. The third one was definitely the best. It was so much fun and I had a really great time hanging out with him and learning how to make sushi. He made this awesome roll that looked like a dragon. Unfortunately I just wasn't attracted to him physically for whatever reason. I thought he was cute but there was no fire...

    The guy I'm with now never really took me on any dates. We met at the gym and sorta just started hanging out and things went from there. Although we did go up north in August and one night it was like a moment from a movie. We left the hotel to go for a walk and we walked to the beach. When we got there, we were lying on a picnic table looking at the stars... They were SO bright. And as much as I dislike moments like that... It was like the perfect moment. Not a date, but definitely one of the only times I've ever felt like that.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I refuse to take women on real dates within the first few months. I'm all for coffee, drinks, or dinner, but I won't do any more than that initially. Either the chemistry is there or it isn't, no elaborate date is going to change that. Leave the extravagant dates to that show Millionaire Matchmaker.

    I had a friend who took a women to two Miami Heat playoff games last year. He spent a small fortune and shortly thereafter, the woman poofed on him. He was devastated for a few months. Personally, I think he's a total chump for spending hundreds on a girl so early on in the dating. He learned his lesson the hard way, but he learned.

    Early on in the relationship (less than 4 months), the guy is a complete sucker if he goes out of his way and spends a ton of cash to make his girlfriend feel special. Relationships early on are too vulnerable and can go either way quickly.
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    the guy is a complete sucker if he goes out of his way and spends a ton of cash to make his girlfriend feel special.

    You really don't have to spend a ton of money to make a girl feel special...
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    the guy is a complete sucker if he goes out of his way and spends a ton of cash to make his girlfriend feel special.

    You really don't have to spend a ton of money to make a girl feel special...

    Umm.. I didn't say you had to.

    I'm saying if you all out and spend a ton of cash in doing so, you're a chump because it's unnecessary.
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Umm.. I didn't say you had to.

    *shrug* You implied. But whatever.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I had a friend who took a women to two Miami Heat playoff games last year. He spent a small fortune and shortly thereafter, the woman poofed on him. He was devastated for a few months. Personally, I think he's a total chump for spending hundreds on a girl so early on in the dating. He learned his lesson the hard way, but he learned.

    Can you take a woman to an NBA playoff game if the tickets are free? I have gotten free tickets to NBA playoff games before.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    There was one guy I met off Myspace (back in the day, I know!). It wasn't anything super creative - we met at a bar that would have local bands come in and play. We watched the band and then we stayed until we were kicked out just talking. After that we went back to my apartment and stayed up all night talking and watching TV until he had to leave in the morning. The chemistry was great, we really hit off. Unfortunately that time in our lives it just wasn't working out. I needed to stay in CA and he was getting out of the marines and going back to Texas in a few months. We decided to just enjoy the few months we had together. It was great. Sometimes I still think about him.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    the guy is a complete sucker if he goes out of his way and spends a ton of cash to make his girlfriend feel special.

    You really don't have to spend a ton of money to make a girl feel special...

    Umm.. I didn't say you had to.

    I'm saying if you all out and spend a ton of cash in doing so, you're a chump because it's unnecessary.

    Maybe the guy has a lot of money to spend so going all out on a lady he's after isn't a big deal.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I already posted one... but indulge me another story....

    a gun discussion elsewhere reminded me of another great date: When we went to the range to shoot a variety of guns. That was soooooooo much fun (and such a turn on since he's a good shot). If you're shooting 22s, not that expensive either.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    met this guy online...we had a connection from the start. he drove an hour to meet me, then drove another hour to walk/hike around the local national park near me (we walked around for hours, getting lost and not having a care in the world). it was cold and rainy and we had a picnic in his truck....we talked like we had known each other forever....

    too bad it didn't work out between us, but one of the best dates i had ever been on.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I think mine was a guy I dated who lived about 2 hours away. He would make the trip and we would spend time together. One time he stayed with his aunt and uncle who had a house right on the beach. I met him there and he took me to a cute spot on the beach where there was a bench to sit at. We had a picnic that he organized/cooked for and watched the sunset wrapped in a blanket afterwards since it got cold. We talked a lot and it was really, really nice.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I had a friend who took a women to two Miami Heat playoff games last year. He spent a small fortune and shortly thereafter, the woman poofed on him. He was devastated for a few months. Personally, I think he's a total chump for spending hundreds on a girl so early on in the dating. He learned his lesson the hard way, but he learned.

    Can you take a woman to an NBA playoff game if the tickets are free? I have gotten free tickets to NBA playoff games before.

    No, these tickets cost him over $400 a piece. He makes decent money, but that's still a good amount of money for him. He was extremely depressed after she poofed.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I had a friend who took a women to two Miami Heat playoff games last year. He spent a small fortune and shortly thereafter, the woman poofed on him. He was devastated for a few months. Personally, I think he's a total chump for spending hundreds on a girl so early on in the dating. He learned his lesson the hard way, but he learned.

    Can you take a woman to an NBA playoff game if the tickets are free? I have gotten free tickets to NBA playoff games before.

    No, these tickets cost him over $400 a piece. He makes decent money, but that's still a good amount of money for him. He was extremely depressed after she poofed.

    I understood that part. However, if he had gotten those tickets free, do you still think a sports game is a good idea? I still wouldn't do it within the first 3 dates, at least.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I had a friend who took a women to two Miami Heat playoff games last year. He spent a small fortune and shortly thereafter, the woman poofed on him. He was devastated for a few months. Personally, I think he's a total chump for spending hundreds on a girl so early on in the dating. He learned his lesson the hard way, but he learned.

    Can you take a woman to an NBA playoff game if the tickets are free? I have gotten free tickets to NBA playoff games before.

    No, these tickets cost him over $400 a piece. He makes decent money, but that's still a good amount of money for him. He was extremely depressed after she poofed.

    I understood that part. However, if he had gotten those tickets free, do you still think a sports game is a good idea? I still wouldn't do it within the first 3 dates, at least.

    I'm also curious if basketball is something the woman loved? I know it doesn't matter much if she felt like there was no chemistry and poofed.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    .....strolling along a riverbank on a hot summers day, hand in hand, hugging every time we stop to look at the surroundings. Commenting on the on the architecture, the atmosphere, thoughts on living there. Stopped for lunch in a pub, sat in the beer garden, talked, touched, kissed.........ran for a bus holding hands, laughing, his arm around my shoulders on the bus ride, chatting, kissed more........ sexual tension mounting alllllll day.............

    ......drove home!
