Squat question

angela1700 Posts: 31 Member
I have been exploring the equipment in my gym and have decided I am officially ready to start tomorrow. I had the trainer at the gym show me the equipment. There are two types of squat racks at my gym, one with cables, one without. He suggested I start on the one with cables since I have never used the bars before. Will it be as beneficial as the one without? What are your thoughts? Also, when I practiced with it, I noticed my arms and shoulders were sore, was I holding my arms wrong or something?


  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    He suggested I start on the one with cables since I have never used the bars before.

    I am assuming that is the Smith Machine. I would suggest without. Here is why. The one where the bar has cables and track it runs on does not allow you a full range of motion, and may lead you to develop habits that will be hard to break later on. The plan on Stage two will have you doing front squats with a push press, something nearly impossible to manage on a cable run. The back squat habits that you develop in Stage 1 are the building blocks for all those that follow.

    Use the regular squat rack. Start with either just the bar or a light load (10-20 lbs + the bar). The first week or 2 perfect your form, then move on to a heavier load. This YouTube video is excellent for getting you started out with great form. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rpfubNjoqU
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    ^^what she said. The Smith Machine (from what I've read) does not engage the muscles in the same way. In "Supercharged" Lou actually suggests simply using body weight until you're really getting low with proper form and THEN start using a bar. Your arms and shoulders probably will be sore. Just make sure you have the bar placed in the right spot or you can really screw your neck up(been there, done that).
    Welcome to NROL4W!!!!!
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
    I would say use the normal squat rack, not the Smith Machine. You will get more out of the regular squat rack. The Smith Machine tends to do some of the work for you since it has the cables and stuff.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I agree with all of the votes against the Smith machine...so, how did it go today?!?!
  • angela1700
    angela1700 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the advice. It did not go today because I forgot to slept my alarm and woke up to "Honey! Your going to be late!" UGH! Followed by a 3 hour training after work. Double UGH!