1/31/13 Weigh-In

Hip, hip, HOORAY!!! I lost 1.2 solid pounds this past week!!! :happy: I say "solid pounds" because I have been working really hard on my weight loss goals. I am tracking my food, planning my meals, and sitting down to eat meals slowly and mindfully, along with getting more consistent with exercise. I am on my way!!! :bigsmile:

How did everyone else do this past week??? PLEASE POST and share both your triumphs and your struggles! We are here to support you ~ in good times and in bad. :flowerforyou:


  • bethFromDayton
    bethFromDayton Posts: 112 Member
    I'm down about a pound. I think I am going to buy a more precise scale. DH thinks we don't need it :-) but I think I want it. I've been "stopped up" for the last 5 days or so--I think I'd be down another pound if I was operating properly (TMI, I know).

    I was over net calories Saturday through Tuesday :-( (From 36 to 253 calories), but since my net calories are set for 1.5 lb/week, I feel pretty good even about being over. (So maybe that's why I'm only down about a pound and not two) I've really increased my exercise--I've quit taking the elevator at work. I'm walking (short, slow walks, but still moving) several times a day.

    I'm doing really well at eating sitting down and mindfully. I'm getting really good at the CBT techniques now that I know to apply them to food--I've been applying them to emotional thinking for years--now that I know to apply the tools to eating that's really making a huge difference.

    I didn't want to (in fact, not wanting to see my doctor was one of my motivations for making changes), but I even made an appt with my PCP for a physical and blood work.

    So, I've been at this since Jan 7, and I've walked every day but 1, I've been at most over net calories 253, and I'm down 6 pounds.

    I feel pretty pleased with myself!
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    bethFromDayton: Congrats on your weight loss!!! I, too, have been applying CBT principles to emotional issues for years, so it is so helpful to have Beck's book to follow CBT as it relates to weight loss. It all makes sense, but some of the principles are just difficult to apply consistently ~ for life. We do our best and forgive ourselves for any mistakes and get right back on track!!! Good for you for making an appointment with your doctor for a physical and blood work. So important! I need to get into my PCP for the same. You are really doing well so far on your weight loss journey!!! You are on your way to a lifetime of better health!!! HOORAY FOR YOU!!! :happy:
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    Hip, hip, HOORAY!!! I lost 1.2 solid pounds this past week!!! :happy: I say "solid pounds" because I have been working really hard on my weight loss goals. I am tracking my food, planning my meals, and sitting down to eat meals slowly and mindfully, along with getting more consistent with exercise. I am on my way!!! :bigsmile:

    How did everyone else do this past week??? PLEASE POST and share both your triumphs and your struggles! We are here to support you ~ in good times and in bad. :flowerforyou:

    That's really great. Love to see the enthusiasm. Reread your post every time you don't want to take that first step to exercising or take out the measure cup. Let your past success be your current motivation.
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I'm down about a pound. I think I am going to buy a more precise scale. DH thinks we don't need it :-) but I think I want it. I've been "stopped up" for the last 5 days or so--I think I'd be down another pound if I was operating properly (TMI, I know).

    I was over net calories Saturday through Tuesday :-( (From 36 to 253 calories), but since my net calories are set for 1.5 lb/week, I feel pretty good even about being over. (So maybe that's why I'm only down about a pound and not two) I've really increased my exercise--I've quit taking the elevator at work. I'm walking (short, slow walks, but still moving) several times a day.

    I'm doing really well at eating sitting down and mindfully. I'm getting really good at the CBT techniques now that I know to apply them to food--I've been applying them to emotional thinking for years--now that I know to apply the tools to eating that's really making a huge difference.

    I didn't want to (in fact, not wanting to see my doctor was one of my motivations for making changes), but I even made an appt with my PCP for a physical and blood work.

    So, I've been at this since Jan 7, and I've walked every day but 1, I've been at most over net calories 253, and I'm down 6 pounds.

    I feel pretty pleased with myself!

    Congratulations, you are doing well! Looks like some good mind shifts into a healthy life. Good attitude on going over net a small amount, especially since it is still in a weight loss range.

    Keep it up.
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I've been away for work for 2 weeks. no scale. Able to weigh yesterday looks like a point 2 lb loss. may look like more tomorrow some biologic functions were out of wack.

    Down 2 lbs for the month of January.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    aubsgg: Thank you for your advice and encouragement!!! :smile: