DAY 25: Post your activities here

Good morning Sweaty 30-ers! Day 25 is upon us!

No movement in weight for me for about 3 weeks now and I know exactly why -- eating way too much on the weekends!!! With parties, weekend getaways, potlucks, I haven't been making good food choices. So now I'm paying the price :( But today is a new day and I am determined to make better choices starting with eating more fruits and veggies and less carb intake (darn you white rice!)

I wish you guys a sweaty day LOL!

"Before you quit, remember why you started."


  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member
    i did a lot wed, i did about 2 hours of walking on the treadmill, split into 2 workouts. i also did about 30 min on the bike.
  • Logging in today, did situps 100 arm toning exercises and 4.22miles... Yay. One month down.
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Today I did Day 5 of Level 3 of 30 day shred. It only takes about 27 minutes, but normally I am over the 30 minutes so I feel like its ok for today.
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    Went to the Doctor ..
    I have torn the Ligament in my knee ..
    Anti -inflamatories, T3's, Ice it, Wrap it, Rest it..
    Boo.. I am going to try and still do Something for excercise..
    I'm so disappointed ..
  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member
    today i went on the treadmill for 60 minutes!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    50 bicep curls
    10 bench push ups
    50 standing oblique crunches
    6273 steps walked for a distance of 2:58 miles.
  • bturner28
    bturner28 Posts: 68 Member
    Just started this group from an invite by Melanie! I'm Bonnie. I'm looking to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday in May. I started a couple weeks ago. Doing p90x everyday. I started at 160, currently 157. Goal is 130.
    Good luck everyone!
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    Just started this group from an invite by Melanie! I'm Bonnie. I'm looking to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday in May. I started a couple weeks ago. Doing p90x everyday. I started at 160, currently 157. Goal is 130.
    Good luck everyone!

    Glad you came over Bonnie !!
    we can DO THIS !!!
  • bturner28
    bturner28 Posts: 68 Member
    We sure can! Thanks Melanie. Keep moving safely with your injury : )