February 6 week 6 pack!!!



  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    Could I possibly join in? I have done 30 DS and just finished RI30 in January. I just finished my first week of 6W6P last week! I was part of a group for RI30 but wanted something for 6W6P as there aren't that many groups for it and I'd love the support!

    Is anyone close to being done/have any real results?

    Woohoo! I just started week 1 level 2 (last week should have been week 1 but I got home ridiculously late EVERY DAY, total fluke that never happens!). I posted my progress picture from level 1, I don't have a six pack by any means but I definitely don't feel so squishy. Also noticing unexpected differences in my arms and thighs!

    Your progress photo is great! I can definitely see a difference in only the three weeks. Is level 2 any harder? Also I'm really just desperate to get rid of this tiny last bit of lower belly fat that I have. I really hope this dvd helps!
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    Your progress photo is great! I can definitely see a difference in only the three weeks. Is level 2 any harder? Also I'm really just desperate to get rid of this tiny last bit of lower belly fat that I have. I really hope this dvd helps!

    Level 2 is definitely harder; proof in the fact that a lot of the moves don't have beginner versions. Also I lose my balance a lot haha. But, I was pretty horrid at level 1 when I started that, so that's keeping me from giving up. Now that I think about it, I honestly don't know if I ever did level 1 100% at any point because I had to stop for breaks. Maybe someday!
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    Just now seeing this thread! Hope it's ok to jump in! I just started 6w6p last night & I can't decide yet how I'm going to like it. It didn't feel super challenging so I really hope it gives me a good workout. Also a little concerned I will lose the progress I've made in my legs, butt, & upper arms from doing 30ds & RI30 (only got a little into lv 3 on that one). Has anyone lost progress in other areas while doing this workout?
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    Just now seeing this thread! Hope it's ok to jump in! I just started 6w6p last night & I can't decide yet how I'm going to like it. It didn't feel super challenging so I really hope it gives me a good workout. Also a little concerned I will lose the progress I've made in my legs, butt, & upper arms from doing 30ds & RI30 (only got a little into lv 3 on that one). Has anyone lost progress in other areas while doing this workout?

    I didn't do the other ones first so I can't compare it, but I have definitely noticed a difference in my thighs, upper arms, and back. There's lots of planks so your upper arms and back are always working, and because of the cardio intervals your legs get a fair amount of work too.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Last night, I began my first time on level 2 and I thought I'd die. Not only were some of the moves hard, but they require coordination which I do not have. I was working new muscle groups, too. And the plank jacks and plank moguals. Phew! We did plank jacks in the 30 day shred and I never really got the hang of them. I was out of breath most of the time, but got through the workout. Today, was much better, but whew, I am uncoordinated. I had gotten used to level 1 doing it for 3 weeks. I guess we can get comfortable until we do something new and then, Phew! It will take me a couple of days to master the moves and feel like I can do it.

    Blueboxblues, you are right, there are no modifications in level 2.
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    I noticed that focusing on a specific point on the wall ahead of me helps me keep my balance a little better...barely. Also apparently all the planks, burpees, and mountain climbers I've been doing are SHREDDING the carpet in the spare bedroom because of my sneakers! It almost looks like a pilled sweater. So yesterday I tried doing it barefoot and just with socks, but I was falling all over the place. I thought I had a yoga mat but I can't find it...oh well, that carpet is ugly anyway.
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    LOL-My carpet is shredded, too! I workout bare footed without socks.
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    I'm nearing the end of Week 2 of Level 1 and Jillian still kills me :( For some reason this workout doesn't get any easier and I'm kind of terrified for Level 2. Anyone still keeping up with this?
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    I'm nearing the end of Week 2 of Level 1 and Jillian still kills me :( For some reason this workout doesn't get any easier and I'm kind of terrified for Level 2. Anyone still keeping up with this?

    I'm on level 2 and I don't think I made it through level 1 once without having to pause it for a few minutes for water or just a break...or losing my balance haha. Level 2 is definitely harder but it's not impossible! Keep at it :)
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I came down with a cold & the flu which render me weak to exercise. Bummer! I had just begun level 2 of 6w6p and I was having a hard time with it. Maybe because the flu was creeping up on me for the 3 days I did it. Anyway I plan to start week 4 level 2 over as soon as I feel better again. I sure hate cold & flu season!:angry: That's the one thing I hate about winter.

    How are you doing? Are you staying well?
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    So sorry to hear about your flu!! ^ :(

    I'm still here! Trying to go strong lol. I'm on Day 3 of Week 3 and am almost done with Level 1. Still kind of terrified to get into Level 2 as I'm still not mastering Level 1. I can do it all, but by the end I'm literally dying lol. But the good news is I'm down 3 lbs since I started and am seeing slight results!

    Anyone still here?
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm almost completely done with Killer Abs-one more day on level three. I feel like there is a six pack under a layer of flab-I can feel how strong my muscles are below that little bit of flab. I also have the first two packs going. :) I think I saw the most change during week two. :)
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    I'm almost completely done with Killer Abs-one more day on level three. I feel like there is a six pack under a layer of flab-I can feel how strong my muscles are below that little bit of flab. I also have the first two packs going. :) I think I saw the most change during week two. :)

    Nice! That's so great. I really want to get to that point. Did you do 6 Week Six Pack too or just Killer Abs? And his Killer Abs harder/more intense?
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    I got home after 9pm last night so no time for level 2...first time I've missed all week though so that's pretty exciting. Also Tuesday was the first time I got through the T stand kicks without falling! Literally I just fall over...I have awful balance.

    On slightly related note, has anyone noticed any differences with any other body parts while doing 6W6P? I've always had skinny lanky limbs, and now I can see the muscles in my legs...I never really thought about focusing on my legs until I actually saw muscles. My arms look a little meatier too, and as someone with no rear end to speak of, I think that has a little more of a lift too! I wish I had taken pictures of my entire body and not just my stomach, I never thought about it since it focuses on abs so much. If you're just starting out on this program, definitely take more before pictures!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    I have both. I completed 6w6p at the end of summer. They are both really good workouts. 6w6p has more of a cardio element to it than Killer Abs. I remember a ton of planks/pushup position in 6w6p-the third workout in Killer Abs has planks/plank moguls/stairclimbers and really is killer -the first two workouts of KA seem easier to me than 6w6p's. I finished this morning-took all I had to finish it! I am glad to put it on the shelf for awhile. :)
  • jamie_teresa
    jamie_teresa Posts: 20 Member
    Looks like I was a little late on this one! I'm going to be starting 6W6P tomorrow :) Wish me luck - I'll keep everyone updated with results.
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    So I just started Level 2 and I am really not looking forward to doing it again today, or the next day lol. For some reason this level was extremely hard for me and I could barely keep my balance while doing all the lunges and stuff. I also had to pause the video a couple of times which is something I didn't have to do with the last level. I know that each new level of any Jillian video is always harder but this one really killed me.

    Anyone else have this problem? Maybe I just need to practice the moves a bit more. Trying to have motivation to get through these next three weeks to see results, but I really have none right now, especially considering I can't find many before or afters for 6W6P.

    Any motivation, anyone?
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    I had (and have) major balance problems with level 2 haha. They get better though I promise! I still can't get through knees with abduction during the second circuit at that speed, but I can do T-stand kicks without falling down now, so it definitely gets easier. :)

    Honestly I have a problem keep my balance during chops too. My knees are just all over the place haha.
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    I had (and have) major balance problems with level 2 haha. They get better though I promise! I still can't get through knees with abduction during the second circuit at that speed, but I can do T-stand kicks without falling down now, so it definitely gets easier. :)

    Honestly I have a problem keep my balance during chops too. My knees are just all over the place haha.

    Haha okay, good to know! Not that you having balance issues is a good thing but I'm glad to know someone else out there had a similar problem. Level 2 is really tough but I'm hoping that just means I'm working harder and will get even better results!

    Have you completed level 2 yet/what are your results so far?
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    Haha okay, good to know! Not that you having balance issues is a good thing but I'm glad to know someone else out there had a similar problem. Level 2 is really tough but I'm hoping that just means I'm working harder and will get even better results!

    Have you completed level 2 yet/what are your results so far?

    This is actually my last week...it basically looks like my entire midsection was corseted. I was about 114 pounds to begin with so I didn't really bother taking measurements, but I'll definitely post pictures once I'm done.