Sorry for being MIA

aprrae Posts: 172 Member
Hi All!

I have to apologize for being MIA since I started this board. I have had some personal challenges that have kept me from making my fitness and diet goals a priority, and I simply ignored MFP. I'm thrilled though to see so many people on the board, and I am making a commitment to everyone that I will help make this group a success. I know we all need the support!!

So today is February 1 - the board is 1 month old and looking through the posts, I see that some of you have had great success. Congrats!! Way to go! For those of you, like me, that have not made MFP a priority in Jan. Let's set some new goals for this month and for the months to come!

Thanks to everyone who has continued posting in the board!


  • LMVassolo
    LMVassolo Posts: 9 Member
    I am sort of in the same boat as you aprrae. My family and I have been sick with something--maybe a flu virus-not sure; but that has kept me away for a couple weeks. Now I am finding it difficult to get back at it! I have lost 4 pounds since I started with MFP in January --not ready to stop yet.