February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    Awww Juliet....we're not going to kick you out :smile: We are all here to support each other. Please don't go back to 1200 and please don't stop lifting.

    Remember that losing "weight" is the easy part.....but I KNOW that you want to HEALTHY, not just SKINNY. This body recomp thing is probably the hardest part of the whole journey (in my opinion because I have also been struggling) but I have read story after story after story and it does pay off. In this case, your patience is really put to the test. Please don't throw the towel in!

    I really don't feel like these gains in that you are seeing are fat.....there are so many other factors that can influence how we measure and how we weigh. It truly is best to get rid of the scale and tape for a bit and just focus on being active and healthy....including eating enough nutritious food :happy: :flowerforyou:
    ^^^This^^^ Huge "well-said" and second from me.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I think what has thrown me over the edge is my thigh measurements. My upper thighs are where I carry the most fat, always has been...and that is really the reason I started this heavy lifting, because I know how hard it is to get fat off of that area. So last summy my thighs were 20"....8lbs later, they are now 21.5" and I want to cry...JUST ****ING CRY! that .5" was from this week alone!!! I've been trying to eat more for 4-5 weeks...I know not forever...but if my thighs and *kitten* are just going to get bigger..I flat out can't do it.

    My butt was pretty good, and this is prolly TMI but I take a pic everyday for my bf..he calls it morning pantie check, it makes him happy so I do it. Well I can see the fat progression in my rear now too..a lot more dimples than even a month ago...

    I don't know why it isn't working for me...and I know better than to close out my diary on mfp for the very reason that I DON'T want to see them tell me I'll be 2 lbs heavier in 5 weeks. But guess what, I AM two pounds heavier...

    maybe if I can drop 10lbs I can start trying this again..I'll have more of a cushion or something...I dont' know..maybe I just need to accept that it won't work for me...too short, old, too much of a freak I don't know.

    I'm really sorry, I feel like you guys are going to throw me out at any point because I'm being so negative and whiney...I guess I trust y'all more than most since I'm actually voicing all of this stuff rather than keeping it in. Like I said before, I'm not normally this needy or negative or anything else...I do know it is a tough time of year for me, I don't do well in winter and historically all of my weightloss is in the summer when I'm happy and active...

    so, sorry....I'm going to go freak out in the bathroom now and get it over with. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    From what I understand Gaining muscle involves eating a lot. That may mean that at this point you aren't losing fat so your legs etc may get larger because you are putting on muscle and keeping the fat. But the advantage to having more muscle is that your metabolism increases and you get healthier because you are eating enough to get the nutrients you need. Keeping your weight stable is easier with a lot of muscle. I am eating huge quantities of healthy food now compared to when I first started and my weight fluctuates but it stays in a range. The other advantage is that your body will have a nicer shape with muscle, even if you have some fat on top, if you have lots of nice strong muscle underneath. Not to mention being able to do what you want to do and feel strong! One more! If you get injured you heal quicker than you would if your muscles weren't strong. Also as I found out your body can handle a lot more and not get injured. I slipped on the ice recently and I was bruised but not broken. I just got up and kept running. What does your guy say when you send pictures? Is this a healthy thing to be doing? Hang in there. This really is a worthwhile endeavour. It sounds like you really need to be lifting and putting your focus on health and strength rather than what you look like. I don't know how to do those little pictures but I hope that it is obvious that this is coming from a caring place.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I tried something new! I usually do aikido stretches in-between sets, unless I'm doing laundry, but today I put on Nat King Cole and danced! It was really fun and it really loosened up my body in a way that the regular stretches weren't! It may not work at the gym but If you workout in your basement it is fun!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Julie, breathe...in.............out.............in.............out.........

    Okay, it could be your muscles retaining water because they're repairing themselves. It could be water retention due to something else. Unless you ate 7,000 cals over your TDEE in a couple of days, IT'S NOT FAT! I'm not yelling, btw, the caps were for emphasis.

    I say, ditch the scale except for once a month. That's what I do...I do weight, measurements, and pics on the first Sunday of every month.

    I would agree with the once a month thing. Break its mental hold over you. I stopped weighing because I noticed I'd look in the mirror, feel good, and then get on it and see a bad number, and IMMEDIATELY after that I'd think I looked so fat, in that same mirror, no more than 5 minutes later.

    But in other tales of the scale - I was feeling lean last week, looked good, had a lot of ab definition (for me anyway - upper abs, lower abs are probably 3 years away from visibility) and weighed 170. I was pretty successful in not letting it get me down, but then yesterday I was really bloated, feeling very fat and my stomach was visibly pudgier, got on the scale and weighed 166.6

    That's not even that weird for me, I've been known to fluctuate as much as 6 pounds and a few inches here and there, and those things don't even always correspond for me. I've gained so much water in my thighs that my pants were slightly pulling, visibly making those little folds from being stretched to tight, even though on other days these same pants are loose all the way down my leg. I've also gained so much water in my stomach that these pants have ridden up and been distressingly uncomfortable around the middle, and then had other 'low' times when they actually started to slide down a little.

    Its NOT FAT. I swear its not. Its not even really muscle, no one puts on *that* much muscle in a few weeks, absolutely no one, not even the most genetically gifted bodybuilder on a bulk, doing exercises and reps that specifically target muscle growth. I'm actually pretty genetically gifted in the muscle building department and I think I've added maybe a couple pounds over a year, eating MASSIVELY more than 1200 calories (unless you mean per meal, I've been known to eat 1200-1400 calorie meals and NOT consider it a splurge)

    Aaaaaaaand - remember that stress is TERRIBLE for weight loss. Horrible. Constantly high levels of cortisol in your system will prevent you from losing weight. So, I don't know what you can do to let it go, but you HAVE to let it go, because stressing about it is going to create a self fulfilling prophecy of fat gain/lack of loss. (hopefully that doesn't just make you stress more, but its true - stress is absolutely terrible for fat loss.)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I think what has thrown me over the edge is my thigh measurements. My upper thighs are where I carry the most fat, always has been...and that is really the reason I started this heavy lifting, because I know how hard it is to get fat off of that area. So last summy my thighs were 20"....8lbs later, they are now 21.5" and I want to cry...JUST ****ING CRY! that .5" was from this week alone!!! I've been trying to eat more for 4-5 weeks...I know not forever...but if my thighs and *kitten* are just going to get bigger..I flat out can't do it.

    My butt was pretty good, and this is prolly TMI but I take a pic everyday for my bf..he calls it morning pantie check, it makes him happy so I do it. Well I can see the fat progression in my rear now too..a lot more dimples than even a month ago...

    I don't know why it isn't working for me...and I know better than to close out my diary on mfp for the very reason that I DON'T want to see them tell me I'll be 2 lbs heavier in 5 weeks. But guess what, I AM two pounds heavier...

    maybe if I can drop 10lbs I can start trying this again..I'll have more of a cushion or something...I dont' know..maybe I just need to accept that it won't work for me...too short, old, too much of a freak I don't know.

    I'm really sorry, I feel like you guys are going to throw me out at any point because I'm being so negative and whiney...I guess I trust y'all more than most since I'm actually voicing all of this stuff rather than keeping it in. Like I said before, I'm not normally this needy or negative or anything else...I do know it is a tough time of year for me, I don't do well in winter and historically all of my weightloss is in the summer when I'm happy and active...

    so, sorry....I'm going to go freak out in the bathroom now and get it over with. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Oh trust me, I hate thighs as well. Mine are a whopping 28 inches, and have been for months (and I've lost 25 pounds in that time). That's measuring at the largest part at the top. But, closer down to my knees, they are starting to look different. I think I'm not measuring in enough places. But, you can use clothes and how much you can see muscles as a guide. I really am liking taking monthly photos because I can see changes in the photos that I can't see in the mirror.

    And keep in mind everyone says the scales lie because of water weight, blah, blah, blah. But, water lies about everything. If you're retaining water, you also bloat a little, which will be reflected in your measurements and clothes as well. And, cortisol causes water retention, and both exercise and stress can cause increases in cortisol. (And you're stressing about exercising... :wink:).

    I'd give it a little longer. If you feel like you really aren't losing, you could try adjusting your calories in small increments (don't just jump straight down to 1200). Also, for really good advice, you can create a post in this group http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/10118-eat-train-progress. It's a limited group with two people giving most of the responses. Sarah just posted her success story, and she has lived it, and is now sharing her wisdom. They ask very detailed questions (see the sticky about intake questions), and usually give very good advice. Often it's not what I would think of (which just goes to show I don't know as much as I think I do :laugh:).
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I have to go read the libido thread, LOL…

    I took some pictures with my phone today. I am a lot cuter (and less chunky) in the mirror without the camera. They really DO put pounds on, those damned cameras. :angry:

    The hubs had to run to the store and I told him he had to get some lean ground beef. I can’t stop thinking about burgers, LOL…

    So I am about to get the pix off my phone and cropped to get the mess out of the background, date them, and go from there…I canNOT get over the difference 5 or so weeks made in my gut. I went from looking pregnant to almost looking normal, LOL...

    Bloody cameras, isn't that the truth! I bought a new outfit from a yoga store called Lole here in Canada, got home and wanted to take a couple pics to send to my man friend and somehow I looked not nearly as cute in the pictures as I did IRL. WTF?!!! Same with when I think I'm looking better in my bra and panties and then go to take a pic for progress pictures and BARF :laugh: Pretty sure a lot is in my head and I should work on that but eff why can't the camera cooperate?!!!

    I also look terrible in pictures. ALL pictures. Horrible. I hate it - I actually rarely take them because it can really mess with how I see myself - I'll think "hey lady, lookin good" and then take a picture and think "WAAAAAAAAH I'M A COW" Also lighting, angle, how big the frame is, etc all mess with how you look in a picture.

    I finally made it back to the gym yesterday (yay!) and did some benching. Managed 97.5 x 5 for the bench press which my records claim is NOT a PR, but I felt like it was really tough anyway - my actual PR is .... I think 105x4?

    and then I tried using the rowing machine. Dear god, that is some strenuous shit. Right there. Ugh. Awful. I did like 9 minutes. and my shoulders were already so TIRED.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Cameras really are the devil except for a few select individuals. It's a way of making a 3d image flat so there's always distortion. (It's not just in your head!) The crappier the camera the more the distortion. Think of how big iceland looks when you see it on a flat map vs a globe.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Julie, breathe...in.............out.............in.............out.........

    Okay, it could be your muscles retaining water because they're repairing themselves. It could be water retention due to something else. Unless you ate 7,000 cals over your TDEE in a couple of days, IT'S NOT FAT! I'm not yelling, btw, the caps were for emphasis.

    I say, ditch the scale except for once a month. That's what I do...I do weight, measurements, and pics on the first Sunday of every month.

    I would agree with the once a month thing. Break its mental hold over you. I stopped weighing because I noticed I'd look in the mirror, feel good, and then get on it and see a bad number, and IMMEDIATELY after that I'd think I looked so fat, in that same mirror, no more than 5 minutes later.

    But in other tales of the scale - I was feeling lean last week, looked good, had a lot of ab definition (for me anyway - upper abs, lower abs are probably 3 years away from visibility) and weighed 170. I was pretty successful in not letting it get me down, but then yesterday I was really bloated, feeling very fat and my stomach was visibly pudgier, got on the scale and weighed 166.6

    That's not even that weird for me, I've been known to fluctuate as much as 6 pounds and a few inches here and there, and those things don't even always correspond for me. I've gained so much water in my thighs that my pants were slightly pulling, visibly making those little folds from being stretched to tight, even though on other days these same pants are loose all the way down my leg. I've also gained so much water in my stomach that these pants have ridden up and been distressingly uncomfortable around the middle, and then had other 'low' times when they actually started to slide down a little.

    Its NOT FAT. I swear its not. Its not even really muscle, no one puts on *that* much muscle in a few weeks, absolutely no one, not even the most genetically gifted bodybuilder on a bulk, doing exercises and reps that specifically target muscle growth. I'm actually pretty genetically gifted in the muscle building department and I think I've added maybe a couple pounds over a year, eating MASSIVELY more than 1200 calories (unless you mean per meal, I've been known to eat 1200-1400 calorie meals and NOT consider it a splurge)

    Aaaaaaaand - remember that stress is TERRIBLE for weight loss. Horrible. Constantly high levels of cortisol in your system will prevent you from losing weight. So, I don't know what you can do to let it go, but you HAVE to let it go, because stressing about it is going to create a self fulfilling prophecy of fat gain/lack of loss. (hopefully that doesn't just make you stress more, but its true - stress is absolutely terrible for fat loss.)

    Listen to this girl! She knows what she is talking about. I agree that we aren't gaining pounds of muscle but I think the muscle does change when we lift and feels bigger so our legs look and measure bigger (I personally like to think I am gaining lots of muscle so I'm going for it!) My legs have lots of fat left on them and they did measure more the last time i did it but I just think it is more muscle tissue and I feel happy! Whether that is the muscle retaining water or not. Thanks for straightening me out Tameko! I'm glad we have you here to keep us on track when we are giving advice!

    It is really interesting Tameko, when you talk about your scale numbers it is like you are writing about what happens to me. the fluctuations and the actual numbers. 170, 166. I get some 168s in there too. The 1200 calorie meals as well! I like a woman that can eat!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I have to go read the libido thread, LOL…

    I took some pictures with my phone today. I am a lot cuter (and less chunky) in the mirror without the camera. They really DO put pounds on, those damned cameras. :angry:

    The hubs had to run to the store and I told him he had to get some lean ground beef. I can’t stop thinking about burgers, LOL…

    So I am about to get the pix off my phone and cropped to get the mess out of the background, date them, and go from there…I canNOT get over the difference 5 or so weeks made in my gut. I went from looking pregnant to almost looking normal, LOL...

    Bloody cameras, isn't that the truth! I bought a new outfit from a yoga store called Lole here in Canada, got home and wanted to take a couple pics to send to my man friend and somehow I looked not nearly as cute in the pictures as I did IRL. WTF?!!! Same with when I think I'm looking better in my bra and panties and then go to take a pic for progress pictures and BARF :laugh: Pretty sure a lot is in my head and I should work on that but eff why can't the camera cooperate?!!!

    I also look terrible in pictures. ALL pictures. Horrible. I hate it - I actually rarely take them because it can really mess with how I see myself - I'll think "hey lady, lookin good" and then take a picture and think "WAAAAAAAAH I'M A COW" Also lighting, angle, how big the frame is, etc all mess with how you look in a picture.

    I finally made it back to the gym yesterday (yay!) and did some benching. Managed 97.5 x 5 for the bench press which my records claim is NOT a PR, but I felt like it was really tough anyway - my actual PR is .... I think 105x4?

    and then I tried using the rowing machine. Dear god, that is some strenuous shit. Right there. Ugh. Awful. I did like 9 minutes. and my shoulders were already so TIRED.

    Well I think your profile pic is adorable :wink: But I totally agree....although I did take a pic of myself in a dress this morning that I actually didn't mind....if I knew how to upload pics on here I would share but I have no idea how to do this lol

    The rowing machine...yeahhhhh.....I was the Biggest Loser contestants do that on the show and it looks damn ROUGH but apparently it's effective! I kinda wish I had one actually. I wonder if they are expensive? I was thinking about buying a bike, but maybe a rowing machine is something to think about! Thanks Tameko :laugh:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Came across this article on deadlifting and definitely think it's worth a read!

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I have to go read the libido thread, LOL…

    I took some pictures with my phone today. I am a lot cuter (and less chunky) in the mirror without the camera. They really DO put pounds on, those damned cameras. :angry:

    The hubs had to run to the store and I told him he had to get some lean ground beef. I can’t stop thinking about burgers, LOL…

    So I am about to get the pix off my phone and cropped to get the mess out of the background, date them, and go from there…I canNOT get over the difference 5 or so weeks made in my gut. I went from looking pregnant to almost looking normal, LOL...

    Bloody cameras, isn't that the truth! I bought a new outfit from a yoga store called Lole here in Canada, got home and wanted to take a couple pics to send to my man friend and somehow I looked not nearly as cute in the pictures as I did IRL. WTF?!!! Same with when I think I'm looking better in my bra and panties and then go to take a pic for progress pictures and BARF :laugh: Pretty sure a lot is in my head and I should work on that but eff why can't the camera cooperate?!!!

    I also look terrible in pictures. ALL pictures. Horrible. I hate it - I actually rarely take them because it can really mess with how I see myself - I'll think "hey lady, lookin good" and then take a picture and think "WAAAAAAAAH I'M A COW" Also lighting, angle, how big the frame is, etc all mess with how you look in a picture.

    I finally made it back to the gym yesterday (yay!) and did some benching. Managed 97.5 x 5 for the bench press which my records claim is NOT a PR, but I felt like it was really tough anyway - my actual PR is .... I think 105x4?

    and then I tried using the rowing machine. Dear god, that is some strenuous shit. Right there. Ugh. Awful. I did like 9 minutes. and my shoulders were already so TIRED.

    Well I think your profile pic is adorable :wink: But I totally agree....although I did take a pic of myself in a dress this morning that I actually didn't mind....if I knew how to upload pics on here I would share but I have no idea how to do this lol

    The rowing machine...yeahhhhh.....I was the Biggest Loser contestants do that on the show and it looks damn ROUGH but apparently it's effective! I kinda wish I had one actually. I wonder if they are expensive? I was thinking about buying a bike, but maybe a rowing machine is something to think about! Thanks Tameko :laugh:

    you have to load the picture to another site and then use the img tags to link it here.

    I dunno about the rowing machine. On one hand, I did feel like it was a great workout, but on the other hand it would take a LONG time to work up to being able to do a lot of work on it, whereas on a bike you can spend 45 minutes at a gentle paddle. So you'd probably burn more with the bike for a while, just because you can do it for so much longer and so much more often. I guess in an ideal world I'd want BOTH - a rower for some higher intensity work but a bike for low intensity steady state cardio. If you have room, a stationary bike is usually pretty cheap used (people buy em and get rid of them all the time) so you might be able to do that within your budget.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So the hubs and I were at Wal-Mart today, and we were discussing about my struggle with the Rows last week, and so I had him do a form check right there in the fitness department at Wallyworld. :laugh:

    We got a couple strange looks, but after some pointers from him I'm feeling pretty good about having another go at the Pendlays tomorrow. He said my back was straight, which was my biggest worry, so ... here's to hoping. :bigsmile:
  • Hi Ladies!
    I think/hope I'm posting this in the right place?

    I've been reading all of your inspiring chats/posts for a few weeks now and finally decided to kick my own butt into starting this program! Been doing some lifting for a while but wasn't progressing and was starting to get bored. I am hoping doing the 5x5 will give me the motivation to keep up on it.

    Here is where I'm starting for the 5x5:
    Squat 85
    Bench Press 50
    Pendlay Row 45
    Overhead Press 50
    Deadlift 65

    Any suggestions for goal setting? Where I should expect to be in 3 months, 6 months?

    Wish me luck! Really excited to find a community of women who lift!



    It seems to be common that the upper body exercises can pose problems for many of us, so fractional weights really come in handy! Also, just curious how you came up with your starting weights?

    You will love this program!

    @Juliejustsayi Thank you!

    Sorry for the super delayed response...

    I'm actually worried I might be reporting these wrong... That is the weight including the 45 lb bar... not the weight I'm adding to the bar! Though I totally wish I WAS that strong.

    Start weights are kind of based on what I was doing before I decided to start this program and what they recommend in the info summary. I've probably spent about.. 4 months working my way up to doing everything in good form with the barbell alone and then adding a bit here and there for the ones that come more naturally to me. I definitely had to start with dumbells for a while for the overhead press and bench press!! I think I'm kind of intense about form (I'm about to get my doctor of physical therapy) so I didn't jump into any kind of intense lifting program. (Also, pendlay rows are super hard!!)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Okay let's try this!

  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    OMG that's me ^^^^^^^^^^

    So excited that I did it! YAY ME! Sorry for the dirty mirror....bloody kids :laugh: Next time I'll clean it first!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Having read the posts about potentially getting larger thighs and butt, I must admit to being slightly worried. Is this universal ? Is there any way to avoid it ? I would rather not gain inches in my lower half. I have not so far, my thigh is about 19 inches but, I am only about 5 weeks in.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Looking HOT Vegas!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Okay let's try this!


    Oh, Mamma! //wolf-whistling// You look amazing!!!!!!!

    You know, I think that I will NOT take pix with the phone anymore. Which is probably good. I mean, it's not like I'm a professional photographer with a studio, backdrop and lighting at my disposal or anything...Oh...wait...Yeah, I am, so I should be able to get decent pictures with a wireless shutter release...I just have this bench/rack in the middle of the floor, since I've stopped doing portraits and doing commercial work. May have to clear a space, LOL...

    Vegas, you are lookin' good!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Today's badassery report:

    I got pissed tonight. I cussed the plates, and decided that barbell was going to be my b!tch if it freaking killed me. I was so mad I was almost in tears...at myself...for being "weak." HA!

    So what REALLY happened was that I actually had to bust my tail to pull off my bench presses. This is really the first time that I struggled. Second workout of the second week, so that would be my fifth lifting session. I knew it was coming, but I love the bench press and it's been ridiculously easy for me until tonight.


    Squats: 2x5 @ 15lbs and 1x5 @ 30lbs to warm up. 5x5 @ 40lbs.

    Bench Press: 2x5 @ 30 lbs and 1x5 @ 40 lbs to warm up. 5x5 @ 45 lbs. Tough as hell, but 40 was easy peasy.

    Rows: 2x5 @ 30 lbs and 1x5 @ 40 to warm up. 5x5 @ 45 lbs. Piece of cake.

    Was uber tired afterward, tho.

    Now, for my question du jour: I am burning fewer calories (per my hrm) in roughly the same amount of workout time now than when I started. Is this because I am getting more used to using these muscles, or because my heart rate isn't going as high because I'm getting used to actually moving like this, or...?

    At least now I know I'm actually WORKING out, and not just working out. LOL...
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I think/hope I'm posting this in the right place?

    I've been reading all of your inspiring chats/posts for a few weeks now and finally decided to kick my own butt into starting this program! Been doing some lifting for a while but wasn't progressing and was starting to get bored. I am hoping doing the 5x5 will give me the motivation to keep up on it.

    Here is where I'm starting for the 5x5:
    Squat 85
    Bench Press 50
    Pendlay Row 45
    Overhead Press 50
    Deadlift 65

    Any suggestions for goal setting? Where I should expect to be in 3 months, 6 months?

    Wish me luck! Really excited to find a community of women who lift!



    It seems to be common that the upper body exercises can pose problems for many of us, so fractional weights really come in handy! Also, just curious how you came up with your starting weights?

    You will love this program!

    @Juliejustsayi Thank you!

    Sorry for the super delayed response...

    I'm actually worried I might be reporting these wrong... That is the weight including the 45 lb bar... not the weight I'm adding to the bar! Though I totally wish I WAS that strong.

    Start weights are kind of based on what I was doing before I decided to start this program and what they recommend in the info summary. I've probably spent about.. 4 months working my way up to doing everything in good form with the barbell alone and then adding a bit here and there for the ones that come more naturally to me. I definitely had to start with dumbells for a while for the overhead press and bench press!! I think I'm kind of intense about form (I'm about to get my doctor of physical therapy) so I didn't jump into any kind of intense lifting program. (Also, pendlay rows are super hard!!)

    You're doing it right. You're supposed to include the number with the bar. :) So you are that strong.And those are some great numbers.