February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Happy Sunday, all of you badass ladies!

    I attempted to do some light cardio yesterday, but was half-assed about it, as I wasn't feeling too hot. Turns out I was dealing with some short lived Gastro thing with fever, so it was super hard to actually eat until I started to feel human last night.

    Even though I kind of felt like crap, I was excited because I actually experienced DOMS in my shoulders and back from Friday's lift. That was a first! I felt like I actually accomplished something!

    I feel human again today, so I am going to get all my calories in. Did a little light cardio and yoga, and wanted to go for a run, but while feeling human, am not 100%, and am saving myself for tomorrow's lift.

    Today was weigh day, and am down .4 lbs. I also measured, and my numbers there are much more rewarding. :wink: I know how silly it sounds, but I had to find older panties, because the ones I had been wearing are away too big. :bigsmile: after the NSV with the standard bath towel the other night, I am really starting to look harder at myself in the mirror, and damned if I'm not starting to see a hit of definition in my upper arms and shoulders. Already! This excites me. I probably need to take a series of pictures before I look good, again, lol?

    I want to give a huge shout out to this group. Not only do y'all inspire and encourage me, you ladies understand what it means when I say, "oh, I tried deadlifting 90 lbs." I was telling a friend that this morning, and poor thing didn't know what the hell I was talking about. :laugh:

    So thank you for all of this, and for making ME feel like pure badassery, too. :heart:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Alright, I was expecting today's workout to be horrible after bootcamp yesterday and walking/jogging 2.74 miles yesterday. But, I wasn't as sore as I thought I'd be. Bootcamp ended up being a lot of running and upper body work. We did some lower body stuff, but the whole thing was fun, and full of positive people. But, everything was essentially timed (first person to 10 reps then everyone rests, then 20, 30, 40, etc.), so there wasn't much effort given to form. I got a good cardio workout, and some of my muscles are a little sore, but not if I spent an hour doing lifting.

    So on that note, I headed to the gym and got to increase squats (still only 70 :frown: ). I refused to deload my OHP, so at 52.5 I got 3x5, then 1x4 and 1x3. Not bad since I could only do two sets at that weight last time. And for deads I got to do 145!! I was worried I wasn't going to make it because when I started my warmup sets my lower back was aching a little. But, it worked itself out by my third warm up set, and then everything felt great (I guess that's the point of warmup sets...).

    And then we went out for dinner last night, and I had an amazing burger, fries and a deep fried crepe filled with crushed oreos and topped with ice cream. It was amazing. I figured with two workouts I deserved it (although still way over on calories). It's been an awesome weekend!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    OMG ladies!!! My abs are so sore today...I'm so excited! I thought last night's workout was a bomb..but obviously I did something right...woooot!!!!

    got my badassery feeling back!!!!


    Niiiiice! I am loving your profile picture!

    I wish there was a smiley for a virtual high five or fist bump from me to you!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Alright, I was expecting today's workout to be horrible after bootcamp yesterday and walking/jogging 2.74 miles yesterday. But, I wasn't as sore as I thought I'd be. Bootcamp ended up being a lot of running and upper body work. We did some lower body stuff, but the whole thing was fun, and full of positive people. But, everything was essentially timed (first person to 10 reps then everyone rests, then 20, 30, 40, etc.), so there wasn't much effort given to form. I got a good cardio workout, and some of my muscles are a little sore, but not if I spent an hour doing lifting.

    So on that note, I headed to the gym and got to increase squats (still only 70 :frown: ). I refused to deload my OHP, so at 52.5 I got 3x5, then 1x4 and 1x3. Not bad since I could only do two sets at that weight last time. And for deads I got to do 145!! I was worried I wasn't going to make it because when I started my warmup sets my lower back was aching a little. But, it worked itself out by my third warm up set, and then everything felt great (I guess that's the point of warmup sets...).

    And then we went out for dinner last night, and I had an amazing burger, fries and a deep fried crepe filled with crushed oreos and topped with ice cream. It was amazing. I figured with two workouts I deserved it (although still way over on calories). It's been an awesome weekend!

    Holy Moses! This was so awesome to read!

    Your dinner made me slobber a little bit. I'll admit it. It is still so hard to get my mind around the fact that I can actually eat and not be all deprived. I feel like I am eating more than I was before I started logging back onto MFP. Actually, I probably am, but I was scarfing garbage then and am eating much cleaner, now.

    Dang, auddii, now I want some ground cow on a bun. :bigsmile:

    Beef. It's what's for dinner. :wink:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    xidia - Happy Birthday (tomorrow) !!!

    Julie - get better!

    auddii - Good on you! I'm going to have me a burger and fries very soon! I've been so super disciplined, I think I've built me a cushion to splurge a little. :smile:

    Yesterday I had hubby use the roller trigger point end on my shoulders after OHL and OMG I almost cried it hurt so much. I was hollering and yelling so loudly that my son came in to check on me cause he thought I was hurt. Which I was ... but, ya know ... only until the knots were worked out. Hubby told our kid that mom was just being a p*ssy. :huh: That's what I get for marrying a former Marine. :heart: :drinker:

    Rest day today. I might mow the yard but other than that I plan on sitting mostly around doing nothing. We'll see.

    Y'all have a fabulous Sunday !!!!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Ummm hoping no one is offended by this but was researching weightlifting effects on sex life because I've noticed a big positive change in my "O". Came across this and thought you ladies might enjoy reading the thread.


    Lifting has tightened down there a lot more, and also I want sex a lot more than usual, which is usually a lot anyway...boyfriends have always said they think I have a pair of testes hidden away somewhere.... ; )

    News...good bad or ugly...not sure yet...I have been thinking that the home scale has been off for a while. Compared to other ladies at the same weight and with what I am doing I thought I should look a lot different. Well it turns out I am 10 lbs heavier than I thought (stupid home scale) and that means my lean mass is more than I thought and bodyfat not too shabby for this weight and also clothes not too shabby either. It also means I have only one more pound more to lose than before to get to goal (12 lbs instead of 11, bummer)...but if calcs are correct goal weight is 14 lbs heavier than when my bodyfat percentage was the same at goal last time (aiming for 20 % at the moment)...YIPPEE I think?!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    No energy at all today - out late last night celebrating my 30th (which is tomorrow) and slept really badly. I'm heeding my body and having a veg/relax day so I don't relapse into snotville again. Back to the gym on Tuesday!

    Happy Birthday Lady!!! :drinker:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @julie.....love the panties NSV! I had that realization at a very inconvenient time....wearing a dress at a gala event for work. I would dance and my panties would slide down my hips. I looked pretty classy doing the panty hike every 30 seconds :laugh:

    @audii.....great workouts! And your supper sounds divine! I did the burger thing on Monday but that crepe is totally what got me drooling!

    @nex....gosh those numbers are really confusing to me! Are you in a bulk (sorry I can't remember)? In any event, I think that any numbers that make you feel better are the ones that count :happy: It's definitely good news that your LBM is greater than you thought....shows that all that busting your *kitten* has paid off!

    As for the sex.....libido has definitely SKYROCKETED since I started lifting.....too bad I don't have anyone to have sex with to put that libido to good use :laugh: Here's to hoping things continue well with out of town guy that I'm seeing (yes, I over-reacted about 3 weeks ago :laugh: ) and I can at least start to do the horizontal mambo every 3 weeks :drinker:
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Have absolutely nothing to say other than I ❤ this thread! I enjoyed all the conversations guys. Whoo hoo for support groups and MFP friends!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Ugh, we're in a blizzard warning so I'm staying home instead of heading to the gym.

    Graelwyn, girl...you crazy! I am impressed that you even attempted a workout after lifting.

    I tend to be a person of extremes, lol. Sometimes I go a week or two not wanting to do anything, no motivation, then I will be all out for a while. Had I known that it was that intense of a class, I am not sure I'd have attempted it, but then, I am trying to push myself to try different things and venture out of my shell as I really have no social contact apart from my bf so I sort of debated going, and went for it in a moment of madness decision. That said, I almost always do cardio after weights if I have the energy, though it is getting harder on the legs now I am lifting a bit heavier.

    Today I went a bit nuts. I was booked in to try a 30 minute session of sleds to see if I liked it, which is, of course, pulling weights along the floor, then I did my stronglifts, followed by 70 minutes of cardio, with a bad back. Mind you, I could not do my deadlifts. Totally could not move anything off the floor that way, lol, so I had to leave those. Tomorrow, I will be just having a day off all of it, apart from maybe trying some yoga.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Alright, I was expecting today's workout to be horrible after bootcamp yesterday and walking/jogging 2.74 miles yesterday. But, I wasn't as sore as I thought I'd be. Bootcamp ended up being a lot of running and upper body work. We did some lower body stuff, but the whole thing was fun, and full of positive people. But, everything was essentially timed (first person to 10 reps then everyone rests, then 20, 30, 40, etc.), so there wasn't much effort given to form. I got a good cardio workout, and some of my muscles are a little sore, but not if I spent an hour doing lifting.

    So on that note, I headed to the gym and got to increase squats (still only 70 :frown: ). I refused to deload my OHP, so at 52.5 I got 3x5, then 1x4 and 1x3. Not bad since I could only do two sets at that weight last time. And for deads I got to do 145!! I was worried I wasn't going to make it because when I started my warmup sets my lower back was aching a little. But, it worked itself out by my third warm up set, and then everything felt great (I guess that's the point of warmup sets...).

    And then we went out for dinner last night, and I had an amazing burger, fries and a deep fried crepe filled with crushed oreos and topped with ice cream. It was amazing. I figured with two workouts I deserved it (although still way over on calories). It's been an awesome weekend!

    That dinner sounds amazing. Not into burgers really, but the dessert...wow, we don't get any desserts like that here in the Uk. I would totally have chosen that too.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I have to go read the libido thread, LOL…

    I took some pictures with my phone today. I am a lot cuter (and less chunky) in the mirror without the camera. They really DO put pounds on, those damned cameras. :angry:

    The hubs had to run to the store and I told him he had to get some lean ground beef. I can’t stop thinking about burgers, LOL…

    So I am about to get the pix off my phone and cropped to get the mess out of the background, date them, and go from there…I canNOT get over the difference 5 or so weeks made in my gut. I went from looking pregnant to almost looking normal, LOL...
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I have to go read the libido thread, LOL…

    I took some pictures with my phone today. I am a lot cuter (and less chunky) in the mirror without the camera. They really DO put pounds on, those damned cameras. :angry:

    The hubs had to run to the store and I told him he had to get some lean ground beef. I can’t stop thinking about burgers, LOL…

    So I am about to get the pix off my phone and cropped to get the mess out of the background, date them, and go from there…I canNOT get over the difference 5 or so weeks made in my gut. I went from looking pregnant to almost looking normal, LOL...

    Bloody cameras, isn't that the truth! I bought a new outfit from a yoga store called Lole here in Canada, got home and wanted to take a couple pics to send to my man friend and somehow I looked not nearly as cute in the pictures as I did IRL. WTF?!!! Same with when I think I'm looking better in my bra and panties and then go to take a pic for progress pictures and BARF :laugh: Pretty sure a lot is in my head and I should work on that but eff why can't the camera cooperate?!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I have to go read the libido thread, LOL…

    I took some pictures with my phone today. I am a lot cuter (and less chunky) in the mirror without the camera. They really DO put pounds on, those damned cameras. :angry:

    The hubs had to run to the store and I told him he had to get some lean ground beef. I can’t stop thinking about burgers, LOL…

    So I am about to get the pix off my phone and cropped to get the mess out of the background, date them, and go from there…I canNOT get over the difference 5 or so weeks made in my gut. I went from looking pregnant to almost looking normal, LOL...

    Bloody cameras, isn't that the truth! I bought a new outfit from a yoga store called Lole here in Canada, got home and wanted to take a couple pics to send to my man friend and somehow I looked not nearly as cute in the pictures as I did IRL. WTF?!!! Same with when I think I'm looking better in my bra and panties and then go to take a pic for progress pictures and BARF :laugh: Pretty sure a lot is in my head and I should work on that but eff why can't the camera cooperate?!!!

    I know…Holy moses, I know!

    Ok, so even with a few extra camera pounds, I put together a couple…these two are probably the ones that show the most obvious difference. My one regret is that you can’t really see where I am one chin down in the second picture. I will take more again in four more weeks, but this is the difference in just a little over one month’s time:


    ETA: Please disregard the ginormous pile of laundry in the background, LOL...
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ummm hoping no one is offended by this but was researching weightlifting effects on sex life because I've noticed a big positive change in my "O". Came across this and thought you ladies might enjoy reading the thread.


    Okay. I read it…I love it! I just wish I wasn’t out cold by 9 pm most nights and/or the hubs would c’mon before I crash and burn, LMAO! :bigsmile:

    All I know is that since I’ve unassed some of the extra flabbage, I don’t feel like a huge blob nekkid anymore. :devil: and that can ONLY be a good thing, LOL...
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Julie wow that is a big difference :happy: Great work!!!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Love the libido story...my bf is shaking his head, cause he knows I don't really need another reason to want sex all the time...heheheh. But still I'm going to use it.

    Way disappointing scale read this morning...I had to true up and put the higher number in...2lbs higher...small panic attack. Looks like my natural waist might have nipped in a bit, but really not enough to count. this totally sucks.

    I have to head out for a gym session today to get back on track with my gym days...feeling cruddy and missing a day last week was a huge bummer. My abs still hurt today, so I'm wishing for another rest day...but no.

    I hate second guessing myself..but I can't help thinking that I won't hit my goals this way...I hate feeling fat. :(
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Julie, breathe...in.............out.............in.............out.........

    Okay, it could be your muscles retaining water because they're repairing themselves. It could be water retention due to something else. Unless you ate 7,000 cals over your TDEE in a couple of days, IT'S NOT FAT! I'm not yelling, btw, the caps were for emphasis.

    I say, ditch the scale except for once a month. That's what I do...I do weight, measurements, and pics on the first Sunday of every month.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    My weekend = yellow corn chips and Mexican sweet potato skins (thanks Amy!), mucho white wine (found a new fave! - have to check what it is now that I have presence of mind to remember it), steak fajitas, guac, chips, red sangria, Stella, chocolate milkshake, french fries and gravy, Italian sausage omelette, home fries, and ketchup.

    And tomorrow we lift.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Holy fck, Sare! Yummy weekend! I'm making the potato skins for tomorrow.