What are Your Hot Flashes Like?

Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
I had my third during the night 2-4am. I get completely flushed all over body like an inside out sunburn with itchy creepy crawly skin going outside in the cool air did not help so I took a cold shower and then put on aloe vera. After I cool down I get freezing cold.


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My day time ones go like this: hmm, I feel...different. Holy cow I'm hot, and now nauseous, am I getting sick? Wow, shaky. And then gone.
    They start in my chest and go up and down and make me quite oogy feeling.

    My night time ones I just get roasting "throw the covers off NOW" hot, and yes, creepy crawly skin.

    Then later freezing cold.

    Daytime ones are (so far) somewhat rare. (like 1 a month). The night time ones every few nights.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Early (3 + years ago) on they'd be a sudden onset that seemed to be head and shoulder area, with profuse sweating. Dripping down arms and legs and face type sweating. Every once in a while I'd get a different sort, a "dry flash". Those would be in my head, and felt inside it the way you do when you open the oven and that blast of super dry heat engulfs your head. No severe sweating with that type. Nowadays the flashes are far less sweaty and obnoxious than in the early days.

    It will get better with time. :flowerforyou:
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Daytime flashes I get really hot and a little light headed. I feel like have to sit down for a minute. I try to find a cool tile floor to lay on or something (such as in the bathroom). It usually passes after a couple of minutes. These happen infrequently, and usually only the week or so before I begin my period.

    Nighttime hot flashes happen all the damn time. Sometimes several times a night, requiring me to change my pajamas due to profuse sweating. My poor husband is usually freezing since I insist we keep the heat off at night. Last night I noticed that he wore his hooded sweatshirt to bed and had the hood on. :smooched:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Daytime flashes I get really hot and a little light headed. I feel like have to sit down for a minute. I try to find a cool tile floor to lay on or something (such as in the bathroom). It usually passes after a couple of minutes. These happen infrequently, and usually only the week or so before I begin my period.

    Nighttime hot flashes happen all the damn time. Sometimes several times a night, requiring me to change my pajamas due to profuse sweating. My poor husband is usually freezing since I insist we keep the heat off at night. Last night I noticed that he wore his hooded sweatshirt to bed and had the hood on. :smooched:
    LOL. I bought hubby a hooded, very thick, bathrobe for christmas this year. Poor guy.
  • mefabulousme
    mefabulousme Posts: 8 Member
    Love the husband in the hoodie coment. So funny. My hot flashes have slowed down after 15 years of having them. Now I only get one or two a week. Nine or ten years ago I could have 50+ a week........the good old days....lol:blushing:
  • mefabulousme
    mefabulousme Posts: 8 Member
    oooops... I meant 50+ a day.
  • cbrooks1232
    cbrooks1232 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I am new to MFP, but not new to hot flashes! I had a hysterectomy (TAH/BSO for those "in the know") last year and that shot me right into surgical menopause. No gradual slide for this gal, LOL.

    My hot flashes honestly don't bother me all that much. I have learned to dress in layers, both in the summer and winter and am not embarrassed at all to be wearing a heavy cotton sweater in August or a tank top in January. My flashes start out in my forehead, which starts feeling feverish and then spread through my upper body. I know the difference between sweat due to exercise/activity and a hot flash, because during a hot flash the corners of my inner eyes sweat. So, I also always carry a makeup-touchup bag and a hand towel for blotting.

    As I type this, here comes one now. Ha!

    Since I live alone, night flashes are simple, I just fling all the covers on the floor, until it passes. Those of you who sleep with a partner, I feel sorry for, because I am sure it is a pain for both you and them, because I do that about 5-6 times a night. I have started going to sleep an hour earlier to make up for the lower quality of sleep I have been getting.

    When I am exercising, if a hot flash comes along, I will slow my pace until it passes. This usually means that it takes me longer than a typical person to do a work out, but I bookend my time accordingly.

    Compared to my very ugly and horrible, long, heavy periods, these hot flashes are a breeze.
  • Me48Plus2
    Yikes. I don't get hot flashes. I was getting night sweats , ALOT (soaking through my clothes) but I'm taking a nutritional supplement consistently now and I'm not getting them, nor are my boobs huge and sore anymore. I would highly recommend it to anyone. It's called Super Food Plus and you can get it at www.herbdoc.com. WONDERFUL stuff !
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I overheat. Sometimes, I just feel warmer than usual and it sort of radiates from the inside out. This kind is not too miserable. It's over and gone within minutes. Other times, I light up like a friggin furnace. Sweat rolls off my face and my skin becomes damp all over (as do my clothing). I'm red faced and crabby as hell until it passes. Nights, I wake up drenched and throw off the covers until I cool off, then drag them back over me. Partner hasn't complained as of yet.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Mine aren't too terrible yet. They come on quickly from the inside feeling like a hot furnace. They only last a few minutes and then I am usually really cold afterwards. I haven't had a solid nights sleep in probably a month though as I get woken up with the sweats at least 2 or 3 times a night.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Interesting that you ask this question. I came here tonight to search out information on other's hot flashes experiences, so this is very timely.

    Last night, for the second time in my life, I woke during the night and was dripping with sweat. I thought I woke up to use the bathroom, so off I tottered to use the bathroom, noticing that I was dripping everywhere that my skin touched my skin, and when I crawled back into bed it was wet from my sweating! I had no trouble falling back to sleep, at least. I'm not getting any flashes during the day because it's winter right now and cold here, but I have had one or two while exercising. They start in my head/chest and go outwards from there in a tingly/whooshing feeling and last maybe 20 seconds before they stop. I get them if I'm warm, so summer is when they really kick in.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Interesting that you ask this question. I came here tonight to search out information on other's hot flashes experiences, so this is very timely.

    Last night, for the second time in my life, I woke during the night and was dripping with sweat. I thought I woke up to use the bathroom, so off I tottered to use the bathroom, noticing that I was dripping everywhere that my skin touched my skin, and when I crawled back into bed it was wet from my sweating! I had no trouble falling back to sleep, at least. I'm not getting any flashes during the day because it's winter right now and cold here, but I have had one or two while exercising. They start in my head/chest and go outwards from there in a tingly/whooshing feeling and last maybe 20 seconds before they stop. I get them if I'm warm, so summer is when they really kick in.
    For what it's worth, winter doesn't stop mine. I recently got up and walked out into the cold because of a hot flash.
  • GetFit1129
    GetFit1129 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't have them often at all. I think it may be the supplements I take and my intense work outs. Not sure.

    I did have one while standing in line at WalMart one night. Scared the pee pee out of me. All of a sudden head my entire upper body felt like a fiery furnace and I got very light headed. I really thought I was going to pass out. I so weak I thought maybe my sugar had dropped. As soon as we checked out my husband and me went straight to grab a bite to eat. Food did not help. I went to bed when I got home and it took me 24 hours for this terrible episode to pass. That is the last time I have had one that severe. My GYN doesn't think that was a hot flash, but I truly think my hormones totally flipped and put me in a whirl wind.

    I rarely have night sweats anymore. I think I am headed to post menopause, I hope I am any way!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I don't have them often at all. I think it may be the supplements I take and my intense work outs. Not sure.

    I did have one while standing in line at WalMart one night. Scared the pee pee out of me. All of a sudden head my entire upper body felt like a fiery furnace and I got very light headed. I really thought I was going to pass out. I so weak I thought maybe my sugar had dropped. As soon as we checked out my husband and me went straight to grab a bite to eat. Food did not help. I went to bed when I got home and it took me 24 hours for this terrible episode to pass. That is the last time I have had one that severe. My GYN doesn't think that was a hot flash, but I truly think my hormones totally flipped and put me in a whirl wind.

    I rarely have night sweats anymore. I think I am headed to post menopause, I hope I am any way!
    I had one of those on an airplane once. Not knowing what it was I left my middle seat and headed to the bathroom. And then I passed out. :-) That wasn't fun!
  • GetFit1129
    GetFit1129 Posts: 35 Member
    Oh wOw. That is awful!
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Flashes at night

    Covers Off
    Covers Back on
    Covers Off
    Back on

    Well you get the drift - sweating hot as heck like i'm in a furnance. During the day are not so often anymore but I have a new thing my upper left arm itches like nobodies business after a hot flash. luckly no getting light headed or anything like that
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,456 Member
    My day time ones go like this: hmm, I feel...different. Holy cow I'm hot, and now nauseous, am I getting sick? Wow, shaky. And then gone.
    They start in my chest and go up and down and make me quite oogy feeling.

    My night time ones I just get roasting "throw the covers off NOW" hot, and yes, creepy crawly skin.

    Then later freezing cold.

    Daytime ones are (so far) somewhat rare. (like 1 a month). The night time ones every few nights.

    OMG this! I'm new to this group - need some help losing wt and getting healthy without losing my mind!!
    My daytime hot flashes are about once a week, and nighttime are nightly :)
  • happydispatcher
    happydispatcher Posts: 56 Member
    I am going through an earlier menopause then most. Possibly excellerated by having my tubes tied or so the doc says. Anyway, I get the hotflashes day and night and a co-worker gave me great advice that works for me. Instead of uncovering your entire body just expose the small of your back. Hubby will even put cool pack on mine for me:bigsmile:
  • joolson45
    joolson45 Posts: 80 Member
    I usually dont notice when I have them at night.. Just wake up soaking wet.. hair wet.. sheets wet.. gross

    During the day I feel them come over my whole body, I sweat on my chest, back and nape of my neck. I feel quite panicky, and shaky...almost like my blood sugar drops...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I usually dont notice when I have them at night.. Just wake up soaking wet.. hair wet.. sheets wet.. gross

    During the day I feel them come over my whole body, I sweat on my chest, back and nape of my neck. I feel quite panicky, and shaky...almost like my blood sugar drops...
    It's a lot like a blood sugar crash, with nausea.