Lower body workout with dumbbells


I know dumbbells are effective tools for upper body exercises and seem to give me good results. But does anyone use dumbbells for your lower body workout? Do you get good results and what exercises do you do?


  • chelivia7
    chelivia7 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I use them to do lunges & squats. I definately feel a difference when I use them vs no weights.
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Go to youtube.com and do a search on "dumbell workout routines". You will find several that include lower body. Depending on how much weight you have (can you add weight to the dumbells or are they fixed weight?) you may eventually need to expand your collection as you get stronger. I would consider moves like lunges, squats, dead lifts and you could even do a variation of jerk and clean. All these will work lower body and core. Good luck!
  • thepotz
    thepotz Posts: 34 Member

    I know dumbbells are effective tools for upper body exercises and seem to give me good results. But does anyone use dumbbells for your lower body workout? Do you get good results and what exercises do you do?

    Squats and lunges & stiff leg deadlifts is all you need with your dumb bells for lower body
  • brewman01
    brewman01 Posts: 44 Member
    Deadlifts, Squats, Lunges, Lunges with one foot on a bench for greater range, really attacks the hamstrings.
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    narow and wide stance squats, sumo squats, romanian deadlifts, walking lunges and step ups are all great for women to build legs and glutes.