UK friends wanted

kelny Posts: 11 Member
Looking for EM2WL friends from the UK. I am 40 year old, gradually gained 5 stone from age 18-38, lost 3 1/2 of those in last 2 years thru watching what I ate ( but still eating a lot), joined a gym and started weight training. Only managed one 2 day restrictive diet in my life! My goal is a healthy diet and strong body that will keep me as healthy as possible as I get older.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    UK EM2WL follower here, feel free to add.
  • mumreeder
    mumreeder Posts: 222 Member
    Welcome to the group. I am also from the UK and only just started on EM2WL (fed up with living on nothing!). I have sent you a friend request.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm in the UK too. Feel free to add me.
  • Danipri22
    Danipri22 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm from the UK, feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, UK person who likes to eat here! Feel free to add me :-)
  • talilakay2
    talilakay2 Posts: 34 Member
    Me too! Feel free to add me for support :) I like to motivate!
  • I'm in the UK too, feel free to add me.
  • Hi, I'm also in the UK so u can add me :-)
  • sarahp4769
    sarahp4769 Posts: 69 Member
    Im from the UK, u can add me.
  • Annabelle555
    Annabelle555 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm from the UK, but living in the US. 57 years old and have not yet figured out how to lose weight! Still working on it though. U can add me :)
  • Bssh
    Bssh Posts: 123
    Hello, I'm in London, feel free to add me (and anyone else on this thread). You can see how much I've lost in 12 months on EMTWL. I'm on a slightly different path now - I am doing 5:2 fasting for the health benefits - but I am eating 100% of my TDEE 5 days out of 7. Have lost a further 6 lbs in the last 3 weeks.
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    YO! Slightly mental Geordie EM2WLer here too. Feel free to add :-) x