Hey everyone advice please

MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
'm 33, and about 140 pounds.
I would really like to lose a few inches but mostly gain lots of muscle, especially in my back and core. (I have scoliosis with an S curve and lumbar curve from front to back).
I'm worried by diet (I've been logging this past week I'm new) that's it's not possible. (currently I have my food set to friends only but I can open it if you guys can tell me)
Please tell me I'm wrong!
Currently I'm just doing some some at home DVDs to bring down by Body Fat.

My biggest obstacle (food wise) is I'm allergic to soy (I can have it in very limited amounts, but no tofu or stuff like that), and tree nuts

Is this program a book or DVD? Can I do this at home?


  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    New Rules of LIfting for Women is a book with a workout plan suitable for beginners as well as more experienced lifters. There are 7 stages that get progressively harder. I'm currently in stage 4 and love it! Have never done any heavy lifting before but I'm seeing amazing results in strength and my body is changing. I haven't lost much weight, but that's 100% diet related.

    I don't understand your question about being worried that your diet makes this impossible? There is a nutrition plan in the book, but I think you'll find there are just as many people following their own diet or nutrition plan and still seeing good results.

    Unfortunately I do not know a lot about your physical limitations with the scoliosis. It would probably be a good idea if you decide to start the program to have your doctor or a trainer with experience with your condition take a look at the exercises to let you know which may need modifications.

    Good luck! Read through some of the stickies at the top of the message board and you'll learn a lot about the program!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member

    I don't understand your question about being worried that your diet makes this impossible? There is a nutrition plan in the book, but I think you'll find there are just as many people following their own diet or nutrition plan and still seeing good results.

    Sorry, I'm a pescatarian. (I don't eat any meat but fish), and I eat no dairy. (just eggs).
    I'm allergic to lots of fruit and all tree nuts.

    Thanks I am hoping to look into setting up a home gym and trying this once my body fat drops a bit.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I am a pescatarian too and I am doing the program...You don't need the to follow the meal plan just the calorie suggestions...for example I am eating about 1800 on non lifting days and about 2100 on lifting days...

    The program will help you to build muscle which will then burn fat...

    I also do not know what your conditions are so maybe check with you doctor if you are allowed to do a heavy lifting program?

    The book is fairly cheap on amazon and well worth a read :-)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Lots of protein is essential, but you can definitely get that eating fish, eggs, green veggies, and peanut butter. I don't see how you would have any problems getting the recommended 40Carbs/30Protein/30Fat ratio. Protein shakes are not needed.

    Regarding the scoliosis curve, if it is severe, strengthening those muscles won't help, but it shouldn't hurt at all and it will help your bone density increase thereby reducing the degree that your scoliosis will worsen as you age. Definitely have to talk to your Dr. or Surgeon about that.

    As far as dropping more fat: this program will do that. You may not see it in the scale, but you'll see it in your measurements as long as you are eating the right amount for your body. If you are wanting to GAIN muscle, you will have to eat at or above maintenance. If you're wanting to preserve as much lean muscle as possible while you lose fat, this program will do that. Really you would just need to read the book and decide if it will help you meet you goals.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    Morgue - i wouldn't "wait" to get started. Just jump right in! You won't be sorry that you've added weight-training to your fitness regimen - I PROMISE.
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member

    I don't understand your question about being worried that your diet makes this impossible? There is a nutrition plan in the book, but I think you'll find there are just as many people following their own diet or nutrition plan and still seeing good results.

    Sorry, I'm a pescatarian. (I don't eat any meat but fish), and I eat no dairy. (just eggs).
    I'm allergic to lots of fruit and all tree nuts.

    Thanks I am hoping to look into setting up a home gym and trying this once my body fat drops a bit.

    Why wait to drop body fat, when weight training is an excellent way to do that? For example, I started NROL4W 4 months ago at 160 lbs and in a size 10. I'm now 160 lbs and a size 6, PLUS I've made major strength gains and I get to eat TONS of food, which makes me happy!

    Can't beat results like that. Don't wait.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    You do not have to follow the meal plan in NROLFW to get tremendous benefit from weightlifting. if you cant eat that much protein (I choose not to), don't. But get started!!!

    I agree with everyone that you dont have to lose weight to start this program.