Taking vitamins

Ok, I work as an elementary school secretary and am a part-time student. We had a snow-day last Friday, so I thought it'd be a great time to try to eat so I get all my nutrients without the help of vitamins. Oh my lord... I feel like I've done nothing but eat for three days. I usually don't eat more than once or twice a day, so getting three meals a day is not something I'm use to. Saturday was a good nutrient day according to Paleotrack.com, though I didn't meet EVERYTHING 100%, the only thing that was extremely lacking was my vitamin D, which is really no surprise. But the reality of my situation is that there is no real way I can eat like this during the regular work week. I really don't have very much serious breakfast time, so I usually grab a piece of cheese and some fruit, and lunch... don't get me started, it's either eat school-food (which, come on, no one should have to eat), or try to pack a luch(which, in reallity, I'd never have time to eat because there's always something demanding my attention, there's never a dull moment working with kids). Dinner is still something I strive for, there's nothing better than an awesome meal at the end of the day. So, I'm seriously thinking of keeping the vitamins, at least that way I can continue to ensure that I'm getting everything my body needs and let my body naturally flush out anything in excess.

Thoughts, comments, tips? I'd love your feed-back.


  • I personally think vitamins are necessary. It's really tough to get every vitamin and nutrient from food alone when living in the real world. Our food is not as nutritious as it used to be due to changes in the soil, so if you need a magnesium supplement or whatever, research what brands are best and take one. Vitamin D is basically impossible to gain from food, and you likely won't be able to get enough from the sun either, so I definitely recommend supplementing with D.
  • stormynytes4ever
    stormynytes4ever Posts: 60 Member
    I usually take a centrum multivitamin to cover all the bases, justy in case.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I use Standard process vitamins to suppliment what I need - I like this brand because it is made from whole foods and not a bunch of additives or frankenvitamins....because of that it is a true suppliment - if you take the recommended dose you aren't getting 100% of the RDA because they are assuming you are eating as well.

    I take
    Catalyn (multi purpose)
    Vitamin D (very important as many people dont' eat foods high in Vit D and the mian source is the sun - so if you dont' go out unexposed in the sun very often you can be lacking)
    Vitamin B complex
    Tuna Omega 3 Oil

    Because I eat a relatively fresh whole food diet I only take the full dose of Vitamin D...the rest of the vitamins I take 1/2 dose /day
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    vitamin D and cod liver oil is all I take when I am not on a cut.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    What about juicing? Or smoothies?
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    I just take Vit D and Flax or fish oil daily with a kid's vitamin. I sometimes take extra C, though I doubt it does me any good. I figure I eat a pretty decent rotation of food to get the rest. I don't like over supplementing, either, that's why just the kiddie vitamin.