Feb 4

tslose Posts: 419 Member
Hey Vixens. Hope everyone is doing well. I have been distracted - not a good excuse for not participating. Made it through Super Bowl weekend not to bad but need to stay on track. At 173.4 really would like to get in the 160s as soon as possible. Going to commit to do the daily challenges and post as much as I can. I need to work on my time management. There should be time for everything. I going to work on getting up a little earlier and get some things done in the morning so I can exercise as soon as I get home from school drop off.


  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    Morning, great attitude - I know you'll reach your results.

    I also have to get things back on track. Being busy is no excuse for eating poorly or not getting workouts in. I also need to work on my time management and make sure that I'm getting in the workouts that I need to and that I'm eating well.

    This is our month - we can do this!!