Should I be covering more distance

bootcey Posts: 45 Member
I'm at day 3 week 3... I am consistently at 1.5 miles at the end of my 30 minute work out. Should I be closer to 3 miles am I moving way to slow? What should I do? Any suggestions?


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I thought the same thing at the same time. However, remember that you are still walking about half the time.

    My advice is: Don't worry about your speed until week 7 day 1. If you can do that and still have some run left in you, that's the time to start pushing yourself. You are simply not going to be able to complete week 5 unless you learn and become comfortable with your current natural pace, whatever that is.

    Notice that most of the people who complete this program have 5k times well over 30 minutes - a 10 minute mile is something to shoot for. However, by the time you complete the program, you should be able to continuously run a 5k even if it takes you more than 30 minutes.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I'm one of those with a 5K time of well over 30 minutes. And I was able to do it at the end of the program, despite my misgivings. My aim while doing C25K was to finish the program and instill the habit of running. I'm working on speed and endurance now that I've completed that aim.
    My advice is the same as vardaeml's: don't worry about the speed right now. That will take care of itself with time. Concentrate on making it through each session and feeling good.