Started eating more, strange things are happenin!

So I lost a bunch of weight eating 1000-1200 cals a day, probably less considering I never ate back exercise cals. After reading more about BMR and TDEE, I realized I was not eating enough at all. My BMR is about 1268, and I'm moderately active, so I've been setting MFP at 1500, always netting above my BMR (usually around 1300-1400.)

I've been lifting for about a month now 2-4 days a week, with cardio every day. I feel like I'm stronger (specifically my legs!) and I think I see more definition in my abs, but I got on the scale and some weird things happened...

My weight pretty much stayed the same within a pound or two. My bf% went up from 17% to 21% and my FFM went from 91 to 82! WHAAAT? I'm confused. Am I eating too much? Too little? Is it possible I'm doing too much cardio? Not really sure what's going on... I'm not bummed about my weight being the same, but I am kind of confused as to why I'd be losing FFM and upping bf%.


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Are you getting lots of protein? It's possible you still have too high a deficit, especially with all that cardio, and your body is burning your muscle mass to support the cardio. That said, there's no way you burned through 9 lbs of fat free mass in a month. I can't imagine that's possible. What measurement system are you using?
  • Are you getting lots of protein? It's possible you still have too high a deficit, especially with all that cardio, and your body is burning your muscle mass to support the cardio. That said, there's no way you burned through 9 lbs of fat free mass in a month. I can't imagine that's possible. What measurement system are you using?

    Thanks for the reply! I feel like I get adequate protein... I am a pescatarian, but I am obsessed with making sure I get a decent protein intake... I think MFP is set for me to 113g of protein/day. I don't usually hit THAT, but I come fairly close. My diary is public if you want to take a look.

    I am considering backing off the cardio. Right now I do at least 20-30 mins a day, usually 45-60 on days I don't lift, but I eat back my exercise calories until I hit AT LEAST my BMR. I think I may switch to cardio 2-3x a week and see how that goes (even though I am sort of terrified to do so!)

    I know, I find it kind of hard to believe I've lost that much...especially since I FEEL like I've gained more muscle. I use the tanita scale at my gym. I got weighed on two on the same day initially. (I had my training consultation and a health fair at my office on the same day. Go figure.) On one my bf% was 15% and FFM was 91. On the other it was 17% and 88FFM.

    That was about 4 weeks ago and now I'm at 21% BF and 82 FFM. I wouldn't put trust in the scale if I didn't get measured on two and get similar readings the first day. I'm just not sure what's going on!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Were those two tests done at different times of day? I find my BF% reads higher in the morning on my scale than it does in the evening. I think it has to do with hydration.
  • Were those two tests done at different times of day? I find my BF% reads higher in the morning on my scale than it does in the evening. I think it has to do with hydration.

    Well the one that read 17% bf was in the morning, as was the one that now read 21%. Hydration does have a lot to do with it I think. My trainer suggested maybe I was dehydrated at the initial weigh-in. I might start taking my own measurements and use a caliper to measure my bf%, meanwhile laying off the cardio and see what happens. If nothing changes, I might try upping my cals a bit more and cross my fingers that I don't get fat, haha.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You need to find out BF% from your scales at the same time of day everytime because hydration does affect it LOTS!

    You may need to eat more since you are doing cardio everyday plus weights 2-4 times a day. Might be why you have stalled.

    Also how long ago did you up your calories? Was this just recently?Sometimes you will weigh more for a few weeks till it starts to drop if you have been on a VLC diet for a while.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    More protein.
    You are at a deficit eating, and lifting - both need more protein than wimpy fed suggested.

    Easy method is 1 g per lb of LBM that the scale is giving you done at the right time.

    And rather than just always eating back to your BMR, raise your activity level wherever you are estimating things.

    So think about what you are mainly doing.

    You eat say 1600 in total, you burned 300 off the top with exercise, leaving your body with 1300. And your BMR is 1300. What your body would like to burn if you just slept all day.
    Did you sleep all day?
    Do you want your body to have extra energy and food to actually go towards making improvements the exercise could be causing.
    If the body is barely getting what it needs to handle basic metabolism, you haven't left much of anything to actually use for muscle rebuilding (and lack of protein not helping there), and other improvements.

    You have definitely underestimated your activity level, thinking playing it safe is better, by eating less. It isn't, and you must realize that to some degree or you wouldn't be trying the method.

    So really try it right.