Daily Check in Posting



  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Did 8 on Saturday. VERY hilly. Holy crap it was tough, but our group did it.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Did 8 on Saturday. VERY hilly. Holy crap it was tough, but our group did it.

    That is awesome! I really want to get out there and do 5 today. I want to be able to post that I did it, too!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I've been on vacation since Saturday in Florida but have gotten some short, tempo runs in. Did my 3rd one of the week today and may kick out 1 more before we head back Saturday. Will plan on 7-8 miles Sunday depending on how I feel. May cut it to 5-6.
  • DrRandyFlanagan
    DrRandyFlanagan Posts: 4 Member
    Just getting back to the computer. I ran in the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon this past weekend. My first. I finished (slowly) and have been in recovery mode all week. I did the bike and the treadmill today. I have more weight to lose and more training to do before my next one.

    Any suggestions on a nice half marathon on a relatively flat course?
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Just getting back to the computer. I ran in the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon this past weekend. My first. I finished (slowly) and have been in recovery mode all week. I did the bike and the treadmill today. I have more weight to lose and more training to do before my next one.

    Any suggestions on a nice half marathon on a relatively flat course?

    Awesome! What general area?
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    9.5 done today. Was supposed to be 10, but I messed up in my route calculations and figured it was good enough LOL
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Did my longest - 10 last week. This week I'm suppose to do
    11. I ran 10,5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 45 min walk- last week. Today I did 2.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Finally got a really good mid week run in. 6 miles in a very comfortable pace. Supposed to do 11 on Saturday and I just cannot believe how hard that sounds!
  • jon1289
    jon1289 Posts: 24 Member
    No one has checked in since last week so I will put my runs on. Only 10 days now til my half marathon so beginning the taper...more or less.

    For me a PB in February. Average 2.9 miles a day which totalled over 81 miles! Wow!

    This week a fast 4 miler last night and 6 the evening before in 53 mins. Not bad for a 47 year old new to running.

    One more long-ish run planned for tomorrow morning then it's downhill all the way!
  • jon1289
    jon1289 Posts: 24 Member
    3 miler today. Nice and easy! Which was amazing as 12 months ago I was absolutely knackered after that run! One more warm up tomorrow afternoon of 3 miles and a 15 min shakeout on Saturday then the BIG DAY!!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I've been off and on sick the past couple weeks. I have manages a 9 and 6 mile run but the rest have been about 3-4 before I can't breathe. Finally starting to feel better and hoping to get a long run in this week.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Good luck tomorrow! Let us know how it goes
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    This week I managed a 12 mile run and then kept rest at 3-5 miles.
  • julialou1979
    julialou1979 Posts: 54 Member
    6.25 mile run today at my standard pace (12). Feel confident that I'll finish the half in may, even if slow!
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Awesome runs! I haven't reported in awhile so I will share:
    2 weeks ago, we did 12 miles and it was awesome. Felt pretty good (as good as you could feel for 12 miles anyway).
    The next week was hard for me bc I organized an obstacle 5K and it was Saturday, March 16 so I couldn't get my long run in with my group so I tried a 13 mile run on my own during the week. It was horrible. I hit a wall at 9 miles and really struggled. I ended up doing 11.75 but did walking/running intervals for the last mile or so and it was an easier route than the 12 mile run. BUT 1) I was alone, 2) on our 12 mile run, our group leader planted GU and water at the turnaround and I didn't for this run, and 3) my pace was all over the place and I was going MUCH faster than I had wanted. Lessons learned: 1) Plant water or GU (or buy a pack) and 2) Focus more on my pace since I can control having to run on my own.

    Anyway, we did 8 this weekend since we are tapering and my 1/2 is in less than 2 weeks. I am thinking I can do all 13.1 but will have to make some adjustments
  • julialou1979
    julialou1979 Posts: 54 Member
    Yesterday was gym day, so I got to lift some heavy things. Today was 4.5 m that felt awesome!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Went out for 14 mile run today and just under 2 miles my right leg seized up near tr outer hip area. Stretching on course did t help so hobbled home and hoping it is better tomorrow so I can get that long run in! Not sure what happened.
  • jon1289
    jon1289 Posts: 24 Member
    Hope it's good for you today!
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Went out for 14 mile run today and just under 2 miles my right leg seized up near tr outer hip area. Stretching on course did t help so hobbled home and hoping it is better tomorrow so I can get that long run in! Not sure what happened.

    Hope it's better today!

    Did 8 today for my last long run before my 1/2. Our group did not run slow though--we were very bad the last 2 weeks about that. Anxious to see how we do next week!
  • julialou1979
    julialou1979 Posts: 54 Member
    So my runs this week have been 4.5, 3, and 5. Yesterday was rest, today is cross, and tomorrow is 7.