
Seems I've been on a mission to sabatoge myself, and all the wonderful changes I've been putting into place for my healthier me. Last week on my usual morning weigh in; I wasn't happy with the scale reading so I became disappointed, and sad. Friday evening even though we attended a dinner b-day party I thought I ate reasonable. I kept my weight, and Galveston's Biggest Loser Challenge in the back of my mind while I selected from the menu. Grilled lean cut of beef, roasted green vegetable, small portion of flavored mashed potatoes, small green salad, BUT, two glasses of wine, AND a slice of very rich chocolate cake was too much! Saturday- since Hansome, and I were doing prep work for a big meal for Sunday's birthday bash, food was tasted all day long. Even though I kept MFP in my mind, and even though I tried not to go overboard...I failed! Sunday rolls around, and I really do think I heard MFP go WHAT?!?!?!?!? I mean, we're talking crawfish cornbread, gumbo, grilled tilapia, grilled shrimp, civechy, spinach dip, tortilla chips, pumpkin pie, Blue Bell ice cream, Pear Pinot Grigio, water, Diet Pepsi...and...and...and. Need I say that NO exercises from Thursday night through Monday night? Sabatoge! Sabatoge! Sabatoge! Shame on me for that! Good news though; it's never too late to get back on track. Forgive myself, and get going again. Come on body..we can do this!