Intermittent Fasting

:happy: I have just signed up on this site and thought I'd join this group as I've not a lot to lose. I've been doing IF since 14th Jan and find it realy good...2 inches off my waist and 12lbs down now. Only another 6 or 7 lbs to go! Is anyone else in the group doing this?


  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    I love IF and I live by it I have lost 15kgs and I feel great and it fits my lifestyle perfectly
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm doing IF too, since Jan 7th. Haven't lost a pound, but lost about an inch off my waist. What I love about IF is that it is so much easier to stay within my cal limit for the day. Wish I could loose a few pounds though :(
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I'm interested in IF. Can you explain which variation you all follow?
  • sanvanhaaften
  • Alexfit12
    I've started IF two days ago. I don't have results to report so far, but it's definitely less stress than my previous eating plan that involved eating 5 times a day.
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    Yeah I did the 5 times a day eating plan too. I was always thinking about food, and I was always hungry! This gives so much freedom, because I know that I just can't eat. At all. Until a certain time. Even after that I don't stress about it. I can have lunch at 1 and a snack at 4 and dinner at 7, or a snack at 2 and dinner at 6 and another dinner at 9!!!

    EjWelton check out the 'Intermittent Fasting' group and the sticky posts contain the links and such to sites that explain the basics. Basically I am going 'leangains' where I fast unitl 1 or 3 pm, and then eat all my calories for that day until 9pm and do the same thing the next day, every day of the week. There are other options though like fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week. It's all about figuring out what works for you.
  • mametomarino
    I will start doing IF today. Do you take a dayoff or you just follow the plan without breaks. And what do you do when you become very hungry . Need more details please
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    Yep I do it everyday. I don't really get hungry until the afternoon so it's not too hard. Plus I am teaching so I don't really have time to think about food anyway. When I do get hungry, I drink coffee or water, and distract myself with something like going for a brisk walk.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    I LOVE IF! It makes my life so much easier and I gained a significant amount of muscle while losing weight. Thighs are up an inch and my upper arms are up half an inch. I didn't take measurements on my forearms and calves but both are significantly bigger. My calves just look more defined by my forearms just look...powerful lol.
  • Energiegal
    Energiegal Posts: 9 Member
    Very interested in IF... have struggled to lose the last 10-14 pounds even though my eating is pretty good, exercise too... will continue to visit this group and be encouraged... any advice gladly received!