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  • roselover58
    roselover58 Posts: 96 Member
    Howdy all!

    Working on a research paper (holistic health major), and came across "The Plan." Awesome read, makes perfect sense, and decided to try it (even putting hubby on it).

    Glad to see there is a group, because I might have questions!
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Welcome roselover, good luck with the plan. I was also happy to find this group as I have no support on the home front and the people here have been wonderful with encouragement. I found The Plan reading First Magazine and decided that a lot of Lyn's ideas match mine and also made sense to me. I have been really happy following the Plan so far, Dorene.
  • KweenJosephine
    Welcome Roselover!!

    Well, my period finally came....woohoo???! :ohwell: And I'm up .6 this morning....I'm trying not to freak out...I tweeted Lyn Genet and she says take extra probiotic and absolutely NO testing....I was so looking forward to our restaurant test tmrw nite...oh well. Hopefully the .6 will come right off in a few days. Argh.

    I'm reallllly craving good, salty, flavourful food...and icecream....oh boy...hopefully my crazy self will be better tomorrow and not so ravenous.
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi KweenJosephine,
    Glad you finally started, maybe? LOL, I also did not test during my cycle, but oh my, was I craving salty foods. I did not notice a sweet craving, but then I have had some intense sugar cravings when I wasn't cycling, so is probably why I only craved salty stuff during my cycle.

    Bummer that you have to put off the restaurant night, Dorene.
  • KweenJosephine
    I've been staying the same, up .2 down .2 up .4 down .2 for the last several days...I'm hoping my hormonal mess moves on soon....On a VERY happy note TODAY is DAY 20 for us!!! WE DID IT! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love: :happy: :tongue: We did the full 20 now onto testing and doing our own thing....hoping it will go well. Right now I'm still ravenous and want really bad I'm hoping to exercise restraint! :) We did one of our biggest weight loss days yesterday and I was down .2 and hubby .8 I don't know what that all means...I guess it's a loss...BUT i did have 3 oz of chips instead of 1 maybe that was my problem! little pms-y self couldn't help it.
    Today we're going to do a chicken day...I reallllly want a pound loss tomorrow morning for all the mess the last week has been. Wawawa...trying not to be a pouty pants. :angry: I'm hoping to start with the exercise this week too! Now that we're allowed it will be interesting to see how everything goes.
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Congrats on reaching day 20, yea! Now that I have more friendly proteins under my belt, I think I am going to slow down and test once a week like Lyn recommends, so I can lose weight quicker.

    I tested cow's cheese yesterday and passed, yea me, so happy, LOL.
  • KweenJosephine
    Yay you Dorene!! You get yummy CHEEEEESE!! I'm jealous! :) We were going to try testing every 5 days...we'll see how that goes...hubby has a big list of things to's hard not to get impatient...there are lots of things I want to try too.
    Question: Are chicken and rice the only bad combos?? or was it chicken and bread too?? I need to read the book again I think...:ohwell: We eat alot of protein in this house and I'm wondering if it's a good idea to have it at breakfast, lunch and supper? And I love my bread...and passed it. I know we did 2 proteins in one day but is that another test, doing 3?
  • KweenJosephine
    Well, the decision to try goat cheese again with my lunch yesterday was a bad one! Up .2 this morning! My period must still be making me sensitive. I guess dairy is a reactive...sigh, will miss cheese.
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi KweenJosephine,
    So sorry you can't do cheese, have your tried Sheep's cheese yet? I also reacted to the goat's cheese, but seemed ok with the Sheep's cheese and now cow's cheese.

    Yes, other combo's to test are:
    Rice and beans in the same meal.
    Rice and animal protein in the same meal.
    Beans and meat in the same meal (the only one I have tried so far and I was reactive to it).
    Eggs and another animal protein in the same day. LOL, I am not fond of eggs anyway, so this is no biggie for me, Dorene.
  • KweenJosephine
    I tried the sheep cheese and it was mild I think I'm just going to try to avoid cheese for the meantime. :/
    Thank you for those combos!
    We did a restaurant test tonight and I had rice noodles with was so good...pretty salty, so I'll probably be up tomorrow morning!! Ack....anyway, it did sink like a rock, so probably best to avoid that as much as possible and only have as a treat.
    I don't know if any of you are on Facebook or not, but she's been putting up some really interesting stuff she talked about exercise and not too much of it and tips....worth a read, as she answers lots of people's questions as well.
  • Avak415

    I'm Ava, began the cleanse today. Did my water and granola and already feel like I need to go back to bed! I think it's interesting that 50% of people are reactive to rice but rice milk is okay for the granola.

    Waiting 45 minutes to drink water then carrot soup, which I'm not thrilled about.
  • colliernatalie
    colliernatalie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi- My name is Natalie and I'm starting thePLAN tomorrow. I was wondering if anyone would like to connect. I love having extra support and am kinda nervous for the cleanse. Did you all give up coffee on the cleanse?
  • khowe56
    khowe56 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Karen and I have been on The Plan since last Saturday. I lost about 5 pounds during the cleanse and really haven't lost any weight since that time. I haven't figured out if that is because what I am eatting is reactionary or some other reason. I actually repeated day 2 which I had lost almost 2 lbs the first time and only lost .1 but didn't feel any physical symptoms. I am going to continue to see what happens. Prior to starting I was on a very restrictive diet so that may be affecting my loss. I have been using my fitness pal now for over a year so I was excited to see that a group has formed on here.
  • wkndfarmer
    Thank you, Kayceeme!

    I too have been on The Plan for 18 days. I've lost just over 8 pounds (who wouldn't) and I feel pretty good. My primary objective for going on an elimination/anti-inflammatory diet was to determine my personal trigger foods (not just the foods that are generally listed as causing inflammation). So far I am not learning enough and I am frustrated. Nearly any food that I test outside the basic menu of carrots, flax, onions, zucchini, kale, goat cheese, rice milk, etc. (including chick peas, eggs, cow's milk cheese, cow's milk and tomatoes) has proved to be a trigger food -- if I judge by my weight loss of 0.2 lbs or less on those days.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. As recommended for my weight, I drink 9 glasses of water daily, drink the dandelion tea in the morning and take a probiotic.
  • tbspencer
    Hello! I am on Day 5 of the plan and have struggled with all the vegetable chopping. I do love the Coco-Sauce and will not waste a drop!

    I cannot figure out what happened to me on Day 4. I woke this morning with a 1 lb weight loss, but then proceeded to have a runny nose and to vomit. I am wondering if it is the 1 oz of cheese, the half peanut I ate by accident, or the glass of wine I had last night. I had followed the days instructions diligently and then had a glass of wine after 8pm with a friend. I didn't drink any water with that as it was after 7:30 pm. My symptoms feel like a hangover rather than a reaction -- but is there a difference? :-)

    Any thoughts?

    I may post this to Reactive Foods also....
  • beerei
    beerei Posts: 3
    Boy, I am so glad to see others are still on this thread. All the others that I tried were really old. I'm not on Facebook and, being a technophobe, I can't figure out how to follow someone on twitter:). I've been on this for about 4 weeks. I'm down 11 pounds and have found I'm reactive to almonds, chick peas, rye and some sheep cheeses, but not all and my beloved trader joes hi fiber cereal. Thrilled to pass bread (we have started buying our bread at an Italian market that makes ciabatta with only flour, yeast and salt.) eggs and beef.

    Hope to share this journey with others.

  • davidsmom2003
    Hi everyone! I'm really happy that I happened on this site and found a group that is active. I had started doing The Plan about 3 weeks ago and lost 8 lbs but then life got in the way and things kinda fell apart for me. I am starting with the cleanse again in a couple of days (have to get prepared) and then pick up where I left off since I already know how I did on the other days. I think I'm on day 12. What made me want to try The Plan was my sister. She went to the doctor and was told that if she didn't change her diet that she was going to be a diabetic and her liver wasn't functioning properly. She started The Plan in February and by May she lost over 50 lbs! She is only 15 lbs from her goal weight and her doctor is very pleased with her. Her blood sugar is within the normal range and liver counts are good . I noticed that while I was eating the Plan way I felt so much better and I slept like a rock. I've gained back 3 of the 8 that I lost and I just don't feel as good nor do I sleep through the night. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and to share this journey with you. We can do this!!!
  • beerei
    beerei Posts: 3
    I have a question for anyone who's following this plan. If I have a couple of days when I stay exactly the same and haven't changed anything, should I go ahead and test a new food? Or should I give it a couple more rest days? I'm anxious to try some new foods. Thanks for any help. Bee
  • londonjuju
    londonjuju Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Bee,
    I've been doing a "modified" version of The Plan for about 6 weeks - I sometimes eat out and follow it up with a friendly day or two. I'd recommend that you give yourself another friendly day and see if you lose. I'm finding that now that I'm at a certain weight where I used to be naturally, I'm having a harder time losing - even when I eat the friendly foods. Could you be near your set weight? Good luck!
  • beerei
    beerei Posts: 3
    Thanks, Jen. As much as I'm anxious to try some new foods, you're right. I will give it at least one more day of rest. I'm still about 10 pounds from where I'd like to be so it's not that. It's hard to be patient when you finally find a plan that works for you. Thanks again for your help.
