What do you bring to work to eat during the day?



  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I love bringing things that are ready to eat in case I'm busy! Here's my food for today:

    PJ's Organic Skinny Burrito (Costco, about $10 for 8 of em)

    1/2 a cucumber and a Laughing Cow Wedge (sliced the cuc before I left for work and tossed it in a ziploc, and I have about 1/2 a container left of these Laughing Cow wedges left, plan on switching to a 1/2 oz of organic cheese with my cuc when I run out of wedges.)

    Organic Fuji apple... my absolute fav! They run me about 80 cents a piece at Trader Joe's

    Organic celery (this one is a little expensive, $3-$4 for a bunch at Whole Foods, sliced about 3 stalks this morning when I was doing my cucs.)

    Protein Shake- made it with Organic Almond milk, hemp protein, and conventional strawberries (my one naughty! Wasn't paying enough attention when I bought the massive frozen bag.)

    This all fits in my pretty normal-sized lunch carrier, and I have lots of snack options.. good luck with your packing!
  • "New" to clean eating too and would love some help and ideas! I have found this blog to be very helpful: http://www.heandsheeatclean.com/p/the-recipes.html
  • cherrytm
    cherrytm Posts: 13
    As a snack, I make my own trail mix - I buy each of the following individually and then portion out in a little snack bag:

    Dried fruit like craisins, dried mango, or dried cherries - I try and choose ones that have no added sugar
    Nuts and seeds (my personal favs are pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and almonds)
    Anddd, I like to add some mini dark chocolate chips when I'm in for a long day!
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    I cook for a living so I usually eat what im serving my self, but if I was going to bring a lunch I am found of Asian bent boxes and what not. You might want to try an Asian salad roll with tofu there easy to eat and stay busy at the same time. Or you could get creative and make pizza with the cauliflower crust. I like fun eye catching things so I don't get board :bigsmile:
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    I take a combo of these things usually:

    -banana and raw almond butter (yummy!)
    -spelt crackers and cheese
    -carrots and hummus
    -a whole cucumber, or just bags of pre-cut veggies straight from the store which makes it super easy
    -boiled eggs, (unpeeled, peel them at work) and crackers or veggies
    -homemade trail mix with nuts and dried fruit
    -apple and cheese
    -kefir yogurt, frozen berries, and hemp hearts (frozen berries keeps it cold)

    I tend to eat a few small meals all day rather than a big lunch.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Madame Edamame organic nonGMO soybeans steamed and seasoned with some sale/chili pepper flakes; boiled egg; fruit

    A bit of rice, chicken drumstick and steamed frozen veggies; a Fuji apple and a few slices of cheese

    Homemade stir fried vegetables; Greek yogurt, some mandarin oranges

    Hummus, pita bread,chicken breast; grapes and berries

    I have clementines and organic Fuji apples a lot. They're a staple in my homemade lunches.
  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    Bento boxes are a good way to go. It doesn't have to be the crazy 'lunch art' people post. Just a well balanced meal in a box. Here is an example of a bento lunch:


    Quinoa and Kale Sauté
    White Bean Salad
    Roasted Carrots
    Orange Wedges

    A site with a lot of links for bento recipes and ideas:

  • aimeev2
    aimeev2 Posts: 49 Member
    This week I've been bringing in homemade oatmeal with strawberries and stevia for breakfast, homemade omellette for lunch (2 eggs, mushrooms, homemade gruyere cheese), and hummus with snow peas for afternoon snack. I really need to concentrate and plan well for all the healthy foods to come together, but that's what I'm here for!
  • DaniAni19
    DaniAni19 Posts: 91 Member
    How do you take an omelet to work and store it until you are ready to eat it?
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    If you don't eat bread you can make a very thin omelett to wrap things in. It actually works very well and is easy to transport and eat too. Here's an example:

  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    What I do is cook chicken breast in some garlic and then cut it in to bits, put in a big container and put in fridge. Then take 150g and put in silverfoil in a container and cut 2-3 peppers into stripes and put it in there. Eat it like that :) Easy, type salad
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    You don't have to have a "lunch" you can just have a bigger snack. Since you don't eat meat or bread, sandwiches or wraps are pretty much out. Make yourself a bento box of finger foods: nuts, seeds, fruits (dried and fresh), veggies, and include a dip or two (hummus, almond butter, peanut butter, etc.). Really, with a variety of nice fresh foods that you can snack on, you should be able to keep yourself going.
  • I work 10 hr days so it always feels like I'm at work FOREVER! So I wind up bringing breakfast, lunch and snacks. I'm on a 1500 cal diet and I rarely eat out or buy processed foods, so for breakfast today I had mixed berry "overnight" or "refrigerator" oats, an egg white/spinach/mushroom egg cup (they're like baby quiches), and homemade juice (grapefruit/grape/celery/lime/apple). Today's snacks: fresh cut pineapple and an apple w/ maranatha almond caramel spread. Lunch was a vegan stuffed pepper (sooooo good)!
  • Similar to http://lunchinabox.net/links/ ... if you follow 100 Days of Real Food on Facebook, she takes a picture of her kids' lunches every day... they come in handy if I need some ideas! The portions are small because her kids are very young, so you'll need to adjust, but at least you can get some ideas and recipes! She also has plenty of ideas on her website, and everything is unprocessed or minimally processed.

    I'm new to clean(er) eating as I'm slowly replacing things in my pantry and fridge with healthier and/or organic versions of food I used to eat. I'm excited to keep going though! I think the hardest part about preparing food for lunch is that what sounds good at night rarely sounds good to me the next day, so sometimes i have to put in extra food as I run out the door! Peanut butter & jelly is always my go-to, with some fruit to snack on.
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    One of my go-to's is 1/2 cup cooked brown rice with 3-4 oz chicken breast and 1/2 cup of previously frozen veggies such as peas, carrots, corn, edamame, beans, etc. with salt, pepper and maybe some Liquid Aminos.

    Yup! I love pre-frozen veggies! I've tossed them with S+P and olive oil and nuked them for an easy veg. Add some chicken or shrimp and it's a good meal.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    Now it's cold out I like soup with zero noodles really filling and warm.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    - hard boild eggs and a cup of cubed baked yams or
    - oats, apple, almond butter and cinnamon

    -Apple with almonds or
    - Vega smoothie (water or coconut milk)

    Salad (broccoli, peppers, zucchini, kale, spinach) with quinoa and sometimes goat cheese or pumpkin seeds. I used fresh herbs instead of salad dressing

    Snack: assorted veggies (whatever I couldn't fit in my salad)

    Thats a pretty typical day at work.
  • radiantrox
    radiantrox Posts: 34 Member
    I usually bring a salad (usually spinach, mixed greens, or recently baby kale) with other veggies and any kind of grilled/baked/broiled protein (chicken, fish, turkey burger, or canned tuna). Or for a snack I'll bring baby carrots and hummus. If I'm on the go I'll bring my shake.
  • tonight it was cantalope, almonds, a little cheese (i know, most of you think its bad) and a cuties orange. 180 calorie dinner.
  • I've done the salad in a jar and it works awesome, very tasty. I usually bring a lean cuisine, healthy choice or a bag of frozen veggies & heat it up for lunch. It's just extremely easy for me to pack a lunch all week with those. I know they aren't the best, but they aren't the worst either! I