NSV that makes me smile

veggibus Posts: 34 Member
Background: Dressing for work is getting more and more challenging every day. I've dropped between 2 and 3 pant sizes since my surgery (GBP on 11/19/12), don't have any 'skinny' clothes in my closet, and have been trying not to buy new clothes (I finally gave in and bought 2 pairs of cheap black pants - meaning that I have only 2 pairs of pants that fit).

Today, I had no clean pants to wear so I dug a dress out of my closet. This dress used to be very fitting (I'll admit it, too fitting) and now it is probably a size or 2 too big. Since I'm always (always!) cold lately, I grabbed a cardigan that is also rather big and shapeless on me. As a last minute addition, I added a skinny black belt in hopes of giving the illusion of hiding some of my frumpiness.
After chatting with my super-stylish colleague (I am often envious of her wardrobe), she commented on how much she loved my 'ensemble'! :bigsmile:

Lesson learned: Wear dresses and cinch baggy clothes in with a belt.


  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    WTG! :-)
  • Multifacet
    Multifacet Posts: 66 Member
    Our closets are an adventure these days. Keep it up! I've bought some cheap things also and only have one pair of pants that fit, at the moment. It is just wild!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Awesome! I still havent tried wearing belts yet. Maybe I should give it a whirl!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    As they used to say on SNL during the Gap skits "belt and cinch it!" LOL Great NSV.
    Hit up the Goodwill and Salvation Army stores is what I do. Most of my small clothes now are from Salvation Army at 49 cents a pc. They have a sale every Sat on certain tag colors and they are only 49 cents. The outfit today I am wearing cost me $1.50! Yipee!!!
  • What an AWESOME problem to have! I got ticked off the other day because all of the sizes in the misses section were TOO BIG for me! That was quite the experience. SO proud of you!