Day 4 progress

trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
Yes, I know it is only day 4 for me in my EM2WL journey. But I was pleased when I stepped on the scale this morning, that I was only up my normal few ounces in the range that I have been bouncing between for the last 4 months.
I was really afraid I was going to be up a lot more! I am still expecting that to happen and keeping my mind open for it.
I am also noticing that since I've increased my calories, and I getting hungrier. Is it just my imagination? I drink water first, to make sure I am not just thirsty, but when the headache starts, I know that yes, I am in fact hungry. I am also wondering if it is because it is getting close to TOM. Hmmm. Anyways. Thats my update! :)


  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I just ended week 8 of my reset and have gained 5 pounds but am going for the full 12 week reset. From what I've read, "typical" can be 3-10 pounds, but a few pounds are generally water weight.

    And yes, you're getting hungrier as your body gets used to consistently having more calories. Hang in there, and feel free to add me if you'd like a EM2WL buddy.